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Articulares 47 operadores de Forex arrestados

El comercio de divisas exige extrema atención universal porque es simplemente la inversión más lucrativa que puede hacer. Aunque muchos sitios predican lo fácil que es convertir cien dólares en mil dólares invirtiendo en el mercado fx, en realidad el comercio fx toma mucha concentración, voluntad y paciencia para lograr resultados favorables, una vez experimentado, los resultados son más fáciles y los beneficios Mayor La belleza de las monedas de comercio es su flexibilidad que se puede hacer a tiempo parcial, a cualquier hora, desde cualquier parte del mundo. Los siguientes son algunos consejos de comercio mundial de divisas para principiantes. 1. Tomar el tiempo para entender los fundamentos Antes de saltar cabeza primero en el comercio global de divisas, tómese el tiempo para desarrollar una comprensión de lo que los mercados de divisas abarcan. Hay una abundancia de conocimientos para que usted pueda estar expuesto antes del primer comercio en vivo. No es necesario ser un experto antes de realizar su primer intercambio, pero es aconsejable que entienda lo que es un par de divisas, cómo puede ganar dinero comprando o vendiendo, y qué influye en los movimientos de precios en el intercambio. 2.Use una cuenta de demostración en primer lugar Para el comercio de divisas debe utilizar una plataforma proporcionada por un corredor.

Mientras tanto, la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa también presentó cargos por fraude en un tribunal federal contra el operador de divisas de Wall Street United Currency Group Inc. y su consejero delegado, Adam Swickle, el miércoles.

En relación con el primer conjunto de cargos del gobierno federal, James Comey, abogado del Distrito Sur de Nueva York, dijo a periodistas que entre los arrestados figuraban empleados de JP Morgan Chase, UBS, Société Générale y Dresdner Kleinwort De una investigación encubierta de 18 meses titulada "Operación Níquel de Madera".

Los acusados, dijo, formaban parte del plan multimillonario que abarcaba todos los niveles del mercado de divisas, desde los principales operadores hasta las "operaciones de las salas de calderas", donde profesionales financieros hacen llamadas telefónicas para solicitar inversores individuales.

Los cargos incluyen lavado de dinero, conspiración, fraude de valores y fraude de cable.

El plan, conocido entre los acusados ​​como "el juego" o "puntos por dinero en efectivo", implicaba operaciones de divisas falsas que incluían comisiones pagadas a quienes las arreglaban, dijo Comey.

En algunos casos, los intercambios inadecuados se convirtieron en efectivo que se entregaría a las personas en comensales, dijo.

Los cargos alegan que miles de inversores fueron estafados. La Comisión de Valores y Bolsa y la Commodity Futures Trading Commission también se espera que presenten cargos.

UBS dijo en un comunicado: "Este asunto involucra a un solo individuo en UBS trabajando en el área de divisas en Stamford, Conn. No hay ninguna sugerencia de que se esté investigando alguna de las empresas de UBS en relación con este asunto. Cualquier impacto financiero importante para la empresa ".

J. P. Morgan Chase se negó a comentar. Societe Generale y Dresdner Kleinwort no pudieron ser contactados.

¿Una carrera de dos décadas?

Más de seis meses, la investigación descubrió 123 operaciones fraudulentas, dijo Comey. Pero añadió que la supuesta actividad ilegal ha estado ocurriendo por más de 20 años.

El martes por la tarde, el FBI apareció en el Centro Financiero Two World Financial de la ciudad de Nueva York y llevó a decenas de comerciantes a esposar.


"Es un fraude de divisas, un fraude de valores", dijo a Reuters un agente en el lugar de las detenciones. Ha sido una larga investigación. El agente pidió no ser identificado.

NBC informó que los acusados ​​engañaron a los inversores minoristas para que pensaran que estaban comprando operaciones multimillonarias de divisas cuando no es posible que esos tipos de inversionistas participen en tales acuerdos.

Un reportero de Reuters en el piso 36 del Centro Financiero Two World presenció a agentes del FBI retirando cerca de 10 cajas de la oficina de una compañía.

Otros arrestados incluyeron tres corredores en la intermediación ICAP, que opera en un lugar diferente, dijo un individuo a Reuters. Y un empleado del corredor de divisas Madison Deane and Associates Inc. dijo que siete empleados de esa firma también fueron arrestados.

SEC alega la venta de valores sin valor

También el miércoles, la SEC exigió a United Currency Group Inc. ya su director ejecutivo, Adam Swickle, que recaudara el dinero vendiendo 700.000 dólares de acciones sin valor a 21 inversionistas y luego embolsando los fondos.

"Al vender estas inversiones, Swickle falsificó sus antecedentes, la identidad de otros oficiales y directores de United Currency Group", dijo la declaración de la SEC. "Usó una parte sustancial del dinero para su beneficio personal".

En documentos judiciales, la SEC acusó a Swickle, de 36 años, de engañar a los inversores para que compraran acciones de la compañía a través de una oferta de seguridad no registrada, alegando que las acciones pronto se harían públicas.

Creó la "supuesta empresa de comercio de divisas" en enero de 2001, según la queja.

La SEC dijo que Swickle también mintió sobre sus propias calificaciones y experiencia en un memorándum de colocación privada que "lo describió como un hombre de negocios sofisticado con experiencia en fusiones y adquisiciones y en la construcción de una importante organización de marketing".

"De hecho, Swickle no tenía tal experiencia", dijeron los periódicos, y no se pudo localizar a Swickle para hacer comentarios.

- Reuters contribuyó a la historia.

Docenas de comerciantes de divisas arrestados

El abogado estadounidense James Comey, quien habló en una conferencia de prensa el miércoles, dijo que las pérdidas relacionadas con los presuntos negocios ilegales en moneda extranjera, "estaban en millones".

NUEVA YORK, 19 de noviembre & # 160; & # 8212; Las autoridades federales anunciaron el miércoles cargos contra 47 personas en una amplia campaña de represión contra el fraude en el mercado de divisas extranjeras, que según funcionarios dijeron que millones de dólares de los grandes bancos y los pequeños inversores por igual.

La mayoría de los banqueros, corredores de bolsa y comerciantes fueron recogidos en redadas el martes y el miércoles temprano en lo que los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley llamaron a su más amplia infiltración alguna vez en los mercados de divisas.

Los cargos principales acusaron a los comerciantes de divisas de algunos bancos de hacer operaciones manipuladas diseñadas para perder dinero, y luego tomar dinero en efectivo de co-conspiradores que ganaban dinero en los acuerdos.

Un agente secreto del FBI descubrió 123 operaciones fraudulentas por un total de 650.000 dólares en pocos meses, dijeron las autoridades, pero advirtieron que fraudes similares probablemente se han llevado a cabo durante décadas en el mercado de divisas descentralizado y poco regulado.

Los comerciantes de divisas en J. P. Morgan Chase y UBS Warburg, dos de los bancos de inversión más prominentes del país, estaban entre los arrestados.

También fueron arrestados, dijeron funcionarios, operadores de las llamadas "salas de calderas" que persuadieron a los inversionistas individuales para que les dieran dinero por lo que ellos describían como inversiones sólidas en moneda - luego simplemente robaron el dinero.

Más de 1.000 inversores individuales fueron engañados de decenas de millones de dólares cuando se les pidió que pusieran su dinero en operaciones con "nombres de suposición", dijo a periodistas el abogado de Manhattan, James Comey.

"Hay muchos tiburones en esa agua", dijo Comey. "Nosotros en la aplicación de la ley sugerir reflexión cuidadosa de la playa antes de saltar pulg".

Las autoridades hicieron hincapié en que, aunque el supuesto fraude era generalizado, constituía sólo una fracción del mercado de divisas de un billón de dólares al día. Dijeron que ningún banco estaba implicado en el fraude.

El mercado de cambio de divisas no tiene una sede central, sino que opera 24 horas al día como una red mundial de comerciantes, conectados por teléfonos y computadoras. En 2001, se estimaba que 1.2 billones de dólares se negociaban diariamente, y los bancos realizaban la mayor parte de los oficios. Los corredores de divisas también desempeñan un papel, actuando como intermediarios entre los bancos.

Los cargos anunciados el miércoles resultaron de una investigación de 18 meses que se extendió a seis estados: Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Tennessee y Colorado.

Los cargos presentados contra los 47 acusados ​​incluyeron fraude bancario, fraude postal, fraude telefónico, fraude de valores y lavado de dinero. No había ninguna palabra inmediata sobre cuándo aparecerían en la corte.

Las autoridades federales dijeron que 40 de los 47 fueron arrestados el martes por la tarde y el miércoles por la mañana, dos de ellos fueron arrestados y el resto se espera que sea arrestado más tarde.

Entre los arrestados estaba Stephen E. Moore, que anteriormente formó parte del comité de divisas del Banco de la Reserva Federal, dijeron los fiscales. No se pudo localizar inmediatamente a un abogado de Moore.

En una incursión, varias personas fueron arrestadas en el Centro Financiero Mundial de Manhattan, mientras se reunían para tomarse un trago antes de emprender un viaje de apuestas a Atlantic City, dijo la policía.

Varios de los comerciantes dijeron al agente del FBI que no tenían "miedo" porque creían que la policía nunca se acercaría lo suficiente para detenerlos, dijo Pasquale D'Amuro, director de la oficina del FBI en Nueva York.

© 2012 La Prensa Asociada. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material no puede ser publicado, difundido, reescrito o redistribuido.

Trader de FOREX es condenado a tres años de prisión por defraudar a 47 inversionistas de $ 2.3 millones más de dos años

CHICAGO Un antiguo comerciante de la Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago, quien más tarde realizó operaciones de cambio de divisas en Florida, fue sentenciado hoy a tres años en prisión federal por un esquema de fraude en el que ocultaba pérdidas comerciales y retornos inflados de inversión que causaron que 47 inversionistas perdieran aproximadamente $ 2.3 millones. El acusado, Mark Adrian, fue contratado como consultor en la quiebra Avidus Trading Inc. en Boca Raton, que realizó operaciones de cambio de divisas (FOREX) a su discreción para los inversores. Adrian fue responsable de comunicarse con un grupo de inversión en Chicago que solicitó y agrupó a individuos & rsquo; Fondos de inversión para Avidus. Estos inversionistas y otros perdieron los ahorros, la jubilación, y otros fondos como resultado del esquema del fraude.

Adrian, de 54 años, de Delray Beach, Florida, y anteriormente de Chicago, fue condenado a cumplir su condena de 36 meses de prisión el 7 de enero de 2013. El juez federal Ruben Castillo también ordenó a Adrian pagar $ 2.3 millones en restitución. Adrian se declaró culpable de un cargo de fraude telefónico en octubre de 2010.

Según su acuerdo de culpabilidad, entre julio de 2006 y octubre de 2008, Avidus & rsquo; El comercio no era rentable y dio lugar a la pérdida de $ 2.3 millones para los inversionistas. Adrian ocultó las pérdidas para que Avidus pudiera retener a los inversionistas. negocio. Preparó y envió falsas hojas de cálculo mensuales ocultando las pérdidas al grupo de inversión en Chicago, sabiendo que reportaría la información falsa a otros inversionistas. Adrian también ocultó las pérdidas de otros empleados en Avidus creando falsas declaraciones de corretaje que mostraban un saldo exagerado por los fondos de los clientes que estaban en depósito con el corredor.

Gary S. Shapiro, Abogado de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Norte de Illinois, y William C. Monroe, Agente Especial Interino de la Oficina de Chicago de la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones, anunciaron la sentencia. La Commodity Futures Trading Commission ayudó en la investigación. El gobierno estuvo representado por el Asistente del Abogado de los Estados Unidos Sunil Harjani.

El anuncio de hoy es parte de los esfuerzos en curso por el FFETF (Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force), creado en noviembre de 2009 para llevar a cabo un esfuerzo agresivo, coordinado y proactivo para investigar y enjuiciar los delitos financieros. Con más de 20 agencias federales, 94 abogados de los Estados Unidos & rsquo; Oficinas y socios estatales y locales, es la más amplia coalición de agencias de aplicación de la ley, de investigación y de regulación jamás reunidas para combatir el fraude. Desde su creación, el grupo de trabajo ha facilitado una mayor investigación y enjuiciamiento de los delitos financieros; Mejor coordinación y cooperación entre las autoridades federales, estatales y locales; La discriminación en los mercados crediticio y financiero; Y llevó a cabo actividades de divulgación para el público, las víctimas, las instituciones financieras y otras organizaciones. Durante los últimos tres años fiscales, el Departamento de Justicia ha presentado más de 10.000 casos de fraude financiero contra casi 15.000 acusados, incluyendo más de 2.700 acusados ​​de fraude hipotecario. Para obtener más información sobre el grupo de trabajo, visite www. stopfraud. gov.

Este contenido ha sido reproducido desde su fuente original.




Docenas de operadores de divisas arrestados

El abogado estadounidense James Comey, quien habló en una conferencia de prensa el miércoles, dijo que las pérdidas relacionadas con los presuntos negocios ilegales en moneda extranjera, "estaban en millones".

NUEVA YORK, 19 de noviembre & # 160; & # 8212; Las autoridades federales anunciaron el miércoles cargos contra 47 personas en una amplia campaña de represión contra el fraude en el mercado de divisas extranjeras, que según funcionarios dijeron que millones de dólares de los grandes bancos y los pequeños inversores por igual.

La mayoría de los banqueros, corredores de bolsa y comerciantes fueron recogidos en redadas el martes y el miércoles temprano en lo que los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley llamaron a su más amplia infiltración alguna vez en los mercados de divisas.

Los cargos principales acusaron a los comerciantes de divisas de algunos bancos de hacer operaciones manipuladas diseñadas para perder dinero, y luego tomar dinero en efectivo de co-conspiradores que ganaban dinero en los acuerdos.

Un agente secreto del FBI descubrió 123 operaciones fraudulentas por un total de 650.000 dólares en pocos meses, dijeron las autoridades, pero advirtieron que fraudes similares probablemente se han llevado a cabo durante décadas en el mercado de divisas descentralizado y poco regulado.

Los comerciantes de divisas en J. P. Morgan Chase y UBS Warburg, dos de los bancos de inversión más prominentes del país, estaban entre los arrestados.

También fueron arrestados, dijeron funcionarios, operadores de las llamadas "salas de calderas" que persuadieron a los inversionistas individuales para que les dieran dinero por lo que ellos describían como inversiones sólidas en moneda - luego simplemente robaron el dinero.

Más de 1.000 inversores individuales fueron engañados de decenas de millones de dólares cuando se les pidió que pusieran su dinero en operaciones con "nombres de suposición", dijo a periodistas el abogado de Manhattan, James Comey.

"Hay muchos tiburones en esa agua", dijo Comey. "Nosotros en la aplicación de la ley sugerir reflexión cuidadosa de la playa antes de saltar pulg".

Las autoridades hicieron hincapié en que, aunque el supuesto fraude era generalizado, constituía sólo una fracción del mercado de divisas de un billón de dólares al día. Dijeron que ningún banco estaba implicado en el fraude.

El mercado de cambio de divisas no tiene una sede central, sino que opera 24 horas al día como una red mundial de comerciantes, conectados por teléfonos y computadoras. En 2001, se estimaba que 1.2 billones de dólares se negociaban diariamente, y los bancos realizaban la mayor parte de los oficios. Los corredores de divisas también desempeñan un papel, actuando como intermediarios entre los bancos.

Los cargos anunciados el miércoles resultaron de una investigación de 18 meses que se extendió a seis estados: Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Tennessee y Colorado.

Los cargos presentados contra los 47 acusados ​​incluyeron fraude bancario, fraude postal, fraude telefónico, fraude de valores y lavado de dinero. No había ninguna palabra inmediata sobre cuándo aparecerían en la corte.

Las autoridades federales dijeron que 40 de los 47 fueron arrestados el martes por la tarde y el miércoles por la mañana, dos de ellos fueron arrestados y el resto se espera que sea arrestado más tarde.

Entre los arrestados estaba Stephen E. Moore, que anteriormente formó parte del comité de divisas del Banco de la Reserva Federal, dijeron los fiscales. No se pudo localizar inmediatamente a un abogado de Moore.

En una incursión, varias personas fueron arrestadas en el Centro Financiero Mundial de Manhattan, mientras se reunían para tomarse un trago antes de emprender un viaje de apuestas a Atlantic City, dijo la policía.

Varios de los comerciantes dijeron al agente del FBI que no tenían "miedo" porque creían que la policía nunca se acercaría lo suficiente para detenerlos, dijo Pasquale D'Amuro, director de la oficina del FBI en Nueva York.

© 2012 La Prensa Asociada. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material no puede ser publicado, difundido, reescrito o redistribuido.

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Articulares forex arrestados

Pregunte a cualquier comerciante nuevo o aspirante sobre su preconcepción de un comerciante profesional de Forex y la mayoría de las respuestas evocan imágenes de hombres en trajes a rayas, se sentó frente a pantallas innumerables lleno de cartas de compra y venta cada minuto. Es comprensible por qué tantos se sienten inadecuados y en desventaja cuando se sentó frente a su portátil de 15 pulgadas tratando de negociar cada set-up en cada mercado al mismo tiempo. Lo primero es lo primero, debe decir que es el operador de Forex detrás de la pantalla lo que importa, su psicología, la disciplina y la gestión del dinero que determina el éxito de los comerciantes y no si o no el comerciante tiene la última versión de los monitores Dell, El acceso a los precios de broker o un feed de noticias instantáneo. Estas cosas pueden contribuir al éxito de los comerciantes, pero no son beneficiosos para el comercio exitoso. Durante su curso de comercio de Forex podría darse cuenta de que hay beneficios al comercio de un solo monitor de pantalla o portátil y esto se puede utilizar para la ventaja de los comerciantes de inicio. Permite al comerciante elegir un mercado único para seguir o una configuración para dominar en el tiempo que elijan. Con el tiempo y la experiencia del operador de Forex se construirá el nece.

Operadores de Forex

Importante: Esta página forma parte del contenido archivado y puede estar desactualizada.

Martin Schwartz, también conocido entre los profesionales bajo su apodo de "Buzzy", es comerciante legendario de Wall Street. Él es un icono y un modelo para los comerciantes incontables alrededor del globo. Fue especialmente exitoso en el comercio a corto plazo. En su primer año como inversionista independiente ganó 600 000 USD; En el año siguiente duplicó esta cantidad. Se sabe que por lo general Schwartz estaba negociando con una cantidad aproximada de 70 000 USD por día ya veces sus ingresos diarios alcanzaron varios millones de dólares. El comercio sin parar y la ejecución de operaciones activas absorben toda su vida. Cuando su salud sufrió de esta temperatura anormal de la vida Martin Schwartz redujo la asignación profesional, casi retirándose del negocio siguiendo recomendaciones médicas. Él fue a su casa en la Florida donde él permanece con su esposa y dos niños y continúa el comercio tranquilo del paso.

Martin Schwartz se graduó en el Colegio de Amherst y luego se dirigió a la Universidad de Columbia, donde recibió el diploma de MBA en 1970. Después de servicio en las Reservas de Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos comenzó como analista financiero en la firma de corretaje E. F. Hutton. Esta posición implica un montón de trabajo de rutina y se considera un callejón sin salida de la carrera tan pronto como Martin acumuló 100 000 USD de ahorros personales que dejó la empresa e invertido su capital en la bolsa americana como un comerciante independiente.

Muy pronto se convirtió en una leyenda. Se especializó en el comercio de opciones y futuros, así como en inversiones en renta variable. Sus colegas notaron la rapidez extremadamente alta de sus cambios de posición y que él nunca pega a un instrumento por mucho tiempo. Es por eso que Martin obtuvo el alias "comerciante de un día".

Estando orgulloso de su estrategia y de su éxito, Martin Schwartz aceptó el desafío y participó en el Campeonato de Inversión de Estados Unidos, organizado por la Universidad de Stanford en 1984. El campeonato consistió en 9 rondas y comenzó temprano en la mañana con la apertura de la sesión. Schwartz hizo emocionante rendimiento y al final ganó más dinero que los demás participantes. Como resultado, el nuevo modelo de negociación intradía fue aceptado por los inversionistas profesionales experimentados y los aficionados "hágalo usted mismo", negociando desde sus hogares. Es evidente que en 1998 en una entrevista Schwartz predijo que el mercado, que había alcanzado su máximo histórico, pasaría el punto de ruptura y pasar por la corrección.

Martin Schwartz se convirtió en uno de los empresarios más famosos y exitosos, dedicándose totalmente a las inversiones bursátiles. Le gustaban las emociones de los rápidos cambios del mercado tanto que estaba dispuesto a sacrificar su salud ya dedicar toda su vida a este negocio. Martin describió detalladamente sus altibajos en el libro de autobiografía "Pit Bull: Lecciones del Campeón del Día de Wall Street Trader", que se publicó en 1999.

Stanley Druckenmiller es un icono del mercado de valores. Su estrategia "top-down" de la marca de fábrica lo hizo uno de los corredores más acertados en historia de Estados Unidos. A menudo inició transacciones extremadamente arriesgadas, pero siempre logró lograrlas con ganancias. Druckenmiller construyó su reputación haciendo grandes apuestas sobre temas macroeconómicos que vio antes que otros. Su inteligencia y autocontrol le han ganado fama y fortuna.

Stanley Druckenmiller nació en 1953 en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania. Él viene de una familia promedio; Ninguno de sus padres eran multimillonarios por lo que ganó su enorme fortuna por sí mismo. Stanley se graduó de la Escuela Colegial en Richmond (Virginia) y recibió el grado honorario en Inglés y Economía de Bowdoin College. También se inscribió en el curso de Filosofía y Economía en la Universidad de Michigan, pero se vio obligado a renunciar a él como aceptó una oferta de trabajo de Pittsburgh National Bank. Muy pronto consiguió una posición del jefe del grupo de investigación de la equidad del banco.

En 1981 creó la propia empresa Duquesne Capital Management, mientras tanto era consultor de los famosos fondos de inversión Dreyfus y Quantum de George Soros. En ese tiempo solía viajar entre Pittsburgh y New York varias veces por semana. Finalmente se estableció en Pittsburgh y creció para ser jefe de Dreyfus Corporation. A finales de los 80, George Soros lo invitó a formar parte del equipo de Quantum para reemplazar a otro famoso gestor de fondos de cobertura, Victor Niderhoffer.

En ese momento, Druckenmiller era el principal gestor de carteras de Quantum Fund. Junto con Soros realizaron una operación para la devaluación de la libra esterlina. Druckenmiller calculó que el Banco de Inglaterra no tenía suficientes reservas para apoyar la moneda aumentando las tasas de interés. En 1992, el fondo recibió 1.000 millones de USD de beneficios del comercio de la libra esterlina.

En 2000, tras una serie de notables fracasos, dejó a Quantum Fund y se concentró totalmente en su propia empresa. Duquesne Capital obtuvo excelentes resultados y recaudó más de 10.000 millones de dólares en activos. En sus 30 años de historia, el fondo nunca ha tenido un año perdido. Stanley Druckenmiller fue presidente y presidente de la firma hasta el anuncio de su despido por el fundador en agosto de 2010. Según su entrevista, "él había sido agotado por el estrés de tratar de mantener uno de los mejores registros comerciales en la industria Mientras gestiona una enorme cantidad de capital ".

Él es bien conocido filántropo, donando mucho dinero a la caridad. Su mayor causa ha sido Harlem Children's Zone, una organización que tiene como objetivo erradicar la pobreza en un área de 100 cuadras del barrio de Nueva York ofreciendo educación, atención médica y capacitación laboral a la comunidad. También él y su esposa Fiona, un ex gerente de fondos de Dreyfus, apoyan varios programas médicos, incluyendo el paseo del SIDA de Nueva York.

Después de su retiro, Druckenmiller tiene la intención de pasar más tiempo con su familia y amigos, jugar al golf y trabajar en sus actividades caritativas. Él es el fan más famoso de los Steelers de Pittsburgh, el equipo de la Liga Nacional de Fútbol (en 2008, incluso estaba planeando comprarlo). Druckenmiller tiene tres hijas. Su riqueza personal se estima en alrededor de 3,5 millones de dólares y aparece constantemente en el segundo centenar de ranking Forbes de los individuos más ricos del mundo.

Alexander Elder es un profesional de bolsa y famoso consultor, experto en análisis técnico y psicología del mercado. Nació en Leningrado, URSS, pero creció en Estonia, donde asistió a la Universidad de Tartu, Facultad de Medicina. Después de graduarse de la Universidad encontró un trabajo de un médico de la nave en Tallin. En 1974 estuvo de visita con la tripulación del buque Abidjan, capital de la República de Costa de Marfil (Costa de Marfil), África Occidental, solicitó asilo político a través de la embajada local de los Estados Unidos y más tarde emigró a Estados Unidos.

Continuó la práctica médica, trabajando en las clínicas de Nueva York y entrando en el Instituto Psicoanalítico de Nueva York. Incluso logró abrir una clínica privada, pero a finales de los años setenta cambió a totalmente nuevo para él campo de las operaciones bursátiles, invirtiendo principalmente en acciones y opciones. Él estableció su propia empresa "Financial Trading", que pronto se convirtió en líder en la inversión y la formación de análisis financiero. El psiquiatra de fondo le proporcionó una visión única de la psicología del comercio, que comparte en sus libros más vendidos.

Los libros de los ancianos "Trading for a Living" y "Come in My Trading Room & # 8211; Una guía completa para el comercio "se consideran clásicos de comercio financiero. Inicialmente publicado en 1993, "Trading for a Living" ha sido traducido a 9 idiomas, incluyendo chino, holandés, francés, alemán, griego, japonés, coreano, ruso y polaco. Todavía está listado # 1 bestseller del negocio del intercambio. El enfoque de Elder era original y novedoso no sólo para los inversores de los países en desarrollo, sino también para los comerciantes estadounidenses experimentados. Él había probado que el comercio exitoso de acciones no era posible sin la comprensión de los aspectos psicológicos de las inversiones.

"Trading for a Living" fue seguido de "Come into My Trading Room" - una guía completa para el comercio financiero para inversores experimentados. El libro describió tres "M" de éxito en el mercado - Mente (pensamiento claro y autodisciplina de un comerciante), Método (análisis técnico y varios métodos de negociación) y Gestión del Dinero (cobertura y control de riesgos). Ganó el Premio de Mejor Libro de Barron en 2002.

Sus libros posteriores no eran tan populares. "Rubles to Dollars" se dedicó a la transformación de la economía rusa y su potencial de inversión.

Los libros, los artículos y las revisiones del software de Elder, escritos de la perspectiva del comerciante y del psicólogo profesionales, le hicieron uno de los expertos más respetados del análisis técnico. Las referencias a sus trabajos llenan casi cualquier tutorial del mercado de valores. Su descripción de la bolsa de comercio es interesante y accesible, especialmente cuando se trata de la psicología del comercio y enseña cómo lograr un control eficaz del mercado a través del control de sus propias emociones. Alexander Elder descubrió que muchos inversionistas temen "tirar del gatillo" y comenzar la ejecución de los acuerdos comerciales. Este miedo es el mayor problema de un comerciante. Si tiene base metodológica, control sobre el capital y las reglas psicológicas de la pérdida de la parada - entonces usted tiene todo necesario para el éxito de la inversión. Sus consejos pueden ser útiles tanto para los comerciantes novatos y profesionales del mercado.

Sobre su propia historia de mercado, Alexander Elder dijo una vez: "Fue una forma larga y difícil de subir picos y caídas drásticas. A veces moviéndose hacia adelante, a veces girando alrededor a menudo me lastimaba y arruinó mi cuenta de valores. En aquella época había regresado a mi trabajo en la clínica, acaparando, leyendo, repensando y desarrollando la metodología. Después siempre volví a la negociación de valores ".

Alexander Elder sigue siendo consultor, realiza cursos de formación y seminarios sobre inversiones de acciones en Estados Unidos, Asia, Australia, Europa y Rusia.

Larry Hite es legítimamente considerado como uno de los Padres Fundadores del comercio de bolsa moderno. Es comerciante aclamado mundialmente, autor de innumerables publicaciones financieras y en 1986 la revista Business Week le otorgó su premio anual "Best of Award".

Al ser la leyenda de Wall Street Larry Hite había caminado largo camino hacia el éxito y su historia está llena de detalles interesantes. En su juventud nada predijo futuro brillante para este joven descuidado. El desempeño mediocre de aprendizaje fue seguido por un tiempo de cambios accidentales de trabajo. Se fue con la marea y nunca había permanecido en un lugar por mucho tiempo. A pesar de que había mostrado algún interés a los mercados financieros durante sus estudios universitarios comenzó su carrera profesional como actor y guionista. No había alcanzado mucho éxito en este campo, pero al menos había estado disfrutando del trabajo y le ganaba la vida. Una vez que conoció a Brian Epstein, el famoso director de The Beatles banda, y que le inspiró para el giro de la carrera siguiente. Larry pensó que podía ganar buen dinero en música rock sin un enorme capital inicial. Concluyó varios contratos de grabación con algunas bandas - ninguno de ellos en realidad se convirtió en grandes estrellas, pero como un mínimo de su pago de las inversiones.

De todos modos el alcance de su interés genuino estaba dentro de los mercados financieros. Mucho más tarde dijo: "Puede que sepan de gente que ganó capital en Wall Street para convertirse en guionista o actor. Yo fui el único que trabajó como actor y guionista para pagar la carrera de Wall Street ". Oyó un programa de radio donde G. L. Hunt contó cómo hizo una fortuna en el comercio de opciones de petróleo a gran escala. Las opciones ofrecieron beneficios significativos con bajo riesgo. Así que en 1968 Hite se dedicó completamente a su pasión principal. Debido a que no se sentía lo suficientemente seguro como para trabajar con futuros Larry comenzó como un corredor de bolsa y después de varios años de práctica procedió a mercado de materias primas.

Le tomó diez años obtener todos los conocimientos y experiencia necesarios para las inversiones financieras a largo plazo. En 1981 fue cofundador de "Mint Investment Management Co". Comprendió que sus ideas comerciales debían ser científicamente verificadas, por lo que ofreció una asociación a Peter Matthews, el famoso experto en estadísticas. Un año después, la empresa contrató a Michael Delman, que era especialista en computación y diseñó sistemas de seguridad electrónica. Matthews y Delman trajeron nuevas ideas y, ¿cuál es la más importante, matemáticamente probada consistencia estadística del concepto comercial de Hite. Larry Hite siempre subraya que el éxito de Mint es el resultado de la estrecha colaboración de todos los socios.

La gerencia de la inversión de la menta nunca había dirigido las vueltas más altas posibles. Alternativamente, apostó por el estricto control de riesgos. Este enfoque - el riesgo ponderado beneficio - lo hizo famoso. Para el período comprendido entre abril de 1981 (inicio de operaciones) y mediados de 1988, el rendimiento total medio de las inversiones de la empresa había sido superior al 30%. Pero la principal característica del éxito de la Casa de la Moneda fue su increíble estabilidad: el beneficio anual había variado entre un mínimo del 13% y un máximo del 60%. Máxima pérdida posible para cualquier período de 6 meses fue de sólo el 15% e incluso menos del 1% para cualquier 12 meses. Este destacado desempeño llevó a un crecimiento prominente y constante de los activos administrados. En 1981 comenzó con 2 millones de dólares de activos y se convirtió en la primera empresa de inversión en gestionar más de mil millones de dólares. And the growth did not affect its efficiency – Hite esteemed that Mint Investment Management was capable of managing up to 2 billion USD assets, what would be an absolute record for futures fund.

In 1983, Larry Hite formed a joint venture with the Man Group to create and distribute alternative investment products. He pioneered the principal protected fund concept, leading to a number of successful structured products and financial engineering innovations. Later on he focused on other investment activities, including private equity and other proprietary trading. Since 2000, Hite has been Chairman of Hite Capital Management, a family office operation in New York. In the same year, Hite also became a principal investor and chairman of Metropolitan Venture Partners, a venture capital firm specializing in technology-based firms. In February 2010 Hite joined International Standard Asset Management (ISAM) as part of the strategic alliance between ISAM and Hite Capital Management. He is actively involved in diversifying the ISAM product offering and creation of a multi-strategy platform of liquid hedge fund strategies. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life in the pursuit of the most robust statistical trading programs capable of generating consistent, attractive risk/return relationships across a broad spectrum of markets and instruments.

Jack Schwager is Managing Director and principal of Fortune Group and leading portfolio manager for Fortune’s Market Wizards Funds of Funds – wide range of diversified institutional hedge funds. He is also Board Member of Fortune’s research affiliate Global Fund Analysis, independent analytic center for hedge funds study.

He was born in 1948 and spent his youth years in Brooklyn, where his family had moved from Belgium when Jack was 4 years old. His father was dishwasher and waiter in a local restaurant and mother worked on assembly line of jewelry boxes’ factory. Jack remembers that his father in 1967-1968 was trying to trade on boiling stock market. The investments were not successful and seeing his father’s emotional suffering Jack Schwager decided to realize a family dream. He went all the way to become the leading national expert on stock trading and recognized business analyst.

Schwager graduated Brooklyn College and Brown University with degree in economics and mathematic. Looking for position of an analyst he placed a CV in New-York Time and got an offer from Reynolds Securities to joint their securities research team. He showed himself as promising expert on commodities (mainly cotton and sugar) futures contracts. It was a boost of his career. Next 20 years Schwager had been holding managing positions in different financial companies such as Smith Barney, PaineWebber and Prudential Securities.

But worldwide fame came to him with “Market Wizards” book series, which is considered classic investment literature. During his trading career Jack Schwager met and interviewed some of the most well known and respected traders in the industry: Ed Seykota, Stan Druckenmiller, Richard Driehaus and many others. The compilation of this work gave birth to famous series comprised of “Market Wizards” (published in 1988), “New Market Wizards” (1992) and “Stock Market Wizards” (2001). First two books are dedicated to fast changing Foreign Exchange market, commodities and stock indexes investments; the last one consists of interviews with medium class “wizards” and thus is most valued by average American investors. It presents numerous strictly defined efficient option investment strategies and contains “65 wizard’s lessons” which summarize the key things to be learned from all interviews. These lessons are the main value of the series and may be interesting to every trader regardless of his or her personal experience.

Among other significant Schwager’s works his very first book – “A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets” – should be mentioned. It was published in 1984 and is still referred as futures’ trade classic. Ten years later he reviewed and further developed this original work in three volumes of “Schwager and futures” series: “Fundamental Analysis” (published in 1995), “Technical analysis” (1996), “Managed Trading: Myths and truths” (1996). He is also author of critically acclaimed “Getting Started in Technical Analysis” (1999) included in the “Getting Started…” series of John Wiley publishing house.

Jack Schwager spends lot of time as a seminar speaker where he focuses on experience of leading individual traders and investors, biggest hedge funds, different technical analysis aspects and trading platforms implementations.

The main line of Schwager’s books and seminars is to teach traders to overcome difficulties. All nowadays famous investors had made mistakes in the beginning of their financial career but they learned from them and grew further. He also persuades novice traders not to copy style and actions of financial market celebrities and to develop personal trading strategy, tailored to individual’s spirit and character.

Ex-RBS trader arrested on suspicion of forex manipulation

Ex-RBS trader arrested on suspicion of forex manipulation

December 20, 2014, 4:36 AM GMT | Written by Christian Nordqvist |

An ex-Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) trader was arrested in Billericay in Essex on Friday on suspicion of manipulating currency markets.

A spokesperson for the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) confirmed the arrest, adding that City of London Police assisted in the operation. However, the SFO gave no specifics about which probe the arrest was linked to.

The SFO said in a statement:

“In connection with a Serious Fraud Office investigation, we can confirm one man was arrested in Billericay on 19 December.”

The SFO announced in July it was starting an investigation into forex rigging.

In 2009, RBS was the fourth biggest trader worldwide in the foreign exchange market. After scaling down its investment banking business it is now the eighth largest.

The $5.3 trillion-per-day foreign exchange market has become the focus of investigations by authorities across the globe. This is the first arrest so far.

No details were given on the arrested person’s identity or whether he/she had been released after questioning. All we know is that the arrest formed part of an SFO investigation into foreign currency manipulation.

In November, RBS announced the beginning of an internal investigation involving more than fifty former and current staff members. Three employees were suspended.

Six banks were fined $4.3 billion by British and Swiss authorities for not stopping traders from manipulating the foreign exchange market. Among them was RBS, which had to pay out $634 million in penalties.

In May 2014, the European Commission accused Crédit Agricole, HSCB and JPMorgan of euro rate rigging.

Authorities in the US have several investigations currently in progress.

According to Eric Holder, US Attorney General, the US Justice Department should soon conclude its multi-year investigation involving undercover cooperators.

US and UK investigations tend to work in opposite directions, with the British ones arresting their suspects early on, while the Americans do so at the end of a probe.

The Financial Conduct Authority, the UK’s regulatory body, published chat logs in November showing how RBS traders, as well as those from JPMorgan, UBS and Citibank, used nicknames such as “the A-team”, “the players”, “the 3 musketeers”, “co-operative”, “1 team, 1 dream”, and collaborated to rip off clients.

The UK Chancellor George Osborne has given the SFO a blank cheque to carry out a comprehensive probe.

A report earlier this year claimed that if currency manipulation were eradicated. the US deficit would be considerably reduced, 5.3 million new jobs would be created within three years, and the US economy would expand much faster.

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Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on Tuesday arrested 48 foreign exchange brokers in connection with a probe into securities and currency fraud, according to a CNN/Money report.

The FBI swarmed on New York City's Two World Financial Center shortly after 3 p. m. ET and took away the traders in handcuffs, people on the scene told CNNfn .

The building is mainly occupied by Wall Street brokerage Merrill Lynch, but Merrill Lynch was not home to the arrested brokers, CNN/Money said.

"It's currency fraud, securities fraud," an agent at the scene of the arrests said.

FBI sources told CNN/Money that the Wall Street traders will be charged with swindling retail investors of an undisclosed amount of cash over the past year.

NBC reported the defendants scammed retail investors into thinking they were buying multimillion-dollar foreign exchange trades when it is not possible for those types of investors to participate in such deals.

Among those arrested were three brokers at the inter-dealer brokerage ICAP. Seven employees of Madison Deane and Associates Inc were also arrested, CNN/Money added.

At least two other firms were involved, sources said, adding none of the companies targeted were household names outside of the securities industry but are well known and regarded in the Wall Street community.

Forex Traders Arrested

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David Baines: Alleged West Vancouver forex schemer Adam Keller arrested in New York

Vancouver Sun columnist David Baines

A 23-year-old former West Vancouver resident who allegedly bilked investors of several hundred thousand dollars in a foreign exchange currency trading scheme has been arrested in New York City.

On April 26, Adam Keller was arrested by U. S. authorities on relatively minor charges that had been laid many months earlier in Denver, Colo.

When those charges are resolved, Keller is expected to be deported to Canada, where he is facing multiple fraud charges relating to his forex scheme.

During 2009 and 2010, Keller portrayed himself as a successful foreign exchange currency trader. He rented a large house on Sentinel Drive in West Vancouver for $16,000 per month, and conducted his business through his private Alberta company, Great White Capital Corp.

Keller told investors that Great White would invest their money in foreign exchange contracts through traders in Chicago and generate returns of nine to 10 per cent monthly. He also told them he would personally guarantee their investment.

Investors sunk more than $500,000 into the scheme. Keller showed them statements indicating they were making big returns, but when they tried to withdraw their money, he disappeared.

In April 2011, the B. C. Securities Commission held a hearing into the matter and concluded that Keller had perpetrated a fraud. The panel found he hadn’t invested the money as he said he would, rather he had used it for personal purposes. And to cover up his scheme, he had provided the investors with fictitious account statements.

The panel banned Keller from the B. C. securities market for life and ordered him to pay $1.6 million in fines and return the money he took from investors. However, by that time, he had moved to Denver, where he was once again living the high life.

According to sources there, he rented a $10,500-a-month penthouse previously occupied by NBA star Carmelo Anthony and featured on the reality television series Cribs.

In May 2011, he was arrested by Denver police for an alleged theft. He was jailed briefly, charged with obstruction and then released on $10,000 bail.

At about the same time, the property manager for the penthouse alleged that Keller had given him a $10,500 rent cheque on a non-existent bank account. Denver police subsequently charged Keller with theft of rental property.

Rather than answering the charges, Keller moved to New York City where he lived under the name “Alex Keller.”

Meanwhile, back in B. C. the RCMP Commercial Crime Section was conducting a criminal investigation. That investigation culminated in August 2012 when they charged Keller with defrauding nine B. C. and Alberta investors of more than $5,000 each.

Since Keller had moved across the border, they could not arrest him. So they issued a Canada-wide warrant for his arrest, which they now plan to activate when he is returned to Canada.

BCSC securities investigators have conducted another sting operation against a would-be Craigslist tycoon.

In a notice of hearing, BCSC enforcement staff alleged that Daveed Zarr, an Israeli citizen who lives in Vancouver, created a website for his company, Zarr Energy Corp. in September 2010.

The notice alleges he offered to sell up to 20 million shares to the public at a dollar each, but failed to file a prospectus and was not registered to trade in securities.

The notice further alleges that in December 2011, Zarr posted an ad in the financial services section of Craigslist promising investors a 50-per-cent return if they deposited $250,000 into a foreign exchange trading account and gave Zarr trading authority over the account.

The notice says that, in response to a BCSC investigator who posed as a prospective investor, Zarr represented that he was a “professional currency trader” and reiterated that investors would earn a 50-per-cent annual return. He also specified that his “fee is what ever amount that is above your gain [sic].”

The notice alleges that Zarr misrepresented himself as a professional currency trader, and misrepresented the investment by claiming it would provide a 50-per-cent annual return.

I note that Zarr also advertises himself as a member of a “meet-up” group called the Vancouver Region Trading and Investment Group.

“Active forex trader, interested in meeting other lonely souls. to discuss and create a dominant trading group,” he states on the group’s website.

Zarr will have a chance to meet up with members of a BCSC hearing panel on May 28, when they will set a date for a hearing.

© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun columnist David Baines

Futures trader arrested for role in 2010 flash crash

US CFTC and DOJ is requesting extradition of UK resident.

Navinder Singh Sarao, a 37-year old UK citizen, was arrested on US wire fraud and commodities charges and market manipulation. They said he manipulated the e-mini market by creating the appearance of liquidity in the market by layering orders.

Nav Sarao is charged by US authorities with one count of wire fraud, ten counts of commodities fraud, 10 counts of commodities manipulation and one count of spoofing

The May 6, 2010 crash wiped out nearly $900 billion in market value in 20 minutes.

There is just no way you are going to convince me that one person and one algo is capable of doing that kind of damage.

The same year of the crash, the CFTC released a report.

"For more than five minutes starting at 2:44 p. m. in New York, its quotes in 1,665 securities were delayed by 5 to 20 seconds or more. Quotations in the same securities disseminated through its private feeds had an average delay of .008 second. As the result, 20-minute rout erased $862 billion from the value of U. S. shares, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The report stated that deliberate attempts by traders to overwhelm exchanges with orders played no role in the May 6 crash. The majority of activity that occurred on May 6 wasn't quote stuffing, it was quote withdrawals. A report further stated that the plunge was triggered by the sale of futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange that set off a chain of selling that bled into stocks and exchange-traded funds.

While the study said selling was worsened by automated firms trading with one another, the report placed no emphasis on the practice that has come to be known as quote stuffing, in which investors allegedly seek an advantage by delaying data feeds

At the time, fingers were pointed at Waddell & Reed Financial on reports they sold 75,000 e-mini contracts.

Listen to this stuff, he sounds like a patsy.

Defendants modified a commonly used off-the-shelf trading platform to automatically simultaneously "layer" four to six exceptionally large sell orders into the visible E-mini S&P central limit order book (the Layering Algorithm), with each sell order one price level from the other. As the E-mini S&P futures price moved, the Layering Algorithm allegedly modified the price of the sell orders to ensure that they remained at least three or four price levels from the best asking price; thus, remaining visible to other traders, but staying safely away from the best asking price. Eventually, the vast majority of the Layering Algorithm orders were canceled without resulting in any transactions. According to the Complaint, between April 2010 and April 2015, Defendants utilized the Layering Algorithm on over 400 trading days.

The Complaint alleges that Defendants often cycled the Layering Algorithm on and off several times during a typical trading day to create large imbalances in the E-mini S&P visible order book to affect the prevailing E-mini S&P price. Defendants then allegedly traded in a manner designed to profit from this temporary artificial volatility. According to the Complaint, from April 2010 to present, Defendants have profited over $40 million, in total, from E-mini S&P trading.

As alleged in the Complaint, Defendants were exceptionally active in the E-mini S&P on May 6, 2010, commonly known as the Flash Crash Day. On the afternoon of that day, the E-mini S&P market price suffered a sharp decline, followed shortly thereafter by sharp declines in the prices of other major U. S. equities indices and individual equities. After a few minutes, markets quickly rebounded to near previous price levels. According to the Complaint, Defendants utilized the Layering Algorithm continuously, for over two hours, immediately prior to the precipitous drop in the E-mini S&P price, applying close to $200 million worth of persistent downward pressure on the E-mini S&P price. According to the Complaint, Defendants' manipulative activities contributed to an extreme E-mini S&P order book imbalance that contributed to market conditions that led to the Flash Crash.

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RBS withholds bonuses from 18 staff during forex probe

23 December 2014

The RBS banking group has withheld bonuses from 18 of the staff it is investigating for their possible role in rigging the foreign exchange market.

The bank has been conducting its own inquiry into the affair and six staff are already being disciplined.

RBS has been looking at more than 50 former and current RBS traders along with dozens of managers and executives.

The bank was recently fined £400m by the UK and US authorities for its role in the scandal which emerged in 2012.

RBS was one of six banks that were fined £2.6bn last month by the UK, US and Swiss authorities after being found guilty of trying to rig the forex market for several years.

A separate inquiry into the role of Barclays bank and its own forex traders is still underway.

Jon Pain, the head of conduct and regulatory affairs at RBS, said the aim of the bank's inquiry was to "rebuild trust" in the bank.

"We are undertaking a robust and thorough review into the actions of the traders that caused this wrongdoing and the management that oversaw it," he said.

"This is a complicated process but also an essential one in order to identify culpability and accountability for this unacceptable misconduct.

"To be clear, no further bonus payments will be made or unvested bonus awards released to those in scope of the review until it has concluded and its recommendations have been considered," he added.

Two RBS traders were first suspended in October last year.

In a report last month which accompanied the huge fines, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said the attempts to rig the forex market, by colluding with each other to manipulate the daily setting of "spot" prices for individual currencies, had taken place between 1 January 2008 and 15 October 2013.

One man, thought to be a former RBS forex trader, was arrested by City of London police and Serious Fraud Office staff last Friday.

First arrest in forex scandal: Former RBS trader held on suspicion of rigging £3.5trillion foreign exchange market

A former trader at Royal Bank of Scotland has become the first UK banker to be arrested on suspicion of rigging the £3.5trillion a day foreign exchange market.

City of London police and the Serious Fraud Office arrested the unnamed man at an address in Billericay in Essex on Friday morning.

The SFO refused to give any more details, confirming only that an individual had been arrested in connection with one of its investigations. But sources confirmed that the individual worked at RBS and was involved in the trading of foreign current rates.

Six banks, including RBS and HSBC, were fined a total of £2.6billion by UK and US regulators last month for their part in the racket.

Bankers, who called themselves the ‘A-Team’, ‘Three Musketeers’ and ‘The Players’ colluded online by sharing confidential information about clients’ currency orders to boost their bonuses.

Experts believe this is just the first of dozens of arrests, with many traders facing jail for a scandal widely believed to be even bigger than the recent ‘Libor’ interest rate-rigging scam.

The Serious Fraud Office launched a criminal investigation into the sprawling ‘Forex’ market in July but until now has made no arrests, despite around 30 bank staff sacked or suspended.

David Buik, a veteran financial commentator from broker Panmure Gordon, described the foreign exchange scandal as the ‘saddest episode in my 52 years working in the City.’

He said: ‘I’d be amazed if there were not many more arrests.

‘The foreign exchange market is the biggest in the world so could make any wrongdoing related to Libor rates seem like a Vicarage tea party by comparison. Those found guilty of fraud should be sent to jail.’ Sources confirmed that the individual worked at RBS and was involved in the trading of foreign current rates.

The development emerges as RBS is this week expected to give an update on its internal investigation into the Forex market, and the punishment meted out to rogue employees.

It suspects that 50 former and current staff may have been involved – compared to just 21 involved in the Libor interest rate rigging conspiracy which also led to huge fines for banks, including RBS.

It will be expected to demonstate it has taken a hard-line, piling the pressure on the SFO to make further arrests.

When it was fined almost £400million last month, the state backed lender admitted that just six staff had been disciplined, including three suspended.

John Mann, a Labour member of the Treasury Select Committee said: ‘I’d expect to see more arrests. Those involved should be held to account. But I would also expect those arrested to reveal the senior managers who turned a blind eye.’

Some are likely to be current or former employees of Barclays. The high street giant faces a fine of more than £500million for manipulating foreign exchange markets, despite refusing to settle with regulators in October.

Its chief executive Antony Jenkins last week admitted that the £500million it had set aside to cover its bills would probably not be enough.

Pressure is growing on the Government and authorities to claim the scalp of a high profile banker. More than seven years since the run on Northern Rock, not a single senior banker has been jailed for their role in the financial crisis.

So far the Serious Fraud Office has arrested 13 employees for manipulating Libor interest rates used to set the cost of mortgages.

Just one has been charged after pleading guilty in October to conspiracy to defraud.

The names of the individual and those 12 others arrested have been protected by a court order.

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FX Traders Stunned as Liberty Reserve Shuts Down After Owner's Arrest

Arrested RBS forex trader named as Paul Nash - sources

By Jamie McGeever and Kirstin Ridley

LONDON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (LSE: RBS. L - news ) currency trader Paul Nash has become the first individual arrested in connection with a global inquiry into alleged manipulation in the foreign exchange market, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Nash, who was suspended by RBS in 2013, was named by the sources as the man arrested in Billericay, southeast England, on Dec. 19. One of the sources said his arrest came only days before he emigrated to Canada.

Nash emigrated to Canada on Christmas Day and has rented out his family home, the source said. His arrest was not by appointment, as is typical in such cases, but was an "arrest and raid", the source added.

Nash, who has not been charged with any offence, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Dec. 23 over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. These included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Attempts to reach Nash via LinkedIn were unsuccessful.

Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said only that a 48-year-old man had appeared at the London court on Dec. 23 in connection with a global investigation into allegations of manipulation in the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market.

The increasingly aggressive agency, which is preparing for the trials this year of individuals alleged to have manipulated global benchmark interest rates, said last July that it might file the first charges in the high-profile inquiry this year.

About 30 forex traders have been put on leave, suspended or fired as prosecutors and regulators continue to examine allegations of wrongdoing in the world's largest market.

RBS, a state-backed British lender that has been reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders, said in December that six employees could face disciplinary action.

It declined to comment further on Thursday.

The bank was one of six lenders fined a combined $4.3 billion by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate currency markets.

The other banks to settle British and U. S. regulatory allegations of failings were HSBC Holdings (HKSE: 0005.HK - news ). JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citigroup (NYSE: C - news ). UBS (NYSEArca: FBGX - news ) and Bank of America Corp.

The U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Reserve and New (KOSDAQ: 160550.KQ - news ) York's financial regulator are among those still investigating banks over foreign exchange trading in an inquiry that has put the largely unregulated market on a tighter leash and accelerated the push to automated trading. (Additional reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by David Goodman)


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Illegal forex trading racket busted, two arrested

The crime branch busted an illegal foreign ex change trading in the city and arrested two employees of a Mumbai-based company on Thursday .

TNN | Jan 1, 2016, 12.07 PM IST

Vadodara: The crime branch busted an illegal foreign ex change trading in the city and arrested two employees of a Mumbai-based company on Thursday.

Prathamesh Pandya branch manager of the firm XDirect and another employee Gunjan Patil were arrested for operating the company without requisite permissions from the government of India and the Re serve Bank of India. XDirect is registered in Mauritius while their India office is in Mumbai In Vadodara, they were opera ting from Manubhai Towers in Sayajigunj.

Police said that the company facilitated trading of foreign ex change without any licence from the government. "We had received information that a company was facilitating trading of foreign exchange in the city. We raided the office and found that XDirect doesn't have licence or permission from the government to operate and allow foreign exchange trading. They are also not registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). We will now visit their Mumbai office for further investigation," said city police commissioner E Radhakrishana.

XDirect that began its operations in the city in February last year lured customers and offered them to trade in foreign currencies. "The customers were asked to deposit a minimum of Rs 35,000 following which they were given access to software MT4 that is specially designed or trading in foreign exchange. They were allowed to trade as per the amount they deposited. The higher the amount, the bigger the limit for trading," said detection of crime branch, police inspector, Rahul Patel.

The customers used to trade n forex and the firm used to earn commission apart from he deposits. The money deposi ed by the customers went into a bank account in Mumbai. "The customers were promised quick earnings in short time through he trading. The entire opera ion is illegal," Radhakrishana added. Police have lodged an of ence of cheating and under Securities Exchange Act against he firm. Investigating officials said that XDirect had nearly 400 irms in Gujarat and the number might be quite high in other states. The firm's owner Vikas Kapoor is in Mumbai and is yet o be questioned. The cops have also seized three laptops, one computer, two mobile phones and a voice recorder from the company premises.

London police raid of Heron Tower forex broker – CityAM and Evening Standard name CWM FX

Two London newspapers, business news oriented CityAM and the London Evening Standard. have named retail forex broker CWM FX as being the mystery financial institution associated with a police raid last week at Heron Tower in London’s financial district.

CityAM first reported the incident last Tuesday, reporting that an unnamed financial services firm based in the Heron Tower at 110 Bishopsgate in London had its offices raided by the London police fraud squad, resulting in the arrest of 13 employees – 10 men and three women. The arrests were related to suspicion of money laundering, as well as fraud by false representation and conspiracy to defraud. Although a police operation, the raid was supported by the UK’s financial regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Two days later, CityAM reported that retail forex broker CWM FX – which lists the Heron Tower (see at right) in its contact details – wrote on its official Twitter account: “CWM FX is operating as normal. Merely an AML [anti-money laundering] enquiry & had no correspondence to us.” The tweet was apparently deleted later in the day. CWM FX posteriormente negó a CityAM que haya sido asaltada por la policía o que haya estado implicada en cualquier investigación en absoluto.

The following day (Friday March 6), CityAM ran an article entitled Heron Tower police raid: The colorful world of Chelsea FC’s forex partner CWM FX . Dando más antecedentes sobre la empresa y su colorido CEO Anthony Constantinou. The article mentioned that CWM FX had engaged high-profile lawyer Charlotte Harris of Kingsley Napley LLP (best known for her role in a phone-hacking inquiry) – through Harris CWM FX denied that it has been raided by the police or that it has been implicated in any investigation at all.

We would note that LeapRate reporters also were informed that the raid occurred at CWM FX. After calling CWM FX’s offices, LeapRate was contacted by Ms. Harris, who offered ‘our best to assist’. After writing back to Ms. Harris that we were informed that the raid had occurred at CWM FX, no further correspondence was received.

The London Evening Standard also issued an article entitled When 13 are arrested in the City, clients deserve more answers . stating that the ‘raids [were] believed to have been at the offices of the financial group CWM.’

So who exactly is CWM FX?

Well on its website the company states that it is operated by Leverate Financial Services Limited – a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF). Creemos que eso es falso. En primer lugar, no existe ningún vínculo de propiedad entre el proveedor de plataforma forex Leverate y CWM FX. And, to the best of our knowledge, Leverate does not ‘operate’ CWM FX. CWM FX is just a client using a Leverate software platform to run its forex business, also taking advantage of Leverate’s regulated status for liquidity.

Anthony Constantinou conoce a la princesa Anne en el show de Londres.

Como dijimos anteriormente, CWM FX es propiedad y es operado por el empresario Anthony Constantinou como parte de su imperio World CWM. CWM ha hecho un chapoteo recientemente con algunos patrocinios grandes (principalmente deportivos), incluyendo al Chelsea FC. CWM reports being the ‘Official Online FX Trading Partner’ of Chelsea, in a deal running until 2018. CWM also sponsors the London Boat Show, LCR Honda MotoGP, and Wigan Warriors Rugby. As the London Evening Standard stated, ‘If you’re into Chelsea FC, sailing or boxing, you may have heard of CWM, which sprinkles sponsorship around like confetti.’

LeapRate will continue to follow this story as it develops.

I came across an interesting article about forex trading in Malaysia.

I once read that there was a Forex firm that was closed down by the authorities because our law do not allow any companies to be set up as a forex broker.

But with the internet, individuals can easily register with a foreign forex broker to trade forex. The down side is that we are not protected by the law in our own country.

Therefore, I think the smart thing to do is to have only a certain amount of capital in the forex broker that you are using. Always withdraw your profits into your bank accounts.

Anyway, here are 4 facts about trading forex in Malaysia that I found in another website:

¿Nuevo en forex? Sin preocupaciones. You need to start somewhere. It might as well be today. Before venturing in the exciting world of forex trading, you must understand these 4 FACTS. 1. Forex is technically “not legal” in Malaysia. Permítanme elaborar. Bank Negara Malaysia does not allow any deposit-taking by to take place by any representative (authorized or unauthorized) of a forex company. All deposit-taking must be done by persons registered under Bank Negara. However, if you trade on your own, you are entitled to use money as you wish, whether to trade or to gamble it away in a casino. It’s up to you. Your life, your call. The Malaysian law is hazy on this. I have not seen or heard of anyone yet who is arrested for trading forex. I won’t guarantee that this will never happen in the future so don’t take my word for this. 2. All forex brokers have HIDDEN FEES. There is no such thing as a totally honest forex broker. Their main purpose is to make profit, whether it is from charging for deposits, or charging for withdrawals, or charging from each transactions made through the spreads, forex brokers will find a way to squeeze some money from any activities made while using their services. Take for example FXPRIMUS . They position themselves as being an honest forex broker. I agree with them to certain extent. However, some things are not stated when they sell their services to you. When you try to withdraw money using wire transfer, they will charge $50 USD just for that to happen. $50 USD is a lot for most of us Malaysians. That’s equivalent to RM150. So, for some, FXPRIMUS might not be the right option. Regardless of this fact, they are still quite decent and worth checking out. 3. Finding a good mentor to teach you how to trade correctly can be very hard. Esto es un hecho. Not many successful forex traders in Malaysia are willing to teach how they got to that stage. The skills gained from forex are earned through closed doors. No fan fare, no hype and gimmick. True mastery is gained in front of the computer with deep thinking involved. But once you do find a great mentor, it won’t be as you expected it to be. It may be in form of an e-book or a simple advice from an obscure blog or a discussion in a forum. Check out this website for more insight on finding the right forex mentor. 4. Forex traders in Malaysia are divided into different camps and groups. Dejame explicar. Malaysian traders who trade with easy-forex will find it more easier to communicate and get support if they join groups such as easyforexmalaysia. com or Mocfx. If you happen to trade with Instaforex, there is a group for you to join in Malaysia. You could go to Carigold to find such groups or simply register with an established group such as instaforexmalaysia. net. One thing that I notice is that it is not advisable to trade with different brokers at the same time. This is the vibe I got by reading long discussions in online forums. It’s not that you can’t, its just that the sifu in these groups will only accept you if you show loyalty to their preferred forex broker. I believe that there are many forex traders out there. I think successful traders will be happy enough to be the 'silent millionaire'. If they are making a good living out of it, why spend more time promoting through seminars or classes.

To me, all of the seminars out there are just out there to attract newbies and in the end, promote something. To be fair, you can't blame them for it. They provide something and in return, hope that you will be their customer.

So, think twice about it.

You Can Make $1622 in 45 Minutes With This System. Download It For FREE HERE

As you said finding a good mentor is hard but there are few out there I agree. I have a system which I have developed and used it in my trading profitably. It helped me to double my account and other account which I managed. Now, I have published a book with demonstrating all my strategies to help other traders. I like to help others. Please read my book and recommend others to read and profit from forex. We can help each other to reach our goal. Let's help our trader's community to profit from forex. Here is the link of the book: Amazon (worldwide) http://amzn. to/MmFG9i Kobo (worldwide) http://bit. ly/MqPr6i

Thank you so much really nice informative about honest forex broker. Most useful to choose the best Forex Brokers for my trading.

FX al por menor

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RBS Forex Trader Paul Nash Arrested before Allegedly Emigrating to Canada

Arrested RBS forex trader named as Paul Nash - sources

By Jamie McGeever and Kirstin Ridley

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland currency trader Paul Nash has become the first individual arrested in connection with a global inquiry into alleged manipulation in the foreign exchange market, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Nash, who was suspended by RBS in 2013, was named by the sources as the man arrested in Billericay, southeast England, on Dec. 19. One of the sources said his arrest came only days before he emigrated to Canada.

Nash emigrated to Canada on Christmas Day and has rented out his family home, the source said. His arrest was not by appointment, as is typical in such cases, but was an "arrest and raid", the source added.

Nash, who has not been charged with any offence, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Dec. 23 over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. These included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Attempts to reach Nash via LinkedIn were unsuccessful.

Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said only that a 48-year-old man had appeared at the London court on Dec. 23 in connection with a global investigation into allegations of manipulation in the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market.

The increasingly aggressive agency, which is preparing for the trials this year of individuals alleged to have manipulated global benchmark interest rates, said last July that it might file the first charges in the high-profile inquiry this year.

About 30 forex traders have been put on leave, suspended or fired as prosecutors and regulators continue to examine allegations of wrongdoing in the world's largest market.

RBS, a state-backed British lender that has been reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders, said in December that six employees could face disciplinary action.

It declined to comment further on Thursday.

The bank was one of six lenders fined a combined $4.3 billion (2.85 billion pounds) by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate currency markets.

The other banks to settle British and U. S. regulatory allegations of failings were HSBC Holdings, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citigroup, UBS and Bank of America Corp.

The U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Reserve and New York's financial regulator are among those still investigating banks over foreign exchange trading in an inquiry that has put the largely unregulated market on a tighter leash and accelerated the push to automated trading.

(Additional reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by David Goodman)

Forex traders plotted strategy in secret chats

The cryptic chats feature references to "cable" trades — shorthand for transactions involving the British Pound/U. S. Dollar exchange rate. The excerpts also show the traders often colluded to focus their moves on the daily 4 p. m. London time market "fix" — the most widely referenced time when world foreign exchange benchmarks are set.

Traders also used the code "lhs" or left-hand side if they had orders to sell the first currency listed in the currency pair transaction under discussion, and "rhs" or right-hand side if they had orders to sell the second currency listed in that pair.

One exchange, featuring participants from Citibank, JPMorgan and Swiss bank UBS, showed traders at one point speaking more like mob conspirators than bank employees as they discuss whether to invite a fourth trader into a private chat room:

UBS Trader: 7:49:55 are we ok with keeping this as is 7:50:27 ie the info lvls & risk sharing? Citibank Trader: 7:50:27 well… UBS Trader: 7:50:30 that is the qu[estion] Citibank Trader: 7:50:32 you know him best obv… 7:50:39 if you think we need to adjust it 7:50:43 then he shouldn't be[] in chat JPMorgan Trader: 7:50:54 yeah that is key 7:51:00 simple question [UBS trader] 7:51:08 I trust you implicitly [UBS trader] 7:51:13 and your judgement 7:51:16 you know him 7:51:21 will he tell rest of desk stuff 7:51:26 or god forbin his nyk… Citibank Trader: 7:51:46 yes 7:51:51 that's really imp[ortant] q[uestion] 7:52:01 dont want other numpty's in mkt to know 7:52:17 but not only that 7:52:21 is he gonna protect us 7:52:33 like we protect each other against our own branches 7:52:46 ie if you guys are rhs1 . and my nyk is lhs..ill say my nyk lhs in few UBS Trader: 7:53:52 what concerns me is that i know he'll never tell us when at risk…

Following further discussion about whether the fourth trader would "add huge value to this cartell," the group decided to invite the trader into the chat room for a "1 month trial." The Citibank trader issued what investigators characterized as a presumably facetious warning: "Mess this up and sleep with one eye open at night."

In another chat room, a trader for HSBC and a trader for another institution identified as Bank W discussed unloading their trading positions just before the fix period, starting at 3:54 p. m.:

Bank W Trader 3: 3:54:32 pm: can u let me know when are down to your last tenner HSBC Trader: 3:55:02 pm: ok HSBC Trader: 3:55:10 pm: i'm down to my last tenner Bank W Trader 3: 3:55:17 pm: ok ta Bank W Trader 3: 3:55:41 pm: just sold some more HSBC Trader: 3:55:49 pm: hahaha Bank W Trader 3: 3:55:51 pm: hehehe Bank W Trader 3: 4:00:57 pm: nice on[e] son HSBC Trader: 4:03:15 pm: learnt from a good fella Bank W Trader 3: 4:15:43 pm: there u go Bank W Trader 3: 4:16:48 pm: go early, move it, hold it, push it

And yet another excerpt shows that traders from two banks teamed up in an alleged effort to manipulate the daily foreign exchange fix.

At 3:43:50 p. m. London time, a trader from Bank W asked a trader from JPMorgan whether he needed to buy euros in the market in the forthcoming fix. The JPMorgan trader responded that he had a net buy order for the fix, which he subsequently confirmed as totaling 105 million euros.

At 3:44:04 p. m. the JPMorgan trader offered to transfer that net buy order to the Bank W trader. The Bank W trader replied "maybe" and then stated that he had a net buy order for 150 million euros.

Bank W Trader: 3:46:53 i'd prefer we join forces JPMorgan Trader: 3:46:56 perfick 3:46:59 lets do this… JPMorgan Trader: 3:47:11 lets double team them Bank W Trader: 3:47:12 YESssssssssssss Immediately after the fixing window, the traders congratulated themselves. Bank W Trader: 4:03:25 sml rumour we haven't lost it JPMorgan Trader: 4:03:45 we 4:03:46 do 4:03:48 dollarrr

Dozens of foreign exchange traders at major banks were placed on leave or terminated during investigations of the market manipulation, according to statements by the banks and media reports. In the wake of Wednesday's enforcement actions, some traders could face individual charges as investigators in the U. S. and Europe continue their probes.

Amid the investigations, banks took steps to monitor traders' use of chat rooms and bar improper behavior and disclosures during exchanges. The FCA said it is "especially important that firms exercise appropriate control and monitoring of such communications."


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Estrategia de negociación de divisas # 47 (DOBLE RSI)

Enviado por Victor el 14 de febrero de 2013 - 20:36.

Gracias por su excelente artículo sobre RSI de 2 períodos. The correlations between 2-period RSI and short-term market behavior was originally discovered and quantified by Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez of Tradingmarkets. com

También quería hacerte consciente de que han desarrollado un nuevo oscilador de comercio denominado ConnorsRSI junto con una libre guía de estrategia con divulgación completa para ayudarle a usted ya su audiencia blog en el comercio de este oscilador. Puede descargar la Guía "Introducción a ConnorsRSI" aquí:

Además, puede obtener las lecturas diarias de ConnorsRSI sobre todas las acciones de EE. UU. en el TradingMarkets Screener que puede encontrar aquí:

Sólo para hacerle saber, que investigó y cuantificó el oscilador de 2 períodos y han encontrado que es uno de los osciladores estadísticamente mejor para los comerciantes. ConnorsRSI es el oscilador de próxima generación con bordes significativamente más altos en los extremos del mercado y está disponible para que todos los usen sin costo alguno.

In addition, if you want to learn about an even more new more powerful variation on RSI you can download the research for free here: http://analytics. tradingmarkets. com/ConnorsRSI/

Submitted by User on March 24, 2013 - 16:44.

can please post da indicator 2 rsi an if you couls post 2 roc as well please a can´t find in the net eniwere

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Arrested RBS forex trader named as Paul Nash - sources

LONDON Jan 8 Royal Bank of Scotland currency trader Paul Nash has become the first individual arrested in connection with a global inquiry into alleged manipulation in the foreign exchange market, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Nash, who was suspended by RBS in 2013, was named by the sources as the man arrested in Billericay, southeast England, on Dec. 19. One of the sources said his arrest came only days before he emigrated to Canada.

Nash emigrated to Canada on Christmas Day and has rented out his family home, the source said. His arrest was not by appointment, as is typical in such cases, but was an "arrest and raid", the source added.

Nash, who has not been charged with any offence, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Dec. 23 over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. These included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Attempts to reach Nash via LinkedIn were unsuccessful.

Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said only that a 48-year-old man had appeared at the London court on Dec. 23 in connection with a global investigation into allegations of manipulation in the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market.

The increasingly aggressive agency, which is preparing for the trials this year of individuals alleged to have manipulated global benchmark interest rates, said last July that it might file the first charges in the high-profile inquiry this year.

About 30 forex traders have been put on leave, suspended or fired as prosecutors and regulators continue to examine allegations of wrongdoing in the world's largest market.

RBS, a state-backed British lender that has been reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders, said in December that six employees could face disciplinary action.

It declined to comment further on Thursday.

The bank was one of six lenders fined a combined $4.3 billion by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate currency markets.

The other banks to settle British and U. S. regulatory allegations of failings were HSBC Holdings, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citigroup, UBS and Bank of America Corp.

The U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Reserve and New York's financial regulator are among those still investigating banks over foreign exchange trading in an inquiry that has put the largely unregulated market on a tighter leash and accelerated the push to automated trading. (Additional reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by David Goodman)

RELEASE: pr6987-14

CFTC Charges California Resident Ralph Metters with Forex Fraud

Federal court issues emergency order freezing assets and protecting books and records of Metters

Washington, DC — The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that Judge Manuel L. Real of the U. S. District Court for the Central District of California entered on August 27, 2014 an emergency Order freezing and preserving assets under the control of Defendant Ralph Metters of Los Angeles, California. The court’s Order also prohibits Metters from destroying books and records and grants the CFTC immediate access to the Defendant’s records. Metters has never been registered with the CFTC.

The Order arises out of a civil enforcement Complaint filed by the CFTC on August 20, 2014, charging Metters, who uses the alias Malachai “Moe” Levy and operated Destiny FX, LLC, with fraudulently soliciting $500,000 from a member of the public in connection with off-exchange foreign currency (forex) transactions beginning in October 2013. Although Metters told his customer that the funds would be used to generate profits in a forex trading account, Metters in fact misappropriated at least $385,000 of the funds, according to the Complaint.

In its continuing litigation, the CFTC seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, restitution, a civil monetary penalty, a permanent registration and trading ban, and a permanent injunction from future violations of federal commodities laws, as charged.

The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in this matter.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this case are Jennifer E. Smiley, Mary Beth Spear, Ava Gould, Scott Williamson, and Rosemary Hollinger.

CFTC’s Foreign Currency (Forex) Fraud Advisory

The CFTC has issued several customer protection Fraud Advisories that provide the warning signs of fraud, including the Foreign Currency Trading (Forex) Fraud Advisory. which states that the CFTC has witnessed a sharp rise in Forex trading scams in recent years and helps customers identify this potential fraud.

Customers can report suspicious activities or information, such as possible violations of commodity trading laws, to the CFTC Division of Enforcement via a Toll-Free Hotline 866-FON-CFTC (866-366-2382) or file a tip or complaint online.

Media Contact Dennis Holden 202-418-5088

Last Updated: August 29, 2014

Last Friday, 19 December, a former foreign exchange trader at RBS was arrested by the City of London police, at the bidding of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). According to the press dozens more arrests will take place in the coming months as the SFO gets to grips with the alleged rigging of the foreign exchange markets.

The SFO isn’t saying much. But we have a pretty shrewd idea of what lies in store for any bank traders who fall into their net.

On the day of their arrest comes the first challenge. They will be sitting in a local police station waiting for the SFO investigators to arrive. They will be told of their right to legal representation. The only solicitors they know are probably from the large firms who handle big ticket City work, mergers and acquisitions, corporate tax, banking law. No use in a case where the SFO are asking awkward questions about hundreds of interesting e mails sent on the spur of the moment years ago. No use where the SFO may be arguing there should be no bail………………..

When they eventually find the right solicitor the traders meet the next challenge. These solicitors will want the traders to do some work; they will want the traders to read all those e mails the SFO are relying on, they will want the traders to explain the jargon, identify who’s who and help explain how the SFO have arrived at those figures on that graph and in that chart. It’s not the sort of work the traders are used to……………

Then there’s the choice of the trial barrister. A big-hitting QC and a hard-working and tenacious junior barrister. They will want to meet the trader. See what sort of impression he or she will give to the jury. Assess whether the trader will collapse under cross examination. Decide whether the trader has a defence. See if there are any emails the bank are sitting on which might help the defence………

On and on it goes for months on end interspersed with a trip to the Court where a Judge asks the assembled legal teams lots of questions about trial preparation, while the trader sits there wondering whether those people taking notes work for the solicitors or the newspapers……………

We know from our clients that a large number of defendants don’t have a true grasp of what is going on. They are shell shocked on-lookers in the gladiatorial arena of the court room yet they are the focus of attention. They are too scared to ask their lawyers lest they appear stupid. Or because they are afraid of what the answer may be. They will be concerned of the consequences if things don’t go well and fearful of what may lay ahead. They can’t speak to their co-defendants because that’s not allowed by the bail conditions. They can’t ask their families for obvious reasons. So they ask us and we help.

January 12, 2016 Forex

Investors who are actively involved in the forex market are proven to receive more benefits than those who are busy with other businesses. Dreaming of high profitability will never be enough. There is a need for execution of actions and enough patience. Most successful stories show how an investor explores this industry amidst uncertainties. Eso

December 27, 2015 Forex

These days, there are wide spectrum of trading instrument where traders will have the freedom to choose of what they are going to trade in. If you want to start with forex trading, you are probably thinking of which means to trade, whether stock market or trading forex. It may be a very daunting task

October 27, 2015 Forex

Forex is one of the fastest growing trend to earn huge profit via online means, however, there are also some questions involved in terms of its safety and reliability. If you are one of those individuals who wanted to join forex trading, probably, you are also asking yourself some questions such as: Is it safe

Forex trading is perhaps one of the best means on how you can gain the best income. Deciding when is the best time frame to trade forex is not as simple especially for first timers. If you are planning to venture into Forex trading, one needs to keep in mind that it is indeed a

If you don’t have a forex trading plan, you might as well be shooting yourself in the leg. Forex trading can be successful for you if you have a forex trading plan. Most forex traders do not have a plan, yet they wonder why they aren’t doing well at all. The truth is that if

Forex Trading Tutoring

How hard is it to make money tradeoff the Forex market? How much time does it take to in fact be capable to make an existing trading the Forex market? These and some other significant facets of trading are to be talk over in this forex article.

Trading the Forex market has many benefits (for forex expert adviser also) over other economic markets, amongst the most significant are: Larger liquidity, 24hrs market, better implementation, and many more. Traders and depositor see the Forex marketplace as a new rumor or expanding opportunity because of these profits. Does this mean that it is stress-free to make money transaction the Forex Market? certainly notl.

Forex expert adviser agree that 90% of brokers end up dropping money, 5% of brokers end up at break equal and only 5% of them reach reliable moneymaking results. With these figures shown, I don't deliberate trading to be an easy job. But, is it harder to master any other attempt

A few effects that distinct the topmost traders from the rest are:

Educación . Some forex expert advisers are very well accomplished in the substance; they have selected to learn every single and significant aspect of trading. The best brokers know that every trade is a learning skill. They tactic the Forex market with humility; otherwise the market will show them wrong.

Forex exchange system: Top brokers have a Forex exchange system. They have the limit to follow it thoroughly, because they recognize that only the trades that are indicated by their system have a better rate of achievement.

Price performance: They have combined price performance into their trading structures. They know price action has the last word.

Money administration: Escaping the danger of ruin is a main subject to the best brokers. After all, you cannot get to the top without funds in your exchange account.

Trading attitude: Forex expert advisers are aware of every emotional issue that distresses the results made by traders. They have recognized the fact that every separate trade has two probable consequences, not just the captivating side.

Trading effectively is no easy job it is a procedure and could take years to complete the preferred results. There are a few effects though every broker should take in deliberation that could rush the process: having a trading structure, using money organization, instruction, being aware of inner matters, discipline to follow your trading system and your trading strategy, and others.

MT4 Expert Advisor Programming

If you are a Forex trader and are in need of an experienced programmer to convert your trading strategy into Expert Advisor (EA) then you have come to the right place. Estaríamos encantados de considerar su idea y tener la experiencia y el conocimiento para hacer que suceda. Feel free to contact us any time.

Forex authority Rimantas Petrauskas launches latest version of Trader on Chart software for MetaTrader platform - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -

Forex authority Rimantas Petrauskas launches latest version of Trader on Chart software for MetaTrader platform

This article was originally distributed via SproutNews. SproutNews, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

Rimantas Petrauskas is pleased to announce the release of Trader on Chart 1.7, the new version of the famous 1-click trading app. The new version of the software is now available via the Download Center, and purchasers of software can download it at no cost.

Vilnius, Lithuania – February 20, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

Petrauskas is excited to announce the features that have been added to the new version. According to Petrauskas, “With the new Trader on Chart 1.7, you can set your MT4 to open trades at a specific date and time.”

For those who need to place “Buy Stop” pending order 10 pips above the current market price and “Sell Stop” pending order 10 pips below current market price, Trader on Chart 1.7 offers a solution. In addition, the new trade scheduler within 1.7 makes it easy for trades to be orchestrated between various time zones.

Trader on Chart 1.7 now allows users to set custom trade comments for each trade made. This can be configured from the EA Inputs before loading the ToC panel on the chart. Also, Trader on Chart 1.7 can now work in simulation mode. This makes it possible for people to use Trader on Chart with the MT4 Strategy Tester. Users can begin simulations and use Trader on Chart just like any regular live trading app. The MT4 trading panel and MT4 trade timer make comprehensive trading a seamless endeavor.

In Trader on Chart 1.7, various small bugs reported by clients have been fixed.

More information about the latest Trader On Chart can be found at https://www. ea-coder. com/toc-17/

Petrauskas, a Forex trader, programmer, entrepreneur, and the founder of ea-coder. com Forex blog is pleased to announce the release of Trader on Chart v1.7. ToC software was designed to help Forex traders take advantage of the tools and the knowledge available today so they could execute trades 10x times faster and simply make their currency trading easier. A newly launched video shows how the Trader on Chart 1.7 software works.

For more information about us, please visit http://www. traderonchart. com/

Contact Info: Name: Rimantas Petrauskas Organization: EA-Coder. com Address: Vilniaus 53, Ziezmariai, Lithuania Phone: 37052141690

Release ID: 104570

La información contenida en esta página es proporcionada por un proveedor independiente de contenido de terceros. WorldNow and this Station make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. If you have any questions or comments about this page please contact pressreleases@worldnow. com

Trade Rebates

» Superior customer service, execution and pricing of one of our preferred dealing firms.

» Cash back rebates on your trading volume paid directly into your Forex account!

Here is how it works

We get compensated by the dealing firm (Not You) for every lot you trade.

We pay you for every trade you make out of our commission from the dealing firms.

¿Cuál es el truco?

Its pretty simple, forex dealing firms pay us to refer business to them and we pass a portion of our fee back to you just for saying that we referred you. You win, we win, and the dealing firm gets a client so they win too.

Think it's not worth it?

Well commissions add up. Just imagine trading 50 lots per month with a rebate of $4 per lot. That's $200 per month to you or $2400 per year. Would you pick that up if you saw it in front of you on the street?

Yahoo News

Arrested RBS forex trader named as Paul Nash - sources

A logo of an Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is seen at a branch in London February 23, 2012. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth More

By Jamie McGeever and Kirstin Ridley

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland currency trader Paul Nash has become the first individual arrested in connection with a global inquiry into alleged manipulation in the foreign exchange market, sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

Nash, who was suspended by RBS in 2013, was named by the sources as the man arrested in Billericay, southeast England, on Dec. 19. One of the sources said his arrest came only days before he emigrated to Canada.

Nash emigrated to Canada on Christmas Day and has rented out his family home, the source said. His arrest was not by appointment, as is typical in such cases, but was an "arrest and raid", the source added.

Nash, who has not been charged with any offence, appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Dec. 23 over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. These included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Attempts to reach Nash via LinkedIn were unsuccessful.

Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) said only that a 48-year-old man had appeared at the London court on Dec. 23 in connection with a global investigation into allegations of manipulation in the $5.3 trillion-a-day forex market.

The increasingly aggressive agency, which is preparing for the trials this year of individuals alleged to have manipulated global benchmark interest rates, said last July that it might file the first charges in the high-profile inquiry this year.

About 30 forex traders have been put on leave, suspended or fired as prosecutors and regulators continue to examine allegations of wrongdoing in the world's largest market.

RBS, a state-backed British lender that has been reviewing the conduct of more than 50 current and former traders, said in December that six employees could face disciplinary action.

It declined to comment further on Thursday.

The bank was one of six lenders fined a combined $4.3 billion (2.85 billion pounds) by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate currency markets.

The other banks to settle British and U. S. regulatory allegations of failings were HSBC Holdings, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Citigroup, UBS and Bank of America Corp.

The U. S. Department of Justice, Federal Reserve and New York's financial regulator are among those still investigating banks over foreign exchange trading in an inquiry that has put the largely unregulated market on a tighter leash and accelerated the push to automated trading.

(Additional reporting by Matt Scuffham; Editing by David Goodman)

Forex Currency Score Wk 47

The Currency Score analysis is one of the parameters used for the Ranking and Rating list which was published already this weekend. The favorite pairs in the Top 10 of this list are being analyzed in more detail here. This article will provide my analysis and the FxTaTrader Currency Score chart which is my view on the 8 major currencies based on the Technical analysis charts using the MACD and Ichimoku indicator on 4 time frames, the monthly, weekly, daily and 4 hours. See for full details the page Currency score explained on my blog FxTaTrader. com. The interesting pairs also discussed in the Forex Ranking and Rating list of this weekend are:

The EUR/NZD which is a weaker currency against an average performing currency with a currency score difference of (3-8=) -5. Looking at the short term the NZD is even a stronger currency.

The GBP/USD which has become currently a weak currency against a stronger currency with a currency score difference of (2-7=) -5. Looking at the longer term the GBP is a stronger currency like the USD, however it is currently in a dip. The preference goes to trade when the currency score difference is significant and that is the case.

The EUR/USD which is a weaker currency against a stronger currency with a currency score difference of (3-7=) -4.

The NZD, USD, CHF, AUD, CAD against the JPY on pull back in the Weekly chart below the Upper Bollinger Band. These are all strong and average performing currencies against the weakest currency JPY with a score of 1.

The GBP/NZD looks interesting but based on a longer term perspective the GBP is the stronger currency so the preference goes to trade the GBP only against another stronger currency from a longer term perspective, in this case the USD.

All preferred combinations comply to the guide lines which define what type of currency, strong/average/weak, can be traded against the other. Besides this the currency score difference is significant for these pairs and they support this view. For more information continue reading this article. The TA charts for the GBP/USD confirms a short position together with the currency score difference so this has more weight than the longer term perspective of the Currency Score. It is unknown for how long the GBP will have a low performing currency score. If it takes too long and it does not recover then the GBP may become an average performing currency. This is the way to trade a pair like this because the change in calssification may take a while and at the same time the TA charts and currency score may already be pointing in that direction. The FxTaTrader Forex Currency Score chart is meaningful data for my FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy. Besides this chart I also provide my weekly analysis on my strategy and the Forex ranking and rating list which is available 3 times a week on this blog.

There are a lot of changes this week as can be seen in the screenshot. One of the changes that can clearly be seen is the strength in the NZD, CHF and AUD. Also the current weakness in GBP is significant.

The NZD, USD, CHF are currently the stronger currencies. The JPY, GBP and EUR are the weaker currencies. The best pairs to look at are combinations of those currencies.

Currencies with a score of 4 and 5, meaning the CAD and the AUD are difficult to trade because they are in the middle of the range. Being in the middle of the range means the currency has no direction and it can easily go in the wrong direction any time. It is better to have a currency with some momentum in a certain direction because it is then clear how to trade this currency.

Conclusion for going long is that for the coming week it seems best to go long with the NZD, USD and CHF. However the NZD and CHF are average performers from a longer term perspective so it does not have the preference.

For the weaker currencies the conclusion is that for the coming week it seems best to go short with the JPY, GBP and EUR. The GBP is a stronger currency from a longer term perspective so it does not have the preference to go short with unless it is traded against another stronger currency and with a significant Currency score difference.

The best combinations for the coming week also according to the Top 10 in the Forex Ranking and Rating list and the TA charts are the NZD/JPY, USD/JPY, EUR/NZD, CHF/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/JPY, EUR/USD and the CAD/JPY.

This is a similar analysis conclusion as already described in this article before looking at the Currency Score in more detail. However, the fact that e. g. the CAD and AUD are in the middle of the range is something to be aware of. Also, some currencies have a different classification from a longer term perspective and this is something to be aware of. también. This makes the filtering possible of what pairs to trade the coming week. There are some rules for taking positions according to the FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid Strategy. The strategy can open multiple positions of a currency pair but each currency may only be present once in the pairs chosen for trading. It means that not all the possible positions of coming week can be opened. For more information see FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid Strategy . Another rule is that a pair outside the Bollinger Band in the Weekly chart is considered overbought/oversold. No positions are taken for these pairs until they are no more overbought. These are in this case the JPY pairs. Depending on the opportunities that may come up the decision to trade a currency may become more obvious at that moment. Last week (pending) orders were placed for the EUR/GBP and the AUD/USD with loss 2x EUR/GBP and profit 1x AUD/USD. More on this in my strategy article that will be published later today. The possible positions for coming week for the strategy will then also be described.

In the previous weeks we looked into the weaker, stronger and average performing currencies from a longer term perspective using the data of the Currency Score. We also looked into the Currency Score difference. The conclusion was briefly:

a stronger currency can be traded against a weaker and average performing currency.

a weaker currency against a stronger and average performing currency.

the average performing currencies can be traded against the stronger and weaker currencies.

only trade the average performing currencies against each other when a clear trend is being developed. The currency Score difference may support this view.

For more information the article "Currency score explained " explains in full detail how the currency score is being generated. In my previous articles various aspects have been analyzed as described above. Read the articles of your preference by clicking the links here below, the subjects handled are: The weaker currencies The stronger currencies How to trade the average performing currencies Using the Currency Score difference for trading decisions

This weekend I will provide the weekly review on my FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy. Good luck to all and have a great trading week. Although the explanation may seem simple and clear there is always risk involved. I added a disclaimer to my blog for this purpose. If you like to use this article then mention the source by providing the URL www. FxTaTrader. com or the direct link to this article.

In December, the RBS FX trader who was arrested in connection to the Fx probe by the serious Fraud Office has been identified as Paul Nash, a pound spot trader suspended by RBS in October 2013. He holds an infamous record as the first person in the world to be arrested by authorities as part of an ongoing probe into whether the world’s largest financial markets was rigged.

A Westminster Magistrates’ Court hearing held in December revealed Paul Nash. He is alleged to have planned to leave the UK for Canada a few days before he was arrested. According to the court records, Mr. Nash appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Dec. 23 but has not been charged haven been arrested by authorities on suspicion of fraud by abuse of position with issues arising over variations to his bail conditions, a court official confirmed. This included that he would reside at a specified address in British Columbia.

Late last year, RBS confirmed that six FX traders involved in the currency manipulation case were to face internal disciplinary action, with three of the six already under suspension and 18 bankers are to be exempted from bonus payments until the investigations are completed.

The Fx manipulation case was taken very seriously by various regulators, with George Osbourne Chancellor of the Exchequer declaring that the case will be taken up as a criminal offense. The RBS settled fines with the three regulators for $634 million as one of the six banks fined a combined $4.3 billion by regulators last November for failing to stop traders trying to manipulate $5 trillion currency a day markets.

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4 Common Reasons Why Most Forex Traders Fail

Publicado 2 años | 2:00 PM | 12 September 2014 No Comments

In my previous Pipsychology articles, I often discuss the things that can be done to improve one’s trading performance. This time, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why most traders fail.

It is said that the failure rate in the forex industry is very high, with more than 95% of aspiring traders expected to drop out of the game within their first few years of trading. At this rate, you might have a better chance of surviving the Hunger Games than becoming a successful forex trader!

In his book One Good Trade . proprietary trader Mike Bellafiore outlines the main reasons why traders don’t succeed. Although he draws his conclusions from his experiences in stock trading, the lessons are generally applicable to forex trading as well. What’s interesting to note is that most of these common mistakes are actually avoidable.

1. They don’t listen to the market.

Acquiring the necessary trading skills is the easy part, but if you are unable to apply these in the proper context, your skills alone will not generate your desired profits. At the end of the day, it is still the market that will dictate price action so traders who regularly disregard what the market is telling them often end up failing.

For instance, if you insist on shorting EUR/USD even when new fundamental factors pop up and buyers have already taken the pair to new highs, you might need a moment to step back and reassess the situation. Take some time to figure out if there’s additional information that carries more weight in terms of determining current price action instead of being stubborn and even adding to your position.

“The market has rules,” Mike Bellafiore writes. “When one disobeys the rules, Mother Market reaches into your pocket and takes what is hers. And she doesn’t give it back.”

2. They don’t enjoy trading.

As I discussed in my article entitled “The Importance of Enjoying What You Do,” expertise is a process which is driven by the genuine desire to learn and do better. Without curiosity and enjoyment for the craft, traders would hardly be motivated to pursue deliberate practice and skill development.

When traders don’t have any love for the game, conducting market analysis and putting in the necessary hours required in mastering the markets will definitely seem like a chore. This explains why most aspiring traders simply decide to give up and pursue something else entirely.

3. They set unrealistic expectations.

Believe me, it will take a lot of time and ego-crushing losses before one becomes a consistently profitable trader. There are many things that can be done to speed up the learning curve, but there is no way to completely eliminate it.

Some newbie traders make the mistake of thinking that, in order to be successful, they should never incur losses. Consequently, they pressure themselves too much and take it hard every time a trade goes against their way.

To avoid their fate, you have to accept that you will face losses. You will experience losing streaks and undergo drawdowns which will probably make you feel terrible. Whether you like it or not, you will be on the wrong side of a trade in some instances. ¿Pero sabes que? Está bien. Even the best forex traders out there still experience these things.

I know I’ve said this so many times but I can’t stress how important it is for you to respect the process. Not everyone is entitled to make it big. However, you are entitled to work your butt off, train well, and realize your potential to become a good trader.

4. They’d rather be right than make money.

It sucks to be wrong. This is why so many people have a hard time swallowing their price, admitting their mistakes, and moving on.

Often in forex, traders develop a bias on a currency. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but the downfall of this is that sometimes they get paralyzed when their trades don’t go as they’ve planned. They stick to their trades, insisting on being right and refusing to exit their already-losing positions.

I’m all for commitment when it comes to relationships and career but when you trade, you should remember that you shouldn’t be emotionally-invested on a trade. Successful traders know when they should exit a losing position and they are able to do so quickly.

To be consistently profitable, you should always look for making good trades and accept the fact that you cannot control results.

By learning from the common sources of failure, we can know what to look for in our trading habits and know what to avoid. That way, before we even hit the wall of failure, we can already correct your behavior and mindset.

Just remember that success in forex trading comes down to listening to the market, loving what you do, setting realistic expectations, and being open to admitting your mistakes.

¿Como lo que has leído?

Forex Ranking and Rating for Week 47 / 15-November-2015

Besides the Ranking and Rating list provided here I will also prepare this weekend the Weekly Currency Score list which will support my analysis for trading in the coming week.

When looking at the Top 10 in the Weekly Ranking and Rating list we can see that for the coming week the following stronger currencies are well represented for going long: USD(4X) followed by the GBP(4X) and the JPY(2X). The weaker currencies are the CHF(3X) with the EUR(3X) followed by the CAD(2X) with the NZD(2X).

A nice combination for coming week may be e. g:

GBP/CHF with the USD/CAD

USD/CHF with the GBP/CAD

EUR/USD with the GBP/NZD

EUR/GBP with the NZD/USD

CHF/JPY with the GBP/CAD

EUR/JPY with the NZD/USD

These are just a few examples and many other combinations are possible. The mentioned pair combinations can be traded at the same time according to the rules of the FxTaTrader strategy because these are all different currencies. By not trading the same currency in the same direction more than once you may have better chances with lower risk.

FxTaTrader Forex weekly ranking and rating list for Week 47 / 15-November-2015

Analysis based on TA charts for all the major currency pairs. Good luck to all. No advice, just info. Every week the Forex ranking rating list will be prepared in the weekend. All the relevant Time Frames will be analyzed and the ATR and Pip value will be set.

The Forex ranking and rating list is meaningful data for my FxTaTrader strategy. Besides this list I also use the Currency Score which is also available once a week on my blog at FxTaTrader. com. If you would like to use this article then mention the source by providing the URL FxTaTrader. com or the direct link to this article. Good luck in the coming week.

DISCLAIMER: The articles are my personal opinion, not recommendations, FX trading is risky and not suitable for everyone. The content is for educational purposes only and is aimed solely for the use by ‘experienced’ traders in the FOREX market as the contents are intended to be understood by professional users who are fully aware of the inherent risks in forex trading. The content is for 'Forex Trading Journal' purpose only. Nothing should be construed as recommendation to purchase any financial instruments. The choice and risk is always yours. Gracias.

TR Profit System Review Exposes Toshko Raychevs Secret Forex Trading Strategy - WSMV Channel 4

This article was originally distributed via SproutNews. SproutNews, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

TR Profit System by Toshko Raychev has everything a newbie or an expert trader who are interested in improving their results trading in the foreign exchange market.

Los Angeles, CA, United States – March 4, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —

Toshko Raychev has recently launched a forex trading tool named “Toshko Raychev Profit System” which is also an in depth software demonstrating exactly how to analyze the markets and only appoints trades when the prospects are in trader’s favor. This trading tool fully automates the binary trading experience for all its users.

Toshko Raychev Profit System appoints trades when the prospects are in trader’s favor. No guesswork is needed as to where to place the money. All users need to do is simply check the notifications and make a decision whether or not that is a trade they would like to make.

Once users make their account, they fund the money they will be using to trade with and the program itself will automatically make the trades that accommodates into its criteria to bring about maximum number of profits. The course comes with 6 DVDs, trading manual, cheats sheets, member’s area, webinars and a couple of bonus items in just one time fee. Users will get endless accession to the private members area for straight six months.

Moreover, beginners get to learn the craft of binary trades with this program and once they keep up and get along Toshko Raychev Profit System, they can raise their invested amount, the creator claims. In addition to that, Toshko Raychev Profit System scans the market and depending on some factors anticipates the outcome of the trade and suggests traders whether to put a “Call” (Rise) or “Put” (Fall) on a specific trade. According to the creator, the automated version of Toshko Raychev Profit System is somehow good as traders are able to set up their trade amounts and options and thereafter sit back and allow the program to do its thing.

No guesswork is needed as to where to place the money. All users need to do is simply check the notifications and make a decision whether or not that is a trade they would like to make. Toshko Raychev Profit System is easy to use and does not require a lot of knowledge to begin trading, the creator claims. However, a little previous knowledge in binary options trading can only improve user’s chances of making a profit with this course that makes money for them.

In addition, the initial deposit needed to sign up for the trading account is $250. However, users can choose to invest more amount in order to increase their earnings. Toshko Raychev Profit System is created to give the users an easy interface so they will be able to register for an account on the broker site and will be able to place the trades from within the program itself. It saves a lot of time that can be used to conclude more signals. The program contains a 6 DVD set which helps users in making the best possible trades, Toshko claims.

Toshko Raychev Profit System has a dedicated support team to help the users in case of any doubts or clarifications. The official website of Toshko Raychev Profit System gets updated with the current returns which are made using the signals provided by this software, the creator claims.

Additionally, the program contains two bonus items which include Toshko’s Surefire System and The Intelligent Trade Finder. This system comes with a 60 day money back refund policy through clickbank payment processor. If in case users are not content with the results it renders, they can ask for a refund of their money.

Contact Info: Name: Lance Gibson Organization: TRProfit

Release ID: 106008

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Thirteen arrested in police raid on City forex trader

Capital World Markets, a City forex trader based in the prestigious Heron Tower in the heart of the City of London, has been raided over suspected fraud and money laundering and 13 staff arrested, police confirmed this morning.

A team of about 15 officers, including dog handlers, descended on the offices of the firm, better known as CWM FX and seized computers and documents.

Ten men and three women were arrested on the March 3 raid on suspicion of fraud by false representation, conspiracy to defraud and money laundering.

Other office workers on the 21st floor were asked to leave

Forex Ranking and Rating Wed Wk 47

EUR/NZD: Short position opened EUR is having a pull back on different pairs but remains still a weaker currency and this offers an opportunity to take a short position on the EUR/NZD which is having a strong pull back also. The pull back seems to hold at a 50% Fibo level measured from the high of 5-11-2014 at 1.6273 to the low of 17-11-2014 at 1.5680. This area seems to be also a support level that has become a resistance. A short position has been opened with an initial profit target of 1/2 Weekly ATR. AUD/USD: Still in a downtrend and momentum picking up The pair is now in the 4H. chart back below the Ichimoku cloud and the MACD is also back in negative territory. The situation has improved significant and the open short postion is in profit. Profit has been made on 1 position entered at 0.8781 almost the highest level of this week where exhaustion took place on the short term bull trend. Another order has been placed again atthat level. Once the pair gets back in a strong down trend more orders may be placed.

Forex ranking and rating Wed. Wk 47 / 19-11-2014 Analysis based on TA charts for all the major currency pairs. Good luck to all. No advice, just info. Every week the Forex ranking rating list will be prepared in the weekend. All the relevant Time Frames will be analyzed and the ATR and Pip value will be set. There will be 2 updates during the week on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Daily and 4 Hour chart will then be analyzed and updated. This makes that there will be no more than 48 trading hours between each update. This is a reasonable period when considering that the smallest time frame used is the 4 hours, meaning 12 price bars/candlesticks.

The Forex ranking and rating list is meaningful data for my FxTaTrader Hybrid Grid strategy. Besides this list I also use the Currency Score which is available once a week on this blog also together with my weekly analysis on my Hybrid Grid Strategy. For more information on the FxTaTrader Forex Models "Ranking and Rating list" and "Currency Score" visit the following pages on my blog: Introduction to the FxTaTrader Forex Models FxTaTrader Forex Ranking & Rating list Currency score explained

Although the explanation may seem simple and clear there is always risk involved. I added a disclaimer to my blog for this purpose. If you like to use this article then mention the source by providing the URL FxTaTrader. com or the direct link to this article. Good luck in the coming week.

DISCLAIMER: The articles are my personal opinion, not recommendations, FX trading is risky and not suitable for everyone. The content is for educational purposes only and is aimed solely for the use by ‘experienced’ traders in the FOREX market as the contents are intended to be understood by professional users who are fully aware of the inherent risks in forex trading. The content is for 'Forex Trading Journal' purpose only. Nothing should be construed as recommendation to purchase any financial instruments. The choice and risk is always yours. Gracias.

Welcome to Forex Traders of Tulsa .

We would like to share how our training and coaching services can help you become a successful trader in the foreign exchange market (aka - Forex, 4x, currencies).

We invite you to join our family of successful traders who make profits trading the foreign exchange market. Working with our team, students can learn the skills they'll need to take control of their own financial future. Whether you are an experienced trader needing to fine tune your trading skills, or if you are a beginner just starting your journey in Forex, we can help.

Our approach is straight forward. We provide one-on-one or group training classes and ongoing coaching tailored to your needs. As clearly as possible, we teach you how the overall financial market works then help you build trading strategies that work for you.

Statistics indicate 95% of Forex traders lose their money. Most people are smart enough to be successful traders but for various reasons most don’t make it happen. To be one of the winning 5%, you need to approach trading seriously as a real business that requires hard work and diligence. Earning a living trading currencies doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It can work for full time day traders, part time swing traders, or those wanting to place long term trades. Our approach is not a get rich quick scheme. We do not provide trade calls and we aren’t selling data services or robots. Our company takes trading seriously. We are traders that also provide training, coaching and teamwork.

Our approach helps remove the mystery of how to earn money from the markets. Our training sessions include classroom discussions and actual online trading. After training, we provide ongoing coaching to help ensure you correctly and consistently apply what you learned and help you reach the next level of success. We share the ins and outs of trading currencies that would take most individual’s years of research, studying, and costly mistakes to learn on their own. he tools and strategies we teach also position you to trade in other financial markets such as stock, options and futures.

Forex Traders of Tulsa can help you learn conservative and repeatable processes that work and then be part of your support team helping you on your journey. Call us your team, your friends, or even your family.

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FXTradeC ity I n Conjunction W ith Q uantina Intelligence Forex Research Lab Presents Yuletide Promotion ( 50% Discount) On All Qu antina Forex Intelligence Products

FXTradeCity is glad to announce its 50% Discount promotion on all Quantina Intelligence Products in this season of celebration. This means f riends, visitors and fans of FXTradeCity will get all products on Quantina Intelligence website for D iscount of 50% cost pri ce until the expiration of the promotion.

Quantina Forex News Trader EA 2015 ULTIMATE v3.1 (Automated-and-Manual Trade) - See m ore d etails of the EA Cost Price: £ 190.00 50% Discount: £95

Quantina Forex News Trader EA 2015 DEMO v3.1 (Automated and Manual) See m ore d etails of the EA Cost Price: £29.00 50% Discount : £ 1 4. 5 0

Quantina Intelligence iTrend EA 2015 Universal Edition v1.5 See m ore d etails of the EA Cost Price: £ 9 9.00 50% Discount : £ 49. 5 0

Quantina Intelligence Session Trader EA 2015 Universal Edition See m ore d etails of the EA Cost Price: £ 29. 9 0 50% Discount : £ 14. 95

. and many more produc ts (indicators, special settings packs, e. t.c.).

To take advantage of this offer use th e Coupon Code: VIPxcOnyeB at check out during payment for any product on Quantina's website.

We strongly recommend deploy ing your news trading EAs on a VPS in order to avoid missing any trade. NextPointHo st is a very good VPS Provider offering up to 25% additional lifetime discount depending on the billing cycle. We learnt a new data centre will soon be launched in London amo ngst other data centres in Europe. See more details: NextPointHost Forex VP S Hosting

Wish you a pipful encounter trading the news.

Metaquotes Software Corp Launches MetaTrader 4 Web Platform - Beta Edition on Browsers

The makers of MT4 officially announced the launching of a web based MT4 platform on browsers. The news which was posted on 31st August, 2015 in the official website states that users can utilize the platform via any browser and operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux). No additional software is required — everything is done on the MQL5.community website.

The only requirements needed to get started is to register for an MQL5.community account and a demo account on the MetaQuotes-Demo server.

The platform is not limited to only Metaquotes demo servers, because traders can still register their broker name, and login in to their accounts. Click this link to add a trading account: https://www. mql5.com/en/trading

This innovation breaks the barrier of standalone platforms which restricts traders to their PCs. Now traders can get access to their platform everywhere, anywhere as long as a browser is there.

Forex21 Launches Update of FXPulse 4.0

The makers of the renowned Forex Insider Indicator. PowerFlow EA & ProFX recently launched the updated version of FXPulse Tool. The utility, which aids news trading by providing news events directly on the chart makes it the fourth major update since inception.

A major feature in the new version is the multilingual interface & faster delivery of news events directly on the chart.

Automatic updates of news events

Currently supports English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Hungarian, Polish, Indonesian.

Fast news stream

Robust filtering function. Filter events that should display, alert, e. t.c.

Once more the utility comes FREE with no conditions.

Statement from the developers: " News is the lifeblood of the Forex Market! Did you ever find yourself in a trade where everything seemed to be perfect but suddenly the price turned within seconds against your position and your profitable trade turned into a huge loss? If yes, surprise “You got strucked by Forex News”. Experienced currency traders know that keeping an eye on Forex News and Economic Data is essential because there is nothing what can turn prices as quick as News do. And so should you." Click here to visit Forex21 and download FXPulse4.0

Additional Download: Forex Insider (FREE)

NextPointHost recently announced Discounted Prices and a Special Birthday Draw For Their 5th Anniversary - Tuesday, May 5, 2015

NextPointHost. a premier provider of affordable and VPS hosting, announced it is marking its 5th anniversary by announcing a couple of special discounts to help celebrate five years of offering world-class web hosting services to customers in Europe and internationally.

In celebration of its 5-year anniversary, the company has announced discounts on two of the most popular hosting services – shared and VPS SSD servers - offering new and existing customers 50% off all new orders placed before 20th May 2015.

NextPointHost will also be giving away a Free SSD VPS Hosting account for 1 year . Anyone can take part in the Birthday Draw just by visiting their Facebook page and submitting the application form for a chance to win.

Having started with just three Forex VPS hosting plans in 2010, NextPointHost’s service portfolio has grown and adapted over the past 5 years to include products under 6 different categories and catering to businesses of all sizes. In fact much of the past 5 years at NextPointHost has been spent on tweaking and perfecting their hosting solutions.

The company has already exhibited phenomenal success in the market. “NextPointHost’s 5th anniversary is a significant milestone in an industry that is changing constantly, said Genko Penev, CEO of NextPointHost. “A long-term focus on customer care and a stable operations have greatly contributed to NextPointHost’s success. We now have two datacenters, and a range of hosting products far more powerful than anything I could have imagined back in 2010.”

NB NextPointHost ranks No.1 in our Top 5 Forex VPS Providers. See our VPS Table: Top 5 Forex VPS Proiders

CFTC Launches Online Tool That Helps Investors To Check The Registration, License, & Disciplinary History Of Certain Financial Professionals.

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) recently launched a SmartCheck tool that allows investors to verify the credentials of investment professionals, uncover any past disciplinary history, and stay ahead of scam artists with news and alerts. The investigative tool exposes Six (6) key information which reveals the true background of a registered financial professional or institution.


Background Affiliation Status Information Center (BASIC) . Find out if your financial professional is registered or has a history with the CFTC or NFA.

Broker Check . See whether your broker is registered or has a history with FINRA or the SEC.

CFTC Disciplinary History . Displays a repository of the agency’s active investigations, and past violations. See if your broker has a displinary action filed with CFTC.

The Securities and Exchange Commission Investment Advisor Public Disclosure (IAPD): Simply displays active registration of an investment adviser by reviewing the information available following the "Registration Status" hyperlink on IAPD.

Internet Search: Search for public disciplinary records or even public commentary and reviews about financial professionals.

Sundry Resources: Information on The Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR Database, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, North American Securities Administrators Association, National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, FINRA Professional Designation Lookup, & Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Education Center

For more information visit CFTC SmartCheck Website

HotForex Launches Social Traders Network

HotForex recently announced the launch of the much awaited Social Media Trading Network, which connects more than 250,000 traders across the world. The innovative scheme allows traders in the network to Identify, follow and copy the most successful traders; build portfolio; exchange information; and, track progress .

The social trading platform, which is powered by one of the fastest growing network in the world FXStat is also available on mobile Smartphones. So traders can k eep up-to-date with the latest news, and react to market moves as they happen anywhere anytime.


Connect with other traders & share strategies and discuss breaking news

Identify more trading opportunities by following the traders that interest you the most

Copy the most successful manual and algorithmic traders, while you build a portfolio of winning strategies and copy trades automatically

React to market changes on-the-go on your iOS or Android mobile devices

Improves your success by diversifying your investment and reduces risk


Login to myHotForex

Click Accounts > Open Account, Select ‘Social’ from the Account Type Menu and complete the short form.

Click ‘Submit’

BENEFITS FOR NEW CLIENTS New clients who open an account through FXTradeCity would be given a special COUPON code to purchase Quantina News Trader EA Ultimate 2015 at £90.00 OFF the cost price. To open an account through us Click Here: HotForex - FXTradeCity (offer lasts until 31st March, 2015)

Lower The Cost Of Your Trading With HotForex Zero Spread Account

MetaQuotes Launches Renting of Robots & Market Products on MQL Market Place

MetaQuotes the developers of MetaTrader 4 & MetaTrader 5 has innovated a scheme, which enables RENTING of EAs, & Forex Products from the MQL Community . This innovation according to MetaQuotes allows members not only to buy MetaTrader Market applications but also rent them. According to the developers, " Renting a product is clearly much cheaper than purchasing a full license ".

Part of the objectives of this scheme is to build trader's confidence about a product before buying it. This action might gradually eradicate demo versions as a product can be rented for a certain period of time to make sure that it is really what you need - much like the same objective for a demo version with limited features.

Developers of Forex systems have a lot to benefit through this scheme as more clients would be attracted to cheaper prices with contractual duration.

MT4 ISSUES & LIVE UPDATE SOLUTION Currently this scheme does not work for MT4 build 765 and below. However it works perfectly for MT4 latest build 777 upwards but unfortunately the new build is not available through live update on MT4 platform.

To perform an alternative live update to build 777 or 778 follow the steps below:

In MT4, go to open a new account in the file menu. When it brings up a list of servers, click to add a new server and just type in metaquotes. It will then scan and find the metaquotes demo server.

Open a new demo account and log in.

Check the journal tab for a message "Live Update Available" The platform begins the update at the background. You will not get any message informing you that the update is complete. But 10 to 20 minutes should be more than enough for the update to be completed depending on your connection speed .

Restart the platform.

When the platform restarts, it will automatically shut down for some seconds to complete the update and then come up by itself.

To confirm if the update was completed successfully, go to Help, and click About. You should see the new version build.

You can login back to your former trading account after this process.

For more information visit MetaQuotes Website: Rent Market Products And Save Your Money

FOREX INSIDER Forex21 Releases New FREE Institutional Tool That Displays Live Trading Positions Of Other Traders, Trading Data From MyFXBookAPI, Real Traded Volume Of Currencies, e. t.c.

Forex21 announced the release of a high end FREE institutional trading tool that allows ordinary retail traders to see positions of other traders, which will help to guide their trading decisions.

According to the designers of this wonderful utility, only institutional traders had access to such data which gave them a serious advantage over retail traders because of obvious reasons. With Forex Insider, traders can now know what other traders are doing which makes it easy to beat them on the Forex battlefield.

Caracteristicas .

Live Data from MyFXBook API

Information on more than 70 Forex Symbols

Shows real traded volumes in the market

Data displayed on the chart comes from Community Outlook section and is based on up to 100 000 live trading positions and includes the following information:

Short vs. Long - Positions Ratio in Percent

Short vs. Long - Positions Volume

Short vs. Long - Number of Positions

Average Short Price

Average Long Price

Average Long/Short Prices as Levels

As the data is updated every 60 seconds, the information provided by Forex Insider gives you a unique insight of what other currency traders are doing. The result is a strategic advantage which allows the user to stay away from risky trades and pick trades with high win probability.

Display on Forex Chart

The information displayed on your chart is based on thousands of live trading operations, the tool gives you a deep and accurate insight of what other traders are doing.

Forex21 recently announced the release of the new version of ProFx 3.0. The buy/sell signal trading utility has made up to 513.20% since its initial launch in 2013

The semi-automated Forex trading system makes profitable trading as easy as only possible. It continuously analyzes technical and fundamental market conditions and provides you with precise entry and exit signals through audio, e-mail and SMS notifications whenever a new high probability setup has been detected. In summary it tells you when to BUY, SELL, where to Set SL and TP Orders, when to Exit your Trades, when and when Not to Trade, e. t.c.

New Features . ▪ Fixed bug in Multi Oscillator.

USDCHF 15th January, 2015

Shocking reports from the Swiss Central Bank's decision to stop the policy of capping the Swiss franc against the euro, sent the Swiss Franc to an unprecendented new level, which caused a wide gap on CHF pairs over 100ths of pips.

The unexpected decision caused instant losses running into billions, and as well profits for some traders who probably had open sell positions in pairs like USDCHF.

According to Bloomberg. com, major dealers struggled to process orders amid a flood of customer calls, and trade requests, according to people with direct knowledge of the events. Some of these banks includes; Deutsche Bank AG (DBK), UBS Group AG (UBSG) and Goldman Sachs (GS) Group Inc.

The Swiss Franc grew 41% against the Euro and about 38% against the USD, but unfortunately most investors couldn't take advantage of this because quotes were frozen by brokers probably as a fail safe move thereby causing "No Liquidity" in most platforms.

Most financial experts believes that a higher than expected number of traders were caught unawares in this frenzy move. Some brokers have already begun sending emails informing their clients of their decision to fill client orders and positions in other to fill the gap.

It is likely that brokers with low holding capital might close up due to the huge losses that will be involved after they bridge the gap. Probably by next week we should be having a clear figure of this.

Due to the closure of the pre-sale price of Quantina EA News Trader Ultimate, FXTradeCity had to review the promo in the best interest of traders. The pre-sale price of £149 is no longer valid as the price has been adjusted to £190.

GET £ 90.00 OFF BUY AT £ 100.00 However traders can get a better deal when they open a HotForex Account (preferably Zero Spread Account) and get a unique coupon to purchase the EA for £100.00 . Follow the steps below for this option;

Open a HotForex Account through FXTradeCity by using this link: HotForex Zero Spread Account (Ideal for News Trading & Scalpers). Minimum opening deposit is $100

Email us your HotForex ID.

You will receive the unique Coupon Code to get the News Trader EA at £100.00

The 20% discount is still available for ANY Quantina products without opening a HotForex Account by using the unique Coupon Code: VIPxcOnyeB


The EA downloads the next news events from the Forex Factory's website. If something goes wrong or the Economic Calendar comes up late then the EA will contact Quantina's server, and compare the correct news events, so you will never going to miss any news events, especially the high impacts news. A few seconds before the scheduled news release, the EA selects the correct currency pair automatically and sets a buy stop and sell stop orders. When the news released hits one of them (buy or sell). EA will start to track it immediately, calculating with actual spread and slips (version 2015 v3.1 and above) and sets the Safety Net to the first profitable position (BreakEvenPips). You will earn at least that much profit even if the market suddenly turns back. However, if the market price moves forward in your favour, The EA will track it, and handle your opened position for the maximum profit. With spike trading method average trading time is about 2-3 minutes. Average profit is about 1 - 25 pips / trade.

​(Average trading time 5-25 minutes, Average Profit 60pips/trade). Advanced traders can use all the possibile trading methods at the same time on the same account which is highly profitable. Beginners are advised to follow the video instructions to reach high profit by monthly basis.)


Fully automated Forex robot. It downloads the Economic Calendars, which are filtered Automatically, choosing the best possibility currency pairs and trading automatically in the background to reduce internet usage. (no extra chart will be opened) No restart needed after weekends.

Low Start-up Cost: Minimum capital up to $400 & above, and $300 below for mini account.

Advanced straddling method.

About 82-90% consistency to achieve success in Forex trading.

Can trade on EVERY Currency Pair 24 hours from Monday to Friday simultaneously. One Running EA can open the necessary major currency pairs in the background to reduce internet usage, and reach better execution.

Designed for ECN/STP accounts

Varied Spread Tracking & Trail Before Break Even

Automatic News Event Set

Pending / Market Orders

Max Spread Limit

Next News Event Details

Easy Installation and Set & many more.

Two (2) Major Banks on the Hit List

Reports from financial sources (Bloomberg), on December 11, 2014 has it that two (2) major banks are on the radar of New York's Financial Regulators for alleged use of sophisticated algorithms in their trading platforms to manipulate Forex prices.

According to Bloomberg's report the New York's Financial Services found likely evidence that Barclays Plc (BARC) and Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) may have used algorithms on their trading platforms to manipulate foreign-exchange rates, by using automated tools that goes beyond individuals colluding to rig currency benchmarks, and take advantage of less sophisticated clients.

It is worthy to note that Deutsche Bank, and Barclays weren’t among the six firms that agreed to pay $4.3 billion to U. S. U. K. and Swiss authorities last month in the first settlements in the global probe.

Currently monitoring systems have been installed in these banks as part of the investigations as stated by a spoke person of the Financial Investigating Authority.

It is highly expected that another round of penalties or fines might be the lot of these banks if found wanting.

HotForex FREE-For-All Holiday Tournament

$8,500 Cash Prizes + Gifts (Apple iOS Device)

Hotforex kicks off the holiday season with a FREE-For-All Demo Contest commencing 12th January, 2015. The top 10 lucky winners would receive cash prizes ranging from $200.00 to $2,500.00, while the first 3 winners would also receive Apple iOS device. The 12 times industry award winner (HotForex) also stated that participants would be allowed to use EAs for the contest. Registration for the contest starts 1st December 2014 - 11th January 2015

For more information on the breakdown of prizes, contest rules, and registration click here.

FXScam. Banks At It Again.

CFTC Orders Five Banks to Pay over $1.4 Billion in Penalties for Attempted Manipulation of Foreign Exchange Benchmark Rates. Total Penalties Since June 2012 up to $3.4 Billion

A shocking, and bizarre news came out officially from the Forex watchdog - CFTC on November 12, 2014 stating penalties imposed on Five (5) notable Banks for attempted manipulation of foreign exchange benchmark rates. The shocking side of the story is the calibre of bank's involved - Citibank, RBS, JPMorgan, UBS & HSBC. The statement alleged that the heinous breach, which was carried out with other private banks through a private chatting platform was aimed at manipulating the World Markets/Reuters Closing Spot Rates (WM/R Rates), which is the most widely referenced FX benchmark rates in the United States, and globally.

See details of the official press statement below:

" Washington, DC – The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued five Orders filing and settling charges against Citibank N. A. (Citibank), HSBC Bank plc (HSBC), JPMorgan Chase Bank N. A. (JPMorgan), The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (RBS) and UBS AG (UBS) (collectively, the Banks) for attempted manipulation of, and for aiding and abetting other banks’ attempts to manipulate, global foreign exchange (FX) benchmark rates to benefit the positions of certain traders.

The Orders collectively impose over $1.4 billion in civil monetary penalties, specifically: $310 million each for Citibank and JPMorgan, $290 million each for RBS and UBS, and $275 million for HSBC.

The Orders also require the Banks to cease and desist from further violations, and take specified steps to implement and strengthen their internal controls and procedures, including the supervision of their FX traders, to ensure the integrity of their participation in the fixing of foreign exchange benchmark rates and internal and external communications by traders. The relevant period of conduct varies across the Banks, with conduct commencing for certain banks in 2009, and for each bank, continuing into 2012.

Aitan Goelman, the CFTC’s Director of Enforcement, stated: “The setting of a benchmark rate is not simply another opportunity for banks to earn a profit. Countless individuals and companies around the world rely on these rates to settle financial contracts, and this reliance is premised on faith in the fundamental integrity of these benchmarks. The market only works if people have confidence that the process of setting these benchmarks is fair, not corrupted by manipulation by some of the biggest banks in the world.”

According to the Orders, one of the primary benchmarks that the FX traders attempted to manipulate was the World Markets/Reuters Closing Spot Rates (WM/R Rates). The WM/R Rates, the most widely referenced FX benchmark rates in the United States and globally, are used to establish the relative values of different currencies, which reflect the rates at which one currency is exchanged for another currency. FX benchmark rates, such as the WM/R Rates, are used for pricing of cross-currency swaps, foreign exchange swaps, spot transactions, forwards, options, futures and other financial derivative instruments. The most actively traded currency pairs are the Euro/U. S. Dollar, U. S. Dollar/Japanese Yen, and British Pound Sterling/U. S. Dólar. Accordingly, the integrity of the WM/R Rates and other FX benchmarks is critical to the integrity of the markets in the United States and around the world.

The Orders find that certain FX traders at the Banks coordinated their trading with traders at other banks in their attempts to manipulate the FX benchmark rates, including the 4 p. m. WM/R fix. FX traders at the Banks used private chat rooms to communicate and plan their attempts to manipulate the FX benchmark rates. In these chat rooms, FX traders at the Banks disclosed confidential customer order information and trading positions, altered trading positions to accommodate the interests of the collective group, and agreed on trading strategies as part of an effort by the group to attempt to manipulate certain FX benchmark rates. These chat rooms were sometimes exclusive and invitation only. (Examples of the coordinating chats are attached under Related Links.)

The Orders also find that the Banks failed to adequately assess the risks associated with their FX traders participating in the fixing of certain FX benchmark rates and lacked adequate internal controls in order to prevent improper communications by traders. In addition, the Banks lacked sufficient policies, procedures and training specifically governing participation in trading around the FX benchmarks rates; and had inadequate policies pertaining to, or sufficient oversight of, their FX traders’ use of chat rooms or other electronic messaging.

According to the Orders, some of this conduct occurred during the same period that the Banks were on notice that the CFTC and other regulators were investigating attempts by certain banks to manipulate the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other interest rate benchmarks. The Commission has taken enforcement action against UBS and RBS (among other banks and inter-dealer brokers) in connection with LIBOR and other interest rate benchmarks. (See information below.)

The Orders recognize the significant cooperation of Citibank, HSBC, JPMorgan, RBS, and UBS with the CFTC during the investigation of this matter. In the UBS Order, the CFTC also recognizes that UBS was the first bank to report this misconduct to the CFTC.

In related matters, the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued Final Notices regarding enforcement actions against the Banks and imposing collectively penalties of £1,114,918,000 (approximately $1.7 billion), and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has issued an order resolving proceedings against and requiring disgorgement from UBS AG.

The CFTC thanks and acknowledges the invaluable assistance of the U. S. Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the FCA, and FINMA.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for these cases are Robert Howell, Jonathan Huth, Traci Rodriguez, Jennifer Smiley, David Terrell, Melissa Glasbrenner, Heather Johnson, Jordon Grimm, Elizabeth Streit, and Gretchen L. Lowe.

With these Orders, since June 2012, the CFTC has imposed penalties of over $3.34 billion on entities relating to acts of attempted manipulation, completed manipulation, and/or false reporting with respect to global benchmarks. See In re Lloyds’ Banking Group, PLC , CFTC Docket No. 14-18 (July 28, 2014)($105 million)(CFTC Press Release 6966-14 ); ( In re RP Martin Holdings Limited and Martin Brokers (UK) Ltd. . CFTC Docket No. 14-16 (May 15, 2014) ($1.2 Million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6930-14 ); In re Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B. A. (Rabobank), CFTC Docket No. 14-02, (October 29, 2013) ($475 Million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6752-13 ); In re ICAP Europe Limited, CFTC Docket No. 13-38 (September 25, 2013) ($65 Million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6708-13 ); In re The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS Securities Japan Limited . CFTC Docket No. 13-14 (February 6, 2013) ($325 Million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6510-13 ); In re UBS AG and UBS Securities Japan Co. Ltd. . CFTC Docket No. 13-09) (December 19, 2012) ($700 Million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6472-12 ); In re Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, and Barclays Capital Inc., CFTC Docket No. 12-25 (June 27, 2012) ($200 million penalty) (CFTC Press Release 6289-12 ). In these actions, the CFTC ordered each institution to undertake specific steps to ensure the integrity and reliability of the benchmark interest rates.

Media Contact Dennis Holden

HotForex Launches 0.0 Spread Account Barely a month ago HotForex launched mouth watering bonuses, which saw new clients getting FREE $30 credit in their accounts without any deposit obligations and many other bonus. Click here to see more:

HotForex once again set a shocker recently by introducing a Zero Spread Account , targeting major currency pairs like the EURUSD and many others.

Here's the e-mail statement from HotForex:

In the recent HotForex Survey, we asked you to tell us what you wanted us to do next. You asked and we delivered! HotForex now offers you the best spreads in the market with EURUSD starting at 0.0 PIPS!

Start trading Forex with Raw Spreads from 0.0 Pips and Zero Markups with the new HotForex Zero Spread Account !

With a HotForex Zero Spread Account, you know that because there are no hidden charges or fees, you will get the most competitive Forex spreads on the market

HotForex receives prices from a pool of leading liquidity providers.

We pass those prices directly to you, our Client, without adding any markup .

The HotForex Zero Spread Account offers a transparent commission structure with rates as low as USD 0.04 per 0.01 lots. so all you will pay is a small, fixed commission on each side of your trades.

Advantages of the HotForex Zero Account

The HotForex Zero Spread Account offers a low minimum deposit amount of just USD 100, putting deep, institutional-grade liquidity within the reach of all traders! The account features:

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To learn more about the features, and benefits of this offer click here then go to account types, and select Zero Spread Account Open A HotForex Account Now

OFFER OF THE CENTURY HotForex Launches Spectacular Bonuses in October 2014 HotForex recently announced the launching of mouth watering bonuses to start in the month of October, 2014 . The world acclaimed broker added that the new bonus would allow traders to increase their leverage, earn rebates or protect their accounts from drawdown. To the best of our knowledge all other existing bonus is still in operation.


100% Super Charge Bonus Traders get to increase their leverage with a 100% Credit Bonus that can be applied to EVERY deposit of $200 to $250 or more. The maximum cumulative bonus that a trader can earn is a massive $50,000 . This also includes daily CASH rebates to be earned through the trader's trading activity!*

$30 No Deposit Bonus HotForex is offering a free $30 credit to new clients who want to experience trading in a real environment before investing their own funds. There is absolutely no obligation to deposit funds and profits can be withdrawn once the volume requirement has been met.* This simply means open an account and get it funded for FREE with $30.

Please note that terms and conditions apply * .

HotForex recently annoucned the launching of the renewed and improved version of one of their prolific web trading platform - WebTrader .

The platform which is highly customizable to trading environment comes with latest update that brings improved responsiveness and even better performance as stated by the developers. The WebTrader interface has been automatically updated, so existing users only need to login to get access to the new features (Note: If you have any issues viewing the new version, simply clear your cache).

NEW - Close all . Efficiently Close All open positions by simply clicking one button.

NEW - Redesigned User Interface . More user friendly design to allow you to easily perform your Trade Operations

The update builds on WebTrader’s existing line-up of benefits:

Instant access – all you need is an internet connection.

No download necessary

Use your MT4 account login details

Ability to open a position in WebTrader and close the same position on the MT4 platform

Enhanced charting functionality

User-friendly interface

Login to WebTrader using your HotForex MT4 credentials.

Open A HotForex Account Now:

Special Bonus

HotForex has announced the launching of the prestigious MQL Signal Services Tab on its platform.

There are very few Brokers who support the MQL Signal Services. This new innovation by HotForex would allow traders to subscribe to any of the signal services provider of their choice, and get automated placement of trades to their platforms seamlessly.

Brief on Hotforex

HotForex is an award winning, fully regulated and licensed online Forex and commodities broker. Offers various accounts. trading software and trading tools to trade Forex and Commodities for individuals, fund managers and institutional customers. Retail, IB and White Label Clients have the opportunity to access interbank spreads and liquidity via state of the art automated trading platforms.

Headquartered in Mauritius and supported by their worldwide Customer Management Centre's. HotForex offers its clients an unparalleled trading experience with excellent multilingual support in an effort to provide its clients with every advantage possible in order to facilitate their trading activities.

HF Markets Limited, has a Category 1 Global Business License issued by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of the Republic of Mauritius under the name of HF Markets Limited Company No. 094286/GBL; Category 1 Global Business № C110008214 License. Ver más.

The much awaited Forexpeacearmy's 2013 Forex Broker Scam of the year was released on Friday 18th April, 2014. The FPA has a reputation for unbiased benchmark and review of Forex products and services. The yearly contest was designed to serve as a deterrent to deceitful brokers, ensure fair-play, and to keep traders informed.

Here are the top 4 worst brokers in 2013:

Rank No 4: (HFX. com) Apart from failing to pay their client (traders) debts, this broker was known for posting fake reviews about their services, and wiping off their client accounts after assuring to place profitable trades and many more.

Rank No 3: (Forexoma. com) The once F orex education, signal provider, and trading systems site owned by Vahid Chaychi were accused of taking away their client funds. At a particular time their website went down and the complaints for withdrawal issues among others increased. In no distant time their MT4 server went down and the complaints skyrocketed. Lee mas.

Rank No 2: (Liteforex. com) This broker cleverly used their terms of service to limit their clients from making legitimate profits in their trades especially with news trading. This gave them arbitrary power to impound client funds for no legitimate reasons.

Rank No 1: (4XP. com) 4XP picked the worst of the worst broker in 2013.

For the complete story of the 2013 Forex Broker Scam of the Year please click here

Do you think you have been scammed? Submit your complaint with the FPA or contact us to assist you.

Report on Monday 31st March, has it that the following banks: Royal Bank of Scotland, Credit Suisse, Zuercher Kantonalbank (ZKB), Barclays Bank, Citigroup, JP Morgan, UBS, and Julius Baer are on the radar of the Swiss Competition Authority probe panel for alleged collusion to manipulate exchange rates in foreign currency trades.

A crucial part of the watchdog’s examinations are to ascertain whether traders from different banks teamed up to induce currency prices, and whether they traded ahead of their own customers or failed to accurately represent to customers how they were determining the prices.

A statement credited to the Switzerland's Competition Commission WEKO, on Monday states that it had opened an investigation into the Swiss, British and U. S. banks over potential conspiracy to manipulate foreign exchange rates of which the most important exchange rates were affected. A similar preliminary investigation last October was opened by the Swiss Competition Authority after gathering facts about potential manipulation of foreign exchange markets by banks.

Previous investigations of this sort by international investigating agencies had led to huge fines to errant banks. Also last week, UBS suspended several currency traders, pending international investigations into allegations of collusion and market rigging.

In reaction to these allegations, some of the banks penciled in the statement were shocked at WEKO's action because they were not given advance notice prior to the release of these allegations to the public.

Julius Baer said an internal investigation had found no evidence of foreign exchange market abuse behavior. Credit Suisse in their reaction found the allegation as “astonishing” and further stated that WEKO's press release contained inappropriate references to Credit Suisse AG and that the claims were "inappropriate and harmful" to its reputation.

Meanwhile UBS, JP Morgan, RBS and Citigroup have not made any public statement on WEKO’s action as at the time of the release.

According to reports from Reuters, the Swiss Competition Authority would conduct the investigation by themselves without the interference or assistance of foreign authorities due to legal reasons.

If these banks are found culpable then they would like face fines up to 10% of their turnover generated in the relevant market in Switzerland over the last three years.

A major concern for Forex traders is that these banks are the custodians of client funds for major Forex brokers. Therefore a lot could be at stake for the banks and other institutions like the Forex Brokers with regards to client confidence on the Broker's Bank integrity.

MetaQuotes has upgraded its previous MT4 Build 509 to Build 600, which is close to an exact replica of MetaTrader 5.

MT4 Build 600, which was officially released on 3rd February, 2014 comes with massive changes that seemsto be a deliberate transition from MT4 to MT5. Traders who downloaded the new build have witnessed strange changes in the new build especially with regards to EAs, File Structure, and Development of EAs/Indicators. The new build somewhat closes the gap between MT4 and MT5, thereby making it quite difficult to differentiate.

Although MetaQuotes has assured that the key elements of MT4 Build 509 would not be affected in the new build. But only time would tell.

Please see the following new features and likely uncertainties before you upgrade or download the new build.

New Features (Build 600):

Store of trading applications has been added. This includes about 200 EAs, Indicators & other products that can be downloaded right from the platform

MetaTrader Market which was only found in MT5 is now included in the new build.

A unified Meta Editor Development has been created for development of EAs on MT4/5 along side with a unified compiler that automatically supports both MQL4 and MQL5 languages.

EX4 codes are compatible with the new build. No need to recompile them. However some EA developers are on the edge on this.

Trade request algorithm changed in order to enable effective handling of large number of trade requests. This is achieved by an additional network connection, which has been created into the new build unlike the previous builds.

Global search has been added as well as in MQL4.com

A new command to instantly order for MQL Applications from programmers in the job section has been added.

Improved the Alert Tab. Alerts can now be displayed on charts along with several added features.

Seconds timing added to improve records of opening and closing trade times. E. g 2014.02.08 10:34: 45

Added automatic update of the client terminal built-in user guide files similar to that in MT5.

Added the ability to register for MQL5 Community Account right from the platform without going to MQL5.com

New graphical objects like Rectangle Label, Bitmap, Button, Bitmap Label, e. t.c. has been added .

More countries has been added in the Open Demo Account Section .

Signal Services Improvement - option for unconditional synchronization of positions between a signal source and a subscriber's account has been added.

Lots of fixes. USD Drive EA: 13 Months Live Trading Gain 63.485%,7413 pips plus on MyFXBook. com.

Uncertainties :

MT4's primitive language (MQL 4) has been extensively extended to MT5's programming language (C++). However MetaQuotes stated the following concerning this; " The changes have mostly affected MQL4 language of trading strategies. which has been seriously expanded, and its functionality has been brought closer to that of MQL5. However, there is no need to worry about the operability of the previously developed trading robots and indicators, as the runtime environment copy of the previous MQL4 version is used to maintain compatibility. Thus, old EX4 files work correctly and exactly the same way as before. - http://www. metaquotes. net/en/metatrader4/news/4103 "

Usual file structure has changed. This will likely affect <path> programming syntax for some old EAs with relative paths in their codes. Although MetaQuotes has stated that the upgrade process would automatically relocate previous files (MQH, MQL, EX4) to the new file structure without any issues. However here's a caution on this as stated on MetaQuotes Website;

"In some cases, you may need to edit the path in #property include for included files (if relative paths have changed) in the source files. Please note that MetaEditor's root directory is now <data_folder>\MQL4\ . All programs should be located in the correct subdirectories. - http://forum. mql4.com/60075 "

There are lots of changes in MQL4 Language in the new build.

Previous EX4 applications and DLLs based on old RateInfo format will not work in the new build 600. Conversion to the new format is required.

Top News Trading EA

Over 57 new features inclusive of fixes in the new build 600 clearly shows a determined and stylish transition of MT4 to MT5 by its makers. Previously traders had the choice of choosing between MT4, and MT5. But its not the same again.

So before you upgrade or download the new build 600 please get a copy of the documentation, and read it carefully. Although an automatic upgrade of your terminal to build 600 by your broker could take place without your consent. Therefore i advise everyone to adapt to the new changes.

Have you installed the new version? Please share your experience with everyone. Leave your comments in the article on MT4 vs MT5

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FXTradeCity is glad to announce the opening of its Forex Community hosted in Google Community Platform. The community allows a forum for Discussions, Questions, Articles, Offers, Competitions, Signal Services and others.

Members of our community would benefit from the wealth of information and resources from experts who share their knowledge and offers freely. Quick notifications and alerts would be delivered on your Google main page or Gmail Inbox for google email users. Android and Smartphone users would benefit a lot from this feature as you would receive information "on-the-go" anywhere anytime.

Do you have something to share? something to advertise or inform? then take advantage of our growing Forex Community targeted at like minded traders from all over the world powered by Google's Community Services.

Registration is FREE and open to all interested Forex Traders.


HotForex has announced the launch of their Flex Bonus Program which includes the re-launched 100% Credit Bonus and the newly launched 30% Rescue Bonus .

The program will be made available to all HotForex clients that make new deposits as of Monday the 11th of November 2013, 10:00 GMT.


100% Credit Bonus Doubles your trading power when making a new deposit.

HotForex clients who utilize the 100% Credit Bonus can enjoy the following key benefits:

Effectively makes the Stop Out on Cash Balance (Balance excluding Credit Bonus) zero.

Increased Leverage.

Full bonus amount withdrawal under the right conditions.

30% Rescue Bonus Extends greater account protection during drawdown periods and can be also used as increased margin.

HotForex clients who utilize the 30% Rescue Bonus can enjoy the following key benefits:

Can be used as increased leverage.

Can be lost so it can actually protect accounts from Margin Calls and Stop Outs during drawdown periods.

Effectively makes the stop out level on original balance as zero.

The bonus is applicable on all new deposits and is available for a limited time only. Terms and Conditions apply.

Just open and fund a live account on the launch date of the program in order to take advantage of this generous promotion.

Please note that Bonus Programs increase the available leverage of your trading account and may therefore increase the risk of trading.

If you have any questions contact the following dedicated customer support team on Email. Live Chat. or by telephone on +44 2033185978.


Win real fabulous prizes through virtual (DEMO) account. It is free from monetary risk for the participants but the cash prizes awaiting the winners are real! The length of each round is One (1) Month and the total Prizes per round is 3,500 USD. The number of Prize winning Places are 3 while the Initial Virtual Deposit is 100,000 USD. Click here to get more details and participate.

FXTradeCity is participating in the HotForex Demo to Real Competition for the month of November 2013.

Court Verdict: To Pay Back Over $1Billion & $100 Million Imposed Penalty

Federal Court in New York Orders MF Global Inc. to Pay over $1 Billion in Restitution to Customers of MF Global Inc. The court’s Order also imposes a $100 million penalty on MF Global

Washington, DC – The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) obtained a federal court consent Order against Defendant MF Global Inc. (MF Global) requiring it to pay $1.212 billion in restitution to customers of MF Global to ensure customers recover their losses sustained when MF Global failed in 2011.

The consent Order, entered on November 8, 2013 by U. S. District Court Judge Victor Marrero of the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, also imposes a $100 million civil monetary penalty on MF Global, to be paid after MF Global has fully paid customers and certain other creditors entitled to priority under bankruptcy law. The Trustee for MF Global obtained permission from the bankruptcy court to pay restitution in full to customers to remedy any shortfall with funds of the MF Global general estate.

The consent Order arises out of the CFTC’s complaint, filed on June 27, 2013, charging MF Global and the other Defendants with unlawful use of customer funds (see CFTC Press Release 6626-13, June 27, 2013). In the consent Order, MF Global admits to the allegations pertaining to its liability based on the acts and omissions of its employees as set forth in the consent Order and the Complaint. The CFTC’s litigation continues against the remaining defendants: MF Global Holdings Ltd. Jon S. Corzine, and Edith O’Brien.

Gretchen Lowe, Acting Director of the CFTC’s Division of Enforcement, stated, “Division staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that 100 percent restitution be awarded to satisfy customer losses. The CFTC will continue to ensure that those who violate U. S. commodity laws and regulations designed to protect customer funds will be vigorously prosecuted.”

The CFTC’s Complaint charged MF Global, a registered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM), with violating provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC Regulations intended to protect FCM customer funds and requiring diligent supervision by registrants. Specifically, the Complaint charged that during the last week of October 2011, MF Global unlawfully used customer segregated funds to support its own proprietary operations and the operations of its affiliates. In addition to the misuse of customer funds, the Complaint alleged that MF Global (i) unlawfully failed to notify the CFTC immediately when it knew or should have known of the deficiencies in its customer accounts, (ii) made false statements in reports it filed with the CFTC that failed to show the deficits in the customer accounts, (iii) used customer funds for impermissible investments in securities that were not considered readily marketable or highly liquid in violation of CFTC regulation, and (iv) failed to diligently supervise the handling of commodity interest accounts carried by MF Global and the activities of its partners, officers, employees, and agents.

The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the U. S. Attorneys’ Offices for the Southern District of New York and the Northern District of Illinois, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom.

The consent Order recognizes the cooperation of the Trustee for MF Global and requires the Trustee’s continued cooperation with the CFTC.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this case are Sheila Marhamati, David W. Oakland, Chad Silverman, K. Brent Tomer, Douglas K. Yatter, Steven Ringer, Lenel Hickson, and Manal Sultan. Staff from the CFTC’s Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight, Division of Clearing and Risk, and Office of Data and Technology also assisted in this matter.

Court Verdict: To Pay Back Over $17 Million & 97 Months Jail Term

Federal Court in Massachusetts Orders Lyndon Parrilla to Pay over $17 Million in Disgorgement, Restitution, and a Penalty in Forex Fraud Scheme

In a related criminal proceeding, Parrilla sentenced to 97 months in prison and ordered to pay restitution of more than $4.6 million

Washington, DC – The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) obtained a federal court Order awarding restitution for defrauded customers, disgorgement, and a civil monetary penalty totaling more than $17 million against defendant Lyndon Parrilla, of California, in connection with an off-exchange foreign currency (forex) fraud scheme in which Parrilla and his company, Green Tree Capital (Green Tree), defrauded over 50 customers in the United States of over $4 million.

Judge Joseph L. Tauro of the U. S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts entered the final judgment and permanent injunction Order on October 24, 2013 (see Related Link), requiring Parrilla to pay restitution of $4,197,342 to defrauded customers, disgorgement of $3,353,925, and a $10 million civil monetary penalty. The Order also imposes permanent trading and registration bans against Parrilla and prohibits him from further violations of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and CFTC regulations, as charged.

The Order stems from a CFTC Complaint filed on April 12, 2011, that charged Parrilla and Green Tree with fraud, misappropriation, and other CEA violations (see CFTC Press Release 6024-11). The court previously entered judgment against Green Tree on June 30, 2011.

The final judgment Order is based on the court’s findings set forth in an earlier Order, entered on September 30, 2013 (see Related Link), that finds that Parrilla and Green Tree fraudulently solicited over $4 million from at least 50 customers in the United States, from approximately October 2009 until April 2011, for the purported purpose of trading off-exchange forex contracts on a leveraged or margined basis in managed accounts.

In soliciting the funds, the Order finds that Parrilla, on behalf of Green Tree, misrepresented that Green Tree had a record of delivering consistently profitable returns when, in fact, it incurred trading losses since its inception, and almost 80 percent of customer funds was never traded or invested in any manner. In fact, according to the Order, Parrilla misappropriated over $3.3 million of customer funds to pay personal and entertainment expenses, including Las Vegas casino expenses, purchase automobiles and clothing, and ATM or cash withdrawals. To disguise these misrepresentations, trading losses, and misappropriations, Parrilla sent false Green Tree account statements to customers by email. Further, the Order finds that Parrilla misrepresented his experience and expertise, and failed to disclose that the National Futures Association (NFA) permanently barred him from NFA membership.

As a result of a parallel criminal action brought by the U. S. Attorney’s Office in November 2012, Parrilla was sentenced to, among other things, a term of 97 months imprisonment and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $4,675,156.

The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this case are Alex C. Levine, David Chu, Lindsey Evans, Melissa Glasbrenner, Mary Beth Spear, Ava M. Gould, Scott Williamson, Rosemary Hollinger, and Richard B. Wagner.

StrategyQuant is a Computer Generated Trading Strategies Platform. It's a development tool, which can be used build new automated trading systems for any market or timeframe, generate & test hundreds of strategies per hour, run robustness tests to avoid curve fitting, build-in walk-forwad optimizer and WF Matrix and many more.

Here is an email we got recently from them stating the latest performance on their product.

StrategyQuant News Letter:

More than a year somebody asked me to publish forward tests of some of my automatic strategies. I published one of my accounts MyFxBook, showing real performance of whole portfolio of EAs. At that time (28th September 2012) the account was up 81%, quite an impressive result for half a year.

Right now, after another year, the portfolio is up by +520% . or in the other words the initial investment of $10.000 has now value of $62.048 . Click on the image below to see the performance on MyFxBook.

All these strategies (EAs) were automatically generated by StrategyQuant. They are a perfect case study of using mechanical learning and genetic programming in strategy development.

Note that with this approach you don't need to define the exact trading rules for your strategies; I don't even know or care what trading rules they use. They were completely designed by StrategyQuant for me, using genetic programming. My responsibility was to ensure that these strategies are really robust and that their results were not just because of chance or curve fitting.

What to learn from this. 1. Take advantage of the power of compounding How can the account be +500% in less than two years? Of course, there is some luck involved, but it is mainly thanks to compounding.

Because the EAs risk money proportionally to the size of the account, they trade with more and more lots as the account grows. This further accelerates the profits.

2. Use the power of portfolio There are 6 different strategies in the portfolio. Not all of them are in profit right now, some are even losing a little money. But when you combine multiple independent profitable strategies your account will grow faster with smoother equity curve.

3. Don't make fast decision on performance It takes time to see some statistically significant results. If the account is around zero or in minus after 1-3 months, it doesn't prove anything. It could be just drawdown or stagnation period, and these can last for months. My portfolio was around zero after two months and at one time it was -40%. If I'd stopped it right there it would be never able to grow to +500%.

4. Keep it simple No reoptimization, no interfering when strategy is losing. I haven't touched any of these strategies since the day I placed them on MetaTrader. There have been drawdowns, missed trades, duplicate trades, but in the long run it doesn't make a difference. The best approach is to simply let your strategies run and forget them, and only check yearly results - providing you trust your strategies.

This portfolio of walk-forward tested strategies shows the power of this approach to trading. With StrategyQuant you too can design your own portfolio of strategies. Y ou don't need to be an experienced trader to design your own EA because with machine learning approach you don't define any trading rules.

There's no secret in what I'm doing, all the steps I'm using are described in the articles like this one: http://www. strategyquant. com/articles/strategy%20building%20process

If you prefer existing strategy to a tool that allows you to build many of them then QuantStrategyEA is publicly available at http://www. QuantStrategyEA. com

Best regards and good luck in trading,

Mark Fric StrategyQuant

Have any questions, comments or inquires about this product, tells us through our contact form.


A Veteran Forex Trader (Henry Liu - CEO Forex News Trading Academy & Founder of www. currencynewstrading. com) has published his report on how he turned $1,490.00 to $18,647.00 under 5 months .

The 11 page pdf report explains in details all you need to know on how to replicate this achievement in your trading account.

Statement from Henry Liu . " Ever since August 2012 I've been tracking a series of events that has the potential to turn the entire Forex market on its head. So after carefully analyzing these events, I was convinced it was time to enter the market early while the trend was still at its infancy. Needless to say, after taking some rather aggressive positions on my $1490 account, I was able to turn it into $18,647, or 11X return, in just under 5 months, all thanks to Fundamental Analysis. "

To get more details, proofs of account statement & this FREE report click here: Secret Fundamental Analysis Strategy


Liquid Markets has announced the reduction of its minimum initial deposit for MT4 Mini Accounts to 500USD.

Part of the benefits of the MT4 Mini Accounts includes:

Competitive fixed spreads on majors starting at only 1.8 pips

Flexible leverage up to 1:500 and a minimum trade size of 0.01 lot

Earn daily interest up to 9% on your cash equity

Ability to use Expert Advisors

Access to free technical analysis and AutoChartist

Option to use hedging and scalping trading strategies

Ability to upgrade your account at any time and with no applicable upgrade fee


ForexPeaceArmy is announcing an offer from Forex Trend Console, the makers of Market Metering & Signals Package. This Forex Tool has the following primary functions:

Displays currency strength relative to timeframe.

Gives signals (BUY or SELL) from the strength of the currency.

You can add any Forex currency including stocks, gold, precious metals, oil and others.

This FREE Forex Tool is available for FPA Members ONLY. Offer closes by 5PM EST Monday, 2nd September, 2013.


ForexPeaceArmy is announcing an offer from New Gen Forex, the developer of FXPL EA, which has trippled its account value in the FPA Test Lab. This automated system trades every type of account and works with any broker. The 23.7% per month returns EA, is designed to trade accounts from cents to dollars.

A 14 days Free Trial Period has been extended to ONLY FPA Members. You can run a test on your demo or live account during the trial period. This is a good opportunity to test it before you buy it.

To signup for this offer CLICK HERE

This offer for FPA Members would elapse on Monday, 19th August, 2013.



Liquid Market is offering Forex Traders an opportunity to participate in their MT4 Top Trader Demo Competition and win up to $5,000.

There is no fee to enter the competition. The demo account will be held in USD and you will obtain $100,000 virtual money to be used for the contest. The traders with the three highest closing balances in their demo accounts at the end of the competition will be awarded the following three prizes:

The prize amount will be credited to the winners’ Liquid Markets real trading account and all prizes are 100% withdrawable. The contest will run throughout August, starting on August 4th 2013 and finishing on August 30th 2013.

Please note: Registration for this competition ends on July 31st 2013.

For more details on how to participate click here:


FirePips one of the renowned signal services provider has announced a Free Two (2) weeks Trial Offer for its Trade Signals, which includes the FireZone Strategy, AAA Strategy & other startegies.

The new Expert Advisor relieves you from the stress of checking your email or using the Desktop App option to check for signals and updates delivered from FirePips Server. Now signals are copied right into your trading account in real time through the EA (Trade Copier).

An average total 150-400 pips per month are generated through the FireZone Daily and 8Hr Signals. See other performance statistics here: http://www. firepips. com/performance

Take advantage of this FREE Offer; send your MT4 Account No (Real or Demo) to admin@firepips. com or visit the website http://www. firepips. com/free-trial


MQL COMMUNITY SIGNAL SERVICES Forex Signal Services Subscription

MQL Community Signal Services grows to over 8,000 Signal Services available for subscription as at July, 2013 .

Subscribe to FREE and PAID Signal Services from MQL's Community Signal Services with more than 8000 Signal Services available for Subscription.

The signals are traded with Automatic Execution on your Account.

You can also earn more profits by selling your signals to thousands of subscribers hooked up with MQL. Signals are available on MT4 and MT5.

For more details on how to subscribe click here:

CFTC Charges “Prediction Market” Proprietor Banc de Binary with Violating the CFTC’s Off-Exchange Options Trading Ban and Operating as an Unregistered Futures Commission Merchant

The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed on June 5, 2013 a civil complaint in federal district court in Nevada charging Banc de Binary, Ltd. (Banc de Binary), a foreign company that held itself out as being headquartered on Wall Street, with violating the CFTC’s ban on off-exchange options trading by offering commodity option contracts to U. S. customers for trading, as well as soliciting, accepting, and confirming the execution of orders from U. S. customers. The CFTC’s complaint also charges Banc de Binary with operating as an unregistered Futures Commission Merchant (FCM).

According to the CFTC’s complaint, Banc de Binary operates an online trading website through which customers can buy or sell binary (“call” or “put”) options, predicting whether the price of a certain commodity will increase or decrease in a given time period.

Specifically, from May 2011 through March 2013, Banc de Binary operated an online trading website which allowed U. S. customers to trade options products prohibited by the CFTC’s ban on off-exchange options trading. A través de su página web, Banc de Binary supuestamente solicitó ilegalmente y permitió a los clientes estadounidenses comprar y vender opciones apostando a los precios de trigo, aceite, platino, azúcar, café, maíz, pares de divisas e índices bursátiles.

Click here to read the full story of the CFTC's charge and see ForexPeaceArmy User Reviews on Binary Options.


The new MetaTrader 4 Platform Build 500 has been released since May 1st 2013 .

The new build comes with great features like:. 1. Drag and drop management of trades. i. e you can now adjust your SL or TP by dragging them directly on the chart. 2. You can now access MQL4 applications to Code Base from the terminal using drag and drop. 3. The Company's web site tab has been added in the client terminal. 4. One Click Trading and the ability to set alerts right from the charts. 5. Lots of fixes on bugs and errors especially in the trade signals operations and other areas.

For more details on the new features and how to get the latest build 500 click here

Please note that client terminals older than build 439 will be no longer supported from August 1st, 2013.

FOREX VERIFIED FREE EA Licenses From Forex Verified

Forex Verified is offering discount program offers up to 100% off on almost any Forex product/service you use.

Amongst the FREE offers includes: 2 Free Licenses for the Aeron EA. 1 Free License for Fx Power Signals: Conservative and Every TFOT purchase includes the ProScalpingRobot for free.

For details on how to get them click here


The ForexPeaceArmy has announced an exclusive discount offer from Drive Expert Advisor the creator of USD Drive EA . This EA has been on Live and Demo Test for over 60 weeks in the ForexPeaceArmy's EA Test Lab with good performance statistics.

The robot has recorded profitable months since March 2012 according to the developers of the trend based robot. Amongst the currency pairs it trades are: EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF and GBPUSD.

The EA costs $145.00 but a 45% discount price of $80.00 has been fixed for FPA members only for a limited time. Click here to get more details, review, and technical information of this EA.

Click here for Direct Purchase (Non-FPA Members)

This offer for FPA members expires on Monday, June 24th at 5 PM, New York Time.

MT4 3rd Party Application Developers Beware. Metaquotes has begun banning 3rd Party Developers violating it's Platform Policy. See who gets the first hit.

MQL Community Signals

Stocks & Commodities V. 27:12 (44-47): Trading Forex by Koos van der Merwe

Descripción del producto

Trading Forex by Koos van der Merwe

So you want to trade the foreign exchange market, do you? Have you really thought this through?

IF trading forex is what you really want to do, then the first thing is for you to decide how you want to trade. Do you want to trade short term, medium term, or long term? Whatever you choose, you must first understand what the forex market is. The foreign exchange industry exists whenever one currency is traded for another. The currency market is the largest in the world in terms of cash value traded, and that includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. Trading volume is extremely high and since the market is traded all over the world, that makes it a 24-hour commercial forum. Its liquidity and the fact that the market is always open are what attract short-term traders to the forex market.

All successful forex traders, whether long-term or short-term speculators, analyze world news and take a bet on a currency based on their interpretation of that news. The best example of this is the 1992 trade by George Soros. He came to the conclusion that Great Britain would be rejected by the Economic and Monetary Union (incorrectly known as the European Monetary Union)(Emu). He then placed a $10 billion short position in the market.

The Bank of England tried to stabilize the pound’s value by intervening and depleting all of its foreign currency reserves, but in spite of its efforts, on September 16, 1992, known around the world as Black Wednesday, the pound plummeted as Great Britain was forced to withdraw from the Emu. And thus, in one day, George Soros earned $1 billion.

PARA LOS ARTÍCULOS DE PEDIDO SEPARADAMENTE: * Nota: $ 2.95- $ 5.95 Los artículos están en formato PDF solamente. No se entregará ninguna copia impresa de los artículos. Durante la compra, haga clic en el botón "Descargar ahora" para recibir inmediatamente la compra de sus artículos. STOCKS & COMMODITIES se entrega por correo. Después de pagar por su suscripción en store. traders. com los usuarios pueden ver la edición digital de S & C en la sección de suscriptores en Traders. com.

Let’s look at some of the terminology that is used in Forex trading. The basis for all trades is the fact that the prices of currency are always listed in pairs. Por ejemplo,

GFXM is providing several types forex trading of live accounts for every kind of its customer from top level to bottom. as standard forex trading accounts to micro forex trading accounts.

GFXM have truly professional trained and experienced forex trading team which is 24x5 are available for you help & support to make your funds more secure and minimize lose chances and maximize your profits.

Another trader arrested in Rs 6,000 crore Bank of Baroda forex scam

NEW DELHI: Two days after the arrest of four middlemen in Bank of Baroda forex scam, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday arrested another trader Manish Jain who was allegedly involved in sending illegal forex to Hong Kong and China.

Based on the disclosure of one Sanjay Aggarwal who was arrested on Monday, ED carried out raids at P R Forex and arrested Manish Jain, a resident of Ghaziabad.

"Jain had two firms in Hong Kong — namely Tanvi Enterprises and Pacific Exim which was used for depositing unaccounted cash in the banks in India, its transfer to Hong Kong in HSBC Bank and onward transmission of the same to China to settle the unaccounted outstanding dues of various importers of India with Chinese suppliers," said an ED official.

The probe revealed that Jain has availed the services of banks namely Oriental Bank of Commerce, ING Vysya Bank, ICICI Bank. Kotak Mahindra Bank, Indusind Bank. Dhanlaxmi Bank. YES Bank and DCB Bank where more than 100 fictitious accounts were opened to send out foreign exchange to the tune of Rs 557 crore.

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I can give an honest review based on 2 of his products. I have personally used both.

Primero. his book His book "The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading: The Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit" $26 on Amazon.

This is a beginner's book. It covers the typical gamut of what Forex is, types of orders, how the market works. I will quote the description "In reading the dynamic Forex book "The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading", you will learn about:

* The 10 Key practices for trading in the Forex * Developing a personal Constitution * Developing your trader's Constitution * Developing the skills you need for successful trading * Understanding Trading Patterns * Understanding Fibonacci Numerical Sequence * Discovering what drives the market * The crucial aspect of Equity Management * Understanding the Financial game between the Bulls and the Bears * And much more. "

Yes, all the bare bones basics. I think this is a good book but it is truly a FIRST STEP kind of book. You will need to move on to better resources immediately once done the book. Again, this is a case where what this book teaches can be found for FREE on all the major, reliable Forex websites like here at FPA.

Second - His training package of courses - $5000 I cannot list a description here. too lengthy. Basically, it covers the same material in his book then offers some 'advanced' materials. There are extra benefits such as quizzes, study workbooks, online interactive sections and online mentoring, virtual trading room and some charting software.

I cannot speak of the online goodies and extras because I was given a copy of his courses by a friend.

I can say that the course material itself is very expensive and is still bare bones and basic. Not much in depth or meaty. There is no way you would pay $5000 and be happy so I think they created the online goodies to make the package sell and give it some substance. My friend said the online extras were nice but not worth the $5000. Now, my friend is an independent thinker and does not need to be hand held like a brain dead zombie. Some people might need to be walked through every little nuance. Those are the people that I doubt should be trading at all really. That is $5000 that you could have saved or put toward trading.

My opinion is this - Save the $5000. For $200 you could get some amazingly popular, well written in depth books from Amazon that would teach you as much, if not more.

ALSO, a huge red flag for me. this guy gives himself credit for being a big shot by establishing his own training company to lend credibility and it is based in Florida. You know why a lot of people set up in Florida? because when things go bad, you can file for bankruptcy and you do not lose your house and a lot of your ill-gotten gains.

I am not saying Mr. Martinez is a scammer. I am saying some things make me raise my eye brow too high! jajaja

With him, i made a decision to start out discovering the planet of automatic commerce, VPS, A system of profit at high risk. All that\’s necessary for the counselor Ilan, are necessary for alternative advisers commerce. For comparison, examine the authority reviews concerning FXMT. It’s additional powerful version, that i exploit at the instant. the sole factor that i’ll still lead advisers with less risk for the balance of your portfolio. This same authority Forex is currently very fashionable on the net.

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Ilan Versions one. four, 1. forty two, 1. 43, 1. 5, 1. six happen to be further with respect to acquire inside the dignitary space. Ilan is truly martingale kind Semitic deity which will facilitate to create immeasurable cash quickly, but could ultimately whack your own accounts. Be careful beside with regards to all variations related to Ilan ensure you. Is simplest upon any reasonably varied FOREIGN CURRENCY SET. Great EA. wonderful precise. but we tend to don’t just like the actual marting ea? it’ll trigger massive reduction, and will shed with regards to all. an excellent Semitic deity have to be compelled to organized set FTO to stop giant doctor’s degree, simply this might safeguard the corporate accounts.

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We have just updated our site. Your old bookmarks may not work. Please take some time to explore our new site.

NOTE: If you are trying to access the rest of the site (pages that are red in the navigation tabs) ONLY demo traders and subscribers can do that so you must fill out the webform included in the email to you when you downloaded a demo, create your own username etc. and once that is done you will receive further instructions via email.

Learn The "FLAT MACD TECHNIQUE" Formulated by a REAL Trader That Will Reveal To You The UNTOLD Method of Using The MACD Indicator.

That Comes With a " Pay Only For Profitable Month " Policy

Thank you for visiting my forex indicator and strategy website!

I am so glad to share with you a part of my journey and everything I’ve learned so far about currency trading.

A little bit about me.

Hi, I’m Kelvin and I am the person behind all the forex trading articles available in my blog

I am currently a full time currency trader making a consistent income every month at home.

Aunque las cosas están en su lugar por el momento, no comenzó de manera suave. In fact, I had struggled with trading for six to nine months and I had my account totally wiped out twice in a row. (That was Devastating)

Fortunately, I am a very stubborn person who always want to achieve what I plan. I decided to put in time and effort to learn the rope and put what I have learned into practice.

Finally I started to make consistent income from trading and eventually enough to allow me to quit my day job as a process engineer in a multinational company and become the author for 7 Mathematics Assessment Books.

Once you subscribe to my newsletter, I will send you a FLAT MACD Trading Technique video as well as a Trading Manual that is written by me and it will show you exactly how I manage to make consistent profits in trading every month.

There are a lot of forex courses and forex signal services in the market that are created by Marketers & not REAL Traders. Therefore in order to give my students more assurance in my course and service.

My course comes with a 130% refund policy where students can ask for a 130% refund if they find out that I post a fake winning trades on my monthly Performance Report.

If my performance report is real, then I dun see why my students will not make money from the strategies that I teach.

In addition, I am also offering a Forex Trade Copier Service for students of my course. This is to help them grow their account while they learn how to trade from me.

For this service, it comes with a "Pay Only For Profitable Month" policy that you can't find anywhere else online. What it means is that you will only be charged a fee if the service makes you profits at the end of the month.

Además de mi curso y mi servicio, mi blog está lleno de videos y mensajes que he escrito a lo largo de los años para ayudar a mis lectores a convertirse en un mejor operador.

Those information in my blog sometimes are even better than what you get from a forex course you purchased.

Tag Archives: setingan ea ilan trio 1.47

I bumped into expert advisor Unimillion. Exhibits by itself isn’t poor from 5 as well as 15 moment time-frame. Technique is actually much like ilan, however in contrast to ilan-and in the shutting from the deal failing raises Great deal twice (you can alter the actual price associated with increase) within the reverse path. In the event that storage acts me personally correct, it’s regarding because Cheburashka or even nevolyashka, deals. indeed it had been something similar to which, however there have been problems with the actual tuning as well as optimisation, Unimillion We nevertheless cannot personalize penny thinking about. We don’t know there’s a issue, he or she tsentoviki me personally twice currently joined.

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Forex trading currency

Basically, Forex refers to trading currency. Forex is a shorter term for “foreign exchange”. In this market traders, central banks and financial companies seek to speculate by buying a certain currency, while buying a different one, all at the same time. Trading currency in Forex occurs in a denomination known as “currency pair”.

The most popular Forex trading currency is the EUR/USD. A currency pair is composed of two different sets of denomination. The first is the “base” currency while the second one is called “quote” currency. When a trader buys 1 lot of EUR/USD it means that for each unit of euro he buys, the trader is selling a certain amount of US dollars at the same time. One can choose to either buy or sell a currency pair, something known as the “bid/ask” relation.

The price of a currency pair resides at a set value until it changes due to economic circumstances. As an example, we could say that the EUR/USD pair resides at 1.334. If you were to buy 1 lot of this currency pair, it means that you would be getting 1 euro for every 1.334 dollars you sell. The idea of the Forex market is to buy a currency whose price will surely rise, while selling one whose price is expected to drop. In this case, we want the price of the euro to rise and the price of the US dollar to fall.

Since it is a incredibly liquid market, Forex brokers and agencies allow their clients to borrow money so they can place larger trades and, subsequently, make more money for them and the broker. This tool is known as “leverage” and is exclusive to the Forex market. Leverage is vital for Forex and it is important that you as a trader are acquainted with it since it’s a major part of trading currency in Forex.

Leverage may come expressed as 100:1. This means that for every 1$ you bet on a certain trade (assuming you’re investing US dollars) the broker will invest 100$ on that same trade you’ve just made. As a result, you may turn out to gain thousands of dollars from a smaller investment. But traders must be wary since this also applies for unsuccessful trades. There are many concepts to trading currency in Forex and if a trader is aiming to be successful in this business, he needs to be acquainted with each and every piece of information that’s available.

London forex trader arrested, ibd in money option stock workshop.

Earlier this month, police with London's fraud squad raided CWM's headquarters, arresting 13 traders allegedly involved in the scheme and. After suspicions around his Forex fund grew, City of London police officers raided Hope's flat in east London's Docklands and arrested him. He's the 23-year-old hot-shot FX trader who blew £125,000 on a bottle of. Yesterday Alex Hope was arrested in East London “on suspicion of.

London forex trader arrested: Forex trader and Chelsea Football Club partner CWM FX's website is. in which 13 people were arrested by the City of London fraud squad. This guy was on CMC market Real life trader youtube video CMC have. Hope Fades As London 'Superstar' FX Trader Is ArrestedHope. The neighbours of a British financial trader accused of contributing to the 2010 Wall. Forex Trader Documentary and Interview - FX Viper from. British Trader Navinder Sarao Arrested Over 2010 Flash Crash - Duration.

ibd in money option stock workshop: Earlier this month CWM FX referred to a City of London police raid at Heron Tower 100 Bishopsgate in which 13 people were arrested, and. One man, thought to be a former RBS forex trader, was arrested by City of London police and Serious Fraud Office staff last Friday.

Dow jones stock market high 2008: City of London Police arrests currency trader as part of ongoing investigation into a suspected Ponzi fraud worth 'tens of millions of pounds.'. The futures prop 'community' in London is quite close knit in terms of gossip lol. Allegedly he had intraday limit of 2000 ES contracts and he.

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47. Price Action Trading

Forex Price Action Trading is the analysis of the price movement over time, without help from technical indicators, with the objective of identifying recurring patterns that can be profitably traded.

All the economic data and world events that affect the Markets are ultimately reflected via Price Action. Whether a released economic number is filtered down through a human trader or a computer trader, the movement that it causes in the Market will be obvious on a price chart. That’s why we can say that Price Action goes right to “the root of the matter”.

Price Action strategies look at obvious price patterns formed at or around key levels. Traders can use support, resistance lines and watch for price action hints around such levels in order to make buy and sell decisions.

Things that can affect Price Action and the order flow behind it:

The liquidity available in the Market on a particular instrument

The total number of buy/sell orders executed in the Market

The position size of the executed orders.

The Markets tend to be

Range-bound – there is a balance between the buyers and sellers in terms of orders.

Trending – there is an imbalance in the order flow between buyers and sellers. This will create a directional bias in the Price Action. And it is exactly this balance or imbalance that we can learn to read in the price action.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

In the blue section of the chart we can see a balance in the order flow. Buyers and sellers are in agreement regarding the fair price of the AUD/USD pair, and Price Action reflects that balance via a lateral price movement of equilibrium.

The red section of the chart reflects a strong imbalance in the order flow, with sellers imposing their will on the Market with large selling orders that cause a fast decline in price. The conviction of the sellers is reflected in price action via:

& # 8211; large bearish candles,

& # 8211; candles mostly closing toward the lows,

& # 8211; candles only have wicks to the upside, communicating quick rejection of any higher prices,

& # 8211; a sharp downward-sloping angle in price.

Trading with Price Action strategies

Market traders have a repetitive nature to the way they react to situations and economic variables, that’s the reason why the Price Action of a Market tends to repeat itself.

& # 8211; Price Action allows works on any time-frame, instrument or environment.

& # 8211; Price Action communicates whether the larger players are heavily buying, selling, and where.

Anyone who is planning to engage in online forex trading wants to be successful and make money. Towards this end, it is in every novice trader’s best interest to follow some of the tips offered by traders who have enjoyed success in their forex trading careers.

Plan a trading strategy

Careful planning can make all the difference between success and failure, and there are a number of factors that should be taken into account when putting a trading strategy together.

One of the most important things to consider is the particular currency pairs on which the trader wants to concentrate. This decision should be made in large part based on the amount of risk the FX trader is willing to take as some currency pairs are much more volatile than others; generally speaking, trading volatile currency pairs will involve a greater risk of loss, but will also offer larger potential profits.

A successful trading strategy will also involve deciding how long to remain in a position; this can range from a matter of minutes to several days. Traders who decide to leave a position open for longer periods of time will need to be aware that they may incur rollover charges.

When taking a position, the trader is advised to have an exit strategy in place. If the position looks to be a winner, a decision has to be made on when it is best to cash out. Alternatively, if the position is a losing one, a decision has to be made as to when to exit and cut losses.

Keep an eye on the forex market

When engaged in forex currency trading it makes eminent sense to know what is happening in the market. This means keeping an eye on the most current forex charts, and keeping up-to-date with forex news. Forex charts are essential for the FX trader; they allow the trader to analyse how the online currency market is faring, and help them to make crucial trading decisions. Forex news keeps the trader in touch with events around the world that influence the markets in general and their currency pairs specifically.

Log trades in a diary

By keeping a forex diary, the trader will be able to avoid previous mistakes which led to losing trades and learn from those strategies which proved to be profitable.

With him, i made a decision to start out discovering the planet of automatic commerce, VPS, A system of profit at high risk. All that\’s necessary for the counselor Ilan, are necessary for alternative advisers commerce. For comparison, examine the authority reviews concerning FXMT. It’s additional powerful version, that i exploit at the instant. the sole factor that i’ll still lead advisers with less risk for the balance of your portfolio. This same authority Forex is currently very fashionable on the net.

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Lista de corredores ECN | ECN / STP Corredores de Forex

ECN Corredores de Forex

(No Dealing Desk + STP + DMA + ECN)

*To be able to compare commission rates, we list them all as "Commission per round turn (100K)". There are different ways of listing commission rates: Example: $6.00 per round turn lot (100k) = $3.00 per side (100k) or $3.00 per 100K USD traded = $30.00 per million USD traded or $60.00 per million USD traded round turn = 0.006% of the trade.

¿Conoce usted otro broker NDD / STP / ECN Forex? Por favor sugerimos añadiendo un comentario a continuación.

Corredores de Forex: ECN vs STP vs NDD vs DD

DD & mdash; Dealing Desk & mdash; Corredores de Forex que operan (órdenes de ruta) a través del Dealing Desk y cotizan spreads fijos. Un corredor de escritorio que negocia hace el dinero vía los spreads y negociando contra sus clientes. Un agente de negociación Forex corrector se llama un creador de mercado - que literalmente "hacer el mercado" para los comerciantes: cuando los comerciantes quieren vender, compran a ellos, cuando los comerciantes quieren comprar, que les venden, por ejemplo. Siempre tomarán el lado opuesto del comercio y de esta manera "crearán el mercado". Un comerciante no ve las cotizaciones reales del mercado, lo que permite a los corredores de la oficina de negociación (Market Makers) manipular con sus cotizaciones donde necesitan para llenar órdenes de los clientes.

NDD & mdash; No escritorio de negociación & mdash; NDD corredores de Forex proporcionar acceso al mercado interbancario sin pasar los pedidos a través de la mesa de negociación. Con los verdaderos Agentes No Dealing Desk no hay re-cotizaciones en los pedidos y no hay pausa adicional durante la confirmación del pedido. Esto, en particular, permite el comercio durante los periodos de noticias sin restricciones en el comercio. Un corredor de NDD puede cobrar comisión para el comercio o elegir aumentar la propagación y hacer comisión de comercio de Forex libre. Ningún agente de negociación es STP o ECN + STP.

STP & mdash; Procesamiento Directo & mdash; STP Forex brokers send orders directly from clients to the liquidity providers - banks or other brokers. A veces los corredores de STP tienen sólo un proveedor de liquidez, otras veces varios. Cuanto más hay proveedores de liquidez y, por tanto, liquidez en el sistema, mejores son los rellenos para los clientes. El hecho de que los comerciantes tienen acceso a las cotizaciones del mercado en tiempo real y puede ejecutar operaciones inmediatamente sin la intervención del distribuidor es lo que hace que la plataforma STP.

ECN & mdash; Red de Comunicaciones Electrónicas & mdash; Los corredores de ECN Forex permiten además que los pedidos de los clientes interactúen con los pedidos de otros clientes. El corredor de la divisa de ECN proporciona un mercado donde todos sus participantes (los bancos, los fabricantes del mercado y los comerciantes individuales) negocian uno contra el otro enviando ofertas competidoras y ofertas en el sistema. Los participantes interactúan dentro del sistema y obtienen las mejores ofertas para sus operaciones disponibles en ese momento. Todas las órdenes comerciales se emparejan entre contrapartes en tiempo real. Siempre se aplica una pequeña comisión de negociación - comisión.

A veces los corredores de STP se discuten como si fueran corredores de ECN. Para ser un ECN verdadero, un corredor debe exhibir la profundidad del mercado (DOM) en una ventana de datos, deja a clientes mostrar su propio tamaño de la orden en el sistema y permitir que otros clientes golpeen esas órdenes. Con el corredor de ECN los comerciantes pueden ver dónde está la liquidez y ejecutar operaciones.

Tipos de agentes e ingresos: diferenciales fijos vs. variables por comisiones

Los corredores Forex de ECN siempre tienen spreads variables. Sólo los corredores de ECN cobran comisión por el comercio de Forex. Comisión es el único ingreso / beneficio que recibe un corredor de ECN. Los corredores de ECN no están ganando dinero con la diferencia bid / ask (spread).

Un corredor de STP Forex se compensa a través de la propagación (márgenes de propagación - que se explicará en detalle a continuación).

Los corredores de STP tienen la opción de ofrecer diferenciales variables o fijos. Los corredores de STP dirigen todas las órdenes comerciales a los proveedores de liquidez - los bancos. Estos intermediarios, como intermediarios entre sus clientes y bancos, reciben los precios (spreads) contabilizados por los bancos en el mercado interbancario. La mayoría de los bancos, de hecho, ofrecen márgenes fijos y son creadores de mercado. Por lo tanto, un agente de STP tiene 2 opciones: 1. Que los spreads sean fijos. 2. Dejar el spread en 0 y dejar que el sistema tome la mejor oferta y pedir del número de bancos (cuanto más mejor) y de esta manera proporcionar spreads variables.

¿Cómo un corredor de STP gana su dinero? Puesto que los corredores de STP (así como ECN) no negocian contra sus clientes, agregan los propios markups pequeños a la cotización de la extensión. Esto se hace añadiendo un pip (o la mitad de un pip, o cualquier otra cantidad) a la mejor oferta y restando un pip a la mejor pregunta de su proveedor de liquidez. Todas las órdenes de clientes son encaminadas directamente a los proveedores de liquidez en la cotización original citada por esos proveedores, mientras que un corredor de STP gana su dinero de sus propias cotizaciones.

Many STP brokers run a hybrid STP model: DD + NDD Every STP broker signs a business contract with its liquidity providers (prime brokers), where the contract terms regulate the minimum transactions level which will be accepted by the liquidity provider. Esto significa que todos los pequeños pedidos realizados por los comerciantes (normalmente los que están por debajo de 0,1 lote) no pueden ser enviados a los proveedores de liquidez, porque no serán aceptados; Y por lo tanto tales órdenes deben ser manejadas por el broker STP, que en este caso se convierte en una contraparte para su transacción (Dealing escritorio modelo). If you trade with "Cents account" or a "Mini account", your STP broker is most likely always is a counter-party of your trades.

For all larger orders (as a rule, above 0.1 lot), the STP broker uses its real STP technology bridge & sends orders to its liquidity provides. Con cada transacción, el corredor recibe una porción del spread.

Fabricante de mercado de divisas - un agente con un escritorio de negociación gana dinero en la oferta / pedir diferencia, así como cuando un cliente pierde un comercio, ya que los creadores de mercado están negociando contra sus clientes mediante la cobertura - entrar en un comercio opuesto.


Corredores ECN son la raza más pura entre todos los distribuidores de Forex. No se benefician de la diferencia de propagación. Su único beneficio proviene de la comisión. Los corredores de ECN están interesados ​​en que sus clientes estén ganando, de lo contrario no habrá comisión para ganar.

Los intermediarios de STP ganan dinero con los spreads, por lo tanto, a pesar de que no tienen un escritorio de operaciones físicas para supervisar y contradecir los pedidos de los clientes (a menos que sea un modelo híbrido de STP), todavía pueden fijar su propio precio Encaminando órdenes comerciales a los proveedores de liquidez y proporcionando a sus clientes servicios comerciales avanzados, depósitos de cuentas más bajos, ejecución más rápida y ambiente de comercio anónimo sin escritorio de operaciones. STP corredores también están interesados ​​en ver a sus clientes de comercio rentable, por lo que un corredor puede seguir ganando en los spreads.

Los creadores de mercado ganan dinero en spreads y protegiéndose contra sus clientes. Sin embargo, si un cliente llega a ser "demasiado" rentable, puede directamente "trastornar" al corredor. Mientras que esto puede ser tolerado y manejado profesionalmente por un fabricante de mercado más grande reputable, con un distribuidor más pequeño tal cliente será pedido pronto para salir.

Beneficios de la negociación con los corredores No Dealing Desk

Entre la principal razón por la que los comerciantes buscan corredores NDD es la transparencia, mejor y más rápido llena y anonimato.

La transparencia significa que un comerciante entra en un verdadero mercado en lugar del mercado creado artificialmente para él. Los mejores rellenos son el resultado de las ofertas y ofertas directas y competitivas del mercado.

El anonimato significa que no hay un mostrador de negociación que ha venido al mercado y está pidiendo que se llene una orden, en lugar de ello las órdenes del cliente se ejecutan automáticamente, inmediatamente a través de la red del mercado y de forma totalmente anónima.

En el lado opuesto es un corredor de la oficina que negocia, que puede perfil sus clientes. En el peor de los casos, tal intermediario puede dividir a los clientes en grupos y poner los menos exitosos en la auto-ejecución y el comercio contra ellos, porque en promedio se perderán, mientras que los clientes que muestran signos de comercio exitoso se pondrán en "ralentizar" Y se puede proporcionar con frecuentes re-cotizaciones, deslizamiento y / o ejecución más lenta, especialmente durante los mercados de rápido movimiento, mientras que un corredor trata de compensar sus propios riesgos. La transparencia de un broker de Dealing Desk depende de las reglas dentro de la empresa.

Corredores de divisas no son malos en general, ya sea un Dealing o no-Dealing Desk, no están allí para ser en contra de cualquier comerciante en particular. Buscan hacer negocios, no sólo trabajar para los comerciantes en términos de cooperación en el entorno del mercado. Muchos grandes corredores de Forex que tienen un montón de clientes tienden a tratar de ayudar a sus clientes a ser rentables tanto como puedan, pero una vez que se coloca un orden comercial, es todo el mundo para sí mismos.

La mayoría de ellos estado de ser regulado de alguna manera se siente más bien proteger por ella. Por lo tanto se presentan a sí mismos como comerciante perfecto, por favor no caiga en esto, siendo regulado no significa nada. Ejecutan estafas cuando quieran. How to prove you have been conned ? Lets start that all those company do use one elaborate software and connected to one big computer center that they share. Muy similar a cualquier oficina de apuestas. You are made to believe that you are trading direct with Stock Market possible Wall street or else; well you are not, You are dealing with brokers who are all using the same software. Pueden con la velocidad de la luz analizar sus entradas y dentro de un segundo cambio la dirección del mercado a su conveniencia. Para ellos significa más beneficios de los bancos y de usted. they got your money ! You are better off going to any casino. Usted tiene más posibilidades. Cuanto más gente compre los mismos mercados, más el precio bajará. until you are forced to close your position. I have studied my 100 open position while dealing with a broker cit index what is disturbing is that 97 % of them going long, the market went the opposite, and on 100 tickets 96 % of them going short the market went up in price. Así que demuestra que nunca estás en una situación ganadora.

Al principio te hacen ganar un poco. Entonces cuando se hocked cambiar el interruptor. Y tú eres historia. Sus ahorros se han ido y usted está destituido. Te hicieron creer que podías hacer unas cuantas libras. O incluso para hacerse rico durante la noche. Its a scam

Also the chart that they show you are not 100% the same as the one of Wall Street.

Por supuesto, alguien tiene que ser un ganador de lo contrario, que quiere ir a un casino para perder todo el tiempo.

What is amazing is that the way they can manipulate a trade in such way to ransack money from small investors. Of course they are all connected and they have behind support of mega money and banks .

Cada día la gente está siendo estafada, es el fraude más grande del siglo. Y está protegido por los bancos y el gobierno mantenerse alejado de las empresas que todos utilizan el mismo software y todos conectados a una oficina central. Su oficina central. A forex company has a few names to fool people, but its the same company .


No comms, fixed spreads (regardless of how tight they are) is the 1st red flag. Because true ECN broker do not offer big deposit bonus, commission free account ect, Because they do not get this type offer from bank. From my experience, if you can ask them a report showing the counterparty of your trade then it will be tru ECN. Based on this, "Goldboro Borex broker" would be a TRUE ECN because they can provide you that report if you want it. También estoy negociando con ellos durante un año. I have an account with them, so that's my story.


Hello Mates. - Yo soy consciente de que a nadie le gusta proponer cuál es el mejor proveedor de ECN, ya que (1) hay N número de corredores reales y (2) tienen que compartir su propia experiencia. - How about FxOpen and FXPro as ECN broker


January 23, 2014

have anybody worked with www. forex. ee if yes please give your review and they claim they are pure ecn broker.


November 26, 2013

Tarsierfx. com is Scammer ! I can not withdraw deposit and profit All friends are carefull with "Tarsierfx. com"


November 17, 2013

FP Markets now also offer a Pro account with 0.2 pips spread and $7.00 commission. FXVV - yes, that's rather DMA, thank you! Both will be updated.


November 17, 2013

FP Markets is DMA with 1.0 Pip spread for their FX accounts FXVV is DMA broker with 1.5 Pip spread for "Started FX" accounts ($1-$5000) This is why they are charging $0 in commission.

Thanks for this service BrokerGuru


November 9, 2013

Brokers who are listed as "ECN/STP & STP" - those are brokers who offer different types of accounts - some accounts are strictly STP, but other (more advanced and usually with higher deposit requirements) accounts are ECN. The technologies and order execution for each account type will differ within broker's order execution system. It's also possible for a broker to offer all 3 account types at the same time - Dealing desk (usually micro accounts for novice traders), STP and ECN (for pros). Los operadores simplemente tienen que elegir lo que funciona mejor para ellos. Let me know in case I misinterpreted your question.


November 8, 2013

Great post, thanks.

You mention somewhere that some brokers run ECN and STP - could you explain how this works?

I understand the 4 types of ECN, STP, STP&DD, DD but the above is a bit unclear.

Actualmente estoy analizando en mi tesis doctoral FX minorista corredores basados ​​en algunos datos de propiedad que tienen acceso y me gustaría exactamente para clasificar las empresas lo mejor posible.

Any support would be very much appreciated - if possible email me at [email protected]

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In last tutorials we studied Bill Williams's two oscillators - Magic Ostsilyator and the Acceleration/deceleration Indicator.

When the driving force (Magic Ostsilyator) and an acceleration (the Acceleration/deceleration Indicator) are sent to one side (both green or both red) it is meant that the trend not only moves in this direction, but also is accelerated.

The zonal trade is based on this principle, and is also called fourth measurement of Bill Williams's.

If the current columns of both indicators are green, it testifies to a green zone.

If the current columns of both indicators are red, it testifies about a red zone.

To open new line items on purchase in a green zone or for sale in a red zone it is necessary at least two in a row green or red bar, thus the price of closing of the second bar should be higher (lower) than the price of closing of the previous bar.

However, after five green or red bars in a row we cease to open on a trend as more than six-eight bars colored in one color comming together.

In case of appearance of the fifth green or red bar it is necessary to expose Stop Loss the warrant on 1 пипс below minimum or above a ceiling price of the fifth bar. If on the following bars the stop warrant isn't executed, it needs to be changed to the level, which on 1 pips below than the minimum or above a ceiling price of the sixth bar and so on.

Thread: The EDGE of a trader

The EDGE of a trader

Hi traders! Many traders want to pick a profitable strategy, but not too many traders ask a question - "does this strategy have an EDGE ?". Ability to earn money in a short-term time perspective is not an edge itself, it's just a correspondence of your strategy and current market conditions.

The best way to understand the concept of EDGE it is to remember how casinos make their profit. They generate significant deal flow from their clients - they force them to make more and more bets and eventually, casino earns money and its edge can be explained in a few words: limited payoff per stake and limited stake size. Eso es. That's the edge. All they have is to generate enough turnover to realize that edge.

Edge can be formulated in a very simple way - for example, it can be ability of the market to liquidate quickly when it has exceeding inventory, or it can be ability of the trend to keep going in the dominant direction rather than reverse. It should be very simple, it's not a strategy, it's a core principle that allows you to beat the average. All you have to do is to have more situations that provide you your edge - in other words, more markets and more setups that have those profitable (for your trading style) inefficencies.

Why do you need decent turnover to realize your edge? What about "trade less to earn more" principle? Well, the fact is that overall predictibility of the market is relatively low, and even if you have "A"-class conditions for your trade, you have no guarantees of profitable outcome. The very next trade doesn't make sence in terms of final outcome. Next 100 or 1000 trades will definitely make sence. So, there are core principles that should be respected by trader:

1. Trading is a marathon and final result can be calulated only on a series of trades. 2. Edge or your core trading idea should be simple. You should have opportunity to find it on any market. The best trading edge is that relies on fundamental unchanged behavior of market participants (say, trendiness). 3. To realize your edge, you want to have more what works. More markets and more good setups. For example, I formulate my edge in the following words: I use ability of the strong trend to have better odds of continuation, and trade against couter-trend short-term inventory. It means that in my trading first I have to define a trend, then to define exact entry point - for entry I tend to seek for exceeding inventory of counter-trend traders. Trend creates market conditions that will help price action to go further, entry point will provide me good timing for my trade and will help me to reduce risk. So, you see that trend plays sigificant part in my trading, that's why I want to have more currency pairs (and other instruments as CFDs) for better trade selection. Also, I like to trade liquid markets (mostly currencies), because overbought and oversold conditions occur pretty frequently on these markets. Combining trendiness with short-term market logic helps me to move forward in my trading.

How would you formulate YOUR edge?

Last edited by Value trader; 03-26-2014 at 08:40 PM.

Pro Join Date Sep 2013 Posts 19,321 Bonus(¢) 29,920

Received: 211 Given: 23

Take caring of each step would show us a clean way to do trade and achieve our target in forex. Well preparation before trading, a proper trading analysis, good trading plans, a good use of management and strategy these all important avoid future losses in forex. I am still learning in this business and treating this business as a learner don't want do any hurry about gaining profit.

Of course, many of these will be used together by the trader to producing the best results in the market. And the first of this all is the way of making the system of the trader work for him, when this is good ways, then the management would be very useful in the multiple manners, I believe that all still depend son good plans.

Pro Join Date Mar 2015 Posts 1,178 Bonus(¢) 0

Received: 29 Given: 13

Trading is a marathon and final result can be calulated only on a series of trades.

To me I don't see forex trading as a business that is based on marathon, personally, it is a business that one needs to take some few accurate trades, therefore being able to low loss. That way, trading as a marathon where one believes that the success is based on the series of trades taken will make such traders to take some wrong trades and make mistakes therefore losing.

Rookie Join Date Dec 2013 Posts 11,510 Bonus(¢) 16,200

Received: 65 Given: 19

3. To realize your edge, you want to have more what works. More markets and more good setups.

yes as trading works on referring good returns with the manage, trader spends of time to work of more with the different customs of arrange. on appealing chance to gains of the better improvesment and breaking the good barre on entering further to enter by the higher stages with the complex on details with the manage of the future trading plan.

Rookie Join Date Feb 2014 Posts 5,907 Bonus(¢) 0

Received: 28 Given: 12

that ia a wise thing to say no matter what was your trading style you should never forget to consider other things becaue the market is not stable and it need a lot of flexibility in order to be able to deal with all conditions that comes up in thw market

I don't think there is possibility market more wise than this i also think the possibility always limited for them the traders in this market can not stabilize their trading because they are not making profit in their trading account for that the market has its condition can change time to time and start to change each time they wish to do that they are always knowing the possibility trading always be sure when market can change the situation, market can givr good comment and start the winning trading system.

Rookie Join Date Feb 2013 Posts 5,132 Bonus(¢) 10

Received: 91 Given: 65

To me I don't see forex trading as a business that is based on marathon, personally, it is a business that one needs to take some few accurate trades, therefore being able to low loss. That way, trading as a marathon where one believes that the success is based on the series of trades taken will make such traders to take some wrong trades and make mistakes therefore losing.

Forex trading is the long term trading business, because t get forex trading as the higher level that is the trading for living, trader must consider as the forex trading as the daily journal and daily life. Forex trader can get more knowledge and lesson by use forex trading in more time and longer time dear.

Rookie Join Date Nov 2013 Posts 12,348 Bonus(¢) 20,010

Received: 83 Given: 7

Forex trading is the long term trading business, because t get forex trading as the higher level that is the trading for living, trader must consider as the forex trading as the daily journal and daily life. Forex trader can get more knowledge and lesson by use forex trading in more time and longer time dear.

it is not a business we can take with levity. the trading is not fast in giving money, it is long term business has you have said my friend, as it is, traders should upgrade themselves in the bossiness so they do not spent long time without achieving tangible thing form the business, some traders are in this problem.

Rookie Join Date Apr 2014 Posts 1,688 Bonus(¢) 0

Received: 37 Given: 29

Forex trading is the long term trading business, because t get forex trading as the higher level that is the trading for living, trader must consider as the forex trading as the daily journal and daily life. Forex trader can get more knowledge and lesson by use forex trading in more time and longer time dear.

For that we should be able to survive in this field for a long time. It need knowledge. Knowledge is essential and it comes with learning. Learning should start with demo. In forex, the beginner can test his skills on demo accounts and evaluate himself from time to time. I think knowledge, hard work and continuous analysis are the key to succeed.

Pro Join Date Jan 2014 Posts 6,500 Bonus(¢) 18,105

Received: 190 Given: 403

For that we should be able to survive in this field for a long time. It need knowledge. Knowledge is essential and it comes with learning. Learning should start with demo. In forex, the beginner can test his skills on demo accounts and evaluate himself from time to time. I think knowledge, hard work and continuous analysis are the key to succeed.

Learning is the key of success sir and our hard work, analysis, practice these all are the elements of our learning. First of all trader's have to focus on long term success and have to do trade according to the life time earning possibility in this business. Their first aim should be to gain good trading knowledge in demo trading account, and after getting good demo trading training and confidence they can test their trading ability in real trading account specially their trading psychology.

Pro Join Date Sep 2013 Posts 19,321 Bonus(¢) 29,920

Received: 211 Given: 23

For that we should be able to survive in this field for a long time. It need knowledge. Knowledge is essential and it comes with learning. Learning should start with demo. In forex, the beginner can test his skills on demo accounts and evaluate himself from time to time. I think knowledge, hard work and continuous analysis are the key to succeed.

We should try to survive sir, and I am sure that trading forex can make us survive if we know the way to do the trading very well. It is a matter of time before this happens. To locate the best deals in the market, it is the function of the trading experience that would do it, and we need to be well alert of this regard.

Rookie Join Date Mar 2014 Posts 2,097 Bonus(¢) 2,500

Received: 60 Given: 39

Learning is the key of success sir and our hard work, analysis, practice these all are the elements of our learning. First of all trader's have to focus on long term success and have to do trade according to the life time earning possibility in this business. Their first aim should be to gain good trading knowledge in demo trading account, and after getting good demo trading training and confidence they can test their trading ability in real trading account specially their trading psychology.

We need good planning and good strategies and use it well. I am happy with forex and i think it is a challenging business which make me experienced and successful person in my life where money and experienced both i got from it so i am really happy with forex. But earnings comes only after learning and gaining knowledge.

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BP investigated forex traders amid 'cartel’ fixing claims

BP has investigated whether traders on its foreign exchange desk were involved in the manipulation of the $5.3 trillion a day currency market, it emerged on Tuesday night.

The British energy giant admitted it had "conducted a review" of its mainly London-based trading operation after regulators in the UK and US began their own probes late last year.

BP's appearance in the foreign exchange scandal, which has seen one London banker arrested and six banks fined a total of £2.7bn . came after reports that members of the company's treasury trading unit had been told of planned currency trades hours before they happened.

Bloomberg claimed it had seen copies of messages sent to BP staff by a group of senior foreign-exchange traders at JP Morgan, Barclays, UBS and Citigroup, who met in a chatroom named "The Cartel".

Bloomberg alleged that a BP trader had used a chatroom with a JP Morgan trader. However, there’s no evidence that any BP traders were members of The Cartel nor that anyone at BP acted on information allegedly passed to them.

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In a statement, BP said: “Following regulatory market (not into BP) investigations regarding the forex markets, we conducted a review into our activities in this area. BP’s forex desk has relationships (as a customer) with 26 relationship banks, including JP Morgan, Citibank and Barclays.

“BP has a robust framework of compliance requirements and internal controls which are constantly reviewed, and maintains an open dialogue with the appropriate regulators.”

A source told The Telegraph that BP did not find any wrongdoing and closed its investigation.

BP declined to comment on individual staff members, but said that its “code of conduct includes mandatory requirements for employees to disclose potential conflicts of interests internally”.

Dozens of bankers have been suspended or fired in relation to forex manipulation, and Chancellor George Osborne wrote to the Serious Fraud Office saying it would be given a blank cheque to investigate wrongdoing.

JP Morgan declined to comment.

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Trading Setups / Chart in Focus:

Spot Gold The spot gold market fell dramatically lower today after the inside bar strategy from yesterday broke lower. Price also broke and closed below the key $1625.00 support level, opening up the door for a re-test of the long-term support near $1522.00. Traders can look to sell on rotations back up to the key breakdown level / resistance near $1625.00, pending intra-day or daily price action confirmation.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here . Forex Commentary:

In the currency markets today, the euro lost ground to the U. S. dollar again, on the back of concerns that changes in Greek and French leadership could lead to more economic instability in the euro-zone.

The EURUSD dipped below the key $1.3000 support level, closing the day slightly above it at $1.3003.

The U. S. dollar was stronger against most other majors today, except for a slight loss to the Japanese yen.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks moved lower early in the session on the back of more news out of Greece that worked to fuel concerns about the strength of the euro-zone economy. Stocks cut losses into the close however, ending the day up off the lows.

The Dow lost 76.44 points, or 0.59 percent, the S&P 500 dropped 5.86 points, or 0.43 percent, and the Nasdaq lost 11.49 points, or 0.39 percent.

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 5/9/2012

7:50pm EST: Japan – Current Account 9:30pm EST: Australia – Employment Change 9:30pm EST: Australia – Unemployment Rate

The EURUSD opened this week with a huge gap down but then pared losses into the New York close forming a bullish pin bar off key 1.3000 support. We could see a pop higher off this pin bar strategy as the next key resistance is not seen until about 1.3200. However, the ideal scenario would be to wait and watch for a 4 hour price action sell signal after the week-opening gap fills up near 1.3090 – 1.3100 resistance.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here .

In the currency markets today, the euro lost ground to the other majors after weekend elections in Greece and France fueled concerns about European debt problems.

The EURUSD pared losses into the New York close and ended the day well off its lows, forming a bullish pin bar off 1.3000 support.

The GBPUSD gained significant ground today as the British pound is benefitting from the weakness in the euro.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks ended the day mixed on the back of unease about results from the weekend’s results from Greek and French elections.

The Dow dropped 29.74 points, or 0.2%, the S&P 500 gained 0.48 points, or 0.04%, and the Nasdaq added 1.42 points, or 0.1%

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 5/8/2012

5:30am EST: Australia – Annual Budget Release 5:00pm EST: New Zealand – RBNZ Financial Stability Report

Weekly Forex Chart Price Action Outlook for May 7th – May 11th 2012

The EURUSD fell lower into the end of last week after a fakey trading strategy formed on Tuesday. We can see price easily sliced through the key support level at 1.3200 and ended the week significantly lower at 1.3082. This week, we could see consolidation in the near-term, however if the bearish momentum continues a re-test of key support at 1.3000 would not be surprising. The key levels to watch for PA signals are 1.3200 and 1.3000, traders can look to trade the range from those levels, while making sure only to consider trading obvious 4 hour or daily chart time frame signals since there is no obvious trend here.

The GBPUSD lost ground everyday last week, and we can see price ended the week near the the lows. If price continues to retrace lower this week, we will watch support from the 21 day EMA to about 1.6000 for potential price action buy signals to rejoin the uptrend.

In our commentary from last Thursday. we discussed the potential for the GBPJPY to move lower off the bearish pin bars that had formed on the daily chart. On Friday, price dropped significantly lower and closed below the near-term support at 129.00. We discussed the pin bar trading strategy from last Wednesday in our members’ forum well before it came off, and some of our member’s entered on Thursday on a 50% retrace of Wednesday’s pin bar and have already netted a 1:2 or more winner as a result. This week, we could see price fall further as there’s no significant support until about 127.00, while noting that a retrace higher is possible first.

The NZDUSD finally broke and closed outside of its 2-month old trading range last week. Now we have a clear bearish bias and can look to sell any rallies into resistance, pending price action confirmation.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here .

Trading Setups / Chart in Focus:

The GBPJPY bearish pin bar strategy and inside pin bar setup that we discussed in yesterday’s commentary has resulted in a significant move to the downside today. Considering NFP was released today, this was somewhat of a “gutsy” call, but we simply read the price action on the chart and acted accordingly, uninfluenced by today’s big news release.

Many of our members took this trade and we can see it’s now into a nice profit. After our previous GBPJPY long call from last week that ended up being a “fizzer”, we can see we now have a potential 1:2 or more winner on our hands. It goes to show through the power of risk to reward we can make more than we lose by simply being patient and trading from the daily chart time frame .

We see potential for more downside next week with key support not seen until about 127.00.

NZDUSD The NZDUSD dropped further away from its recent trading range today. If price retraces early next week, we will watch 0.8055 resistance and the 8 / 21 day EMA dynamic resistance layer to re-join the negative momentum in this market now.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here .

In the currency markets today, the U. S. dollar lost ground to the Japanese yen but rallied against the other majors today as worries about global growth resumed.

The U. S. April jobs report came in weaker than expected, combined with disappointing economic news from Europe caused traders and investors to ditch higher-yielding assets in favor of safe havens.

The Japanese yen was today’s big winner as risk appetite fell. The greenback was significantly higher against the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, and New Zealand dollar, as these currencies are closely linked to global growth.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks lost ground on the back of a weaker than expected U. S. jobs report and pessimistic data out of the euro-zone.

The Dow lost 168.32 points, or 1.27 percent, the S&P 500 dropped 22.47 points, or 1.61 percent, and the Nasdaq lost 67.96 points, or 2.25 percent.

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 5/6/2012

All day: Euro-zone – French Presidential Election All day: Euro-zone – Greek Parliamentary Election 9:30pm EST: Australia – Building Approvals m/m 9:30pm EST: Australia – Retail Sales m/m

3:00am EST: Switzerland – Foreign Currency Reserves 3:15am EST: Switzerland – CPI m/m 8:30am EST: Canada – Building Permits m/m 9:30pm EST: Australia – Trade Balance

Trading Setups / Chart in Focus:

GBPJPY The GBPJPY has formed an inside pin bar strategy within the range of yesterday’s pin bar. Both setups are showing rejection of the 130.20 resistance level as well as the 8 / 21 daily EMA resistance layer. If price breaks lower from these pin bars, we could see a move lower towards the next key support near 127.00, whereas a violation of the high of Wednesday’s pin bar would likely mean higher prices are in store.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here .

In the currency markets today, the euro lost ground to the U. S. dollar for the third consecutive day on the back of comments from European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi.

The euro hit a two-week low of $1.3094 against the dollar but recovered to $1.3151 into the NY close. The greenback was higher against all the other major currencies today.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks lost ground on the back of mixed economic signals one day before the critical April Non-Farm Employment change report.

The Dow lost 61.98 points, or 0.47 percent, the S&P 500 dropped 10.74 points, or 0.77 percent, and the Nasdaq lost 35.55 points, or 1.16 percent. Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 5/4/2012

3:15am EST: Switzerland – Retail Sales y/y 8:30am EST: United States – Non-Farm Employment Change 8:30am EST: United States – Unemployment Rate 10:00am EST: Canada – Ivey PMI

The GBPUSD has had a nice rally recently but is a bit extended here and thus we see potential for a deeper rotation to the downside. If that happens, we can anticipate a 4 hour or daily chart signal by watching the key support area between 1.6060 and 1.6000 for potential forex price action buy signals to re-join the recent upward momentum.

May Special Promotion – This month I’m offering a Special Discount on Lifetime membership to my Forex Course, Live Trade Setups Forum, Daily Trade Setups Newsletter, Email support line, and more. For more info visit the Forex Course Page Here .

In the currency markets today, the euro lost significant ground to the U. S. dollar after poor U. S. and euro-zone economic data worked to increase concerns about the global economy.

The EURUSD lost about 0.6 percent and ended the day at $1.3157.

The greenback gained ground against the Japanese yen, but ended the day only slightly higher as prices pared gains and formed a bearish pin bar into the New York close.

In the U. S. markets today, stocks moved lower on the back of data that showed U. S. hiring dropped more than expected in the private sector for the month of April.

The Dow fell 10.75 points, or 0.08 percent, the S&P 500 lost 3.52 points, or 0.25 percent, and the Nasdaq added 9.41 points, or 0.31 percent.

Upcoming important economic announcements (New York time): 5/3/2012

4:30am EST: Britain – Services PMI 7:45am EST: Euro-zone – Minimum Bid Rate 8:30am EST: Euro-zone – ECB Press Conference 8:30am EST: United States – Unemployment Claims 10:00am EST: United States – ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI 9:30pm EST: Australia – RBA Monetary Policy Statement

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Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Currency News » Forex Market: EUR/USD daily trading outlook

January 14, 2016 7:20 am

Yesterday’s trade saw EUR/USD within the range of 1.0803-1.0889. The pair closed at 1.0885, going up 0.26% on a daily basis. It has been the first gain in the past four trading days. The daily low was a higher-low test of the low from January 8th.

At 7:18 GMT today EUR/USD was losing 0.12% for the day to trade at 1.0863. The pair touched a daily low at 1.0861 at 7:19 GMT, making an exact test of the range support level (S3). A break and close below S3 may send the pair down for a test of January 13th low (1.0803). Resistance may be encountered in the area around the current daily high (1.0897).

On Thursday EUR/USD trading may be influenced by the following macroeconomic reports as listed below.


Euro area

Italy – producción industrial

Annualized industrial production in Italy probably expanded 2.5% in November, according to the median forecast by experts. If expectations were met, November would be the fifth consecutive month of expansion. In October industrial output grew 2.9%, or at the sharpest rate since May 2015, when it expanded 3.0%. At the same time, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production probably rose 0.2% in November compared to October, following a 0.5% expansion in the preceding month. October’s rate of increase has been the most considerable one since July 2015. The index reflects the change in overall inflation-adjusted value of output in sectors such as manufacturing, mining and utilities. In case annual output increased at a faster rate than anticipated, this would have a limited bullish effect on the common currency, as it would suggest a greater possibility of inflationary pressure build-up. The National Institute of Statistics (Istat) is to release the official industrial data at 9:00 GMT.

ECB Monetary Policy Accounts

At 12:30 GMT the European Central Bank is expected to release the accounts from its latest policy meeting, held on December 3rd. This document offers a fair and balanced reflection of policy deliberations, with its objective being to provide the rationale behind monetary policy decisions and let the public receive a better understanding of the ECB Governing Council’s assessment of macroeconomic conditions.

The key refinancing rate was left intact at the record low level of 0.05% in line with market expectations. The rate on the marginal lending facility was also kept unchanged at 0.30%, but the rate on the deposit facility was reduced by 10 basis points to -0.30%. Additionally, the central bank decided to extend its EUR 60-billion-per-month easing program until at least March 2017.

According to extracts from the Introductory Statement to the Press Conference, offered by ECB President Mario Draghi in December: ”The monthly purchases of €60 billion under the APP are now intended to run until the end of March 2017, or beyond, if necessary, and in any case until the Governing Council sees a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation consistent with its aim of achieving inflation rates below, but close to, 2% over the medium term.”

”…we decided to include, in the public sector purchase programme, euro-denominated marketable debt instruments issued by regional and local governments located in the euro area in the list of assets that are eligible for regular purchases by the respective national central banks.”

”…we decided to continue conducting the main refinancing operations and three-month longer-term refinancing operations as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until the end of the last reserve maintenance period of 2017.”

There have been indications that the set of monetary policy tools could be expanded at the Bank’s upcoming meetings. ”There is no doubt that if we had to intensify the use of our instruments to ensure that we achieve our price stability mandate, we would. There cannot be any limit to how far we are willing to deploy our instruments, within our mandate, and to achieve our mandate”, Mario Draghi said in a statement at the Economic Club of New York held on December 4th. ”I can say therefore with confidence – and without any complacency – that we will secure the return of inflation to 2% without undue delay, because we are currently deploying tools that we believe will achieve this, and because we can, in any case, deploy our tools further if that proves necessary”, he added.

In case the Monetary Policy Accounts were to present a hawkish economic outlook, the common currency would receive support, while a dovish outlook would usually lead to a sell-off.

Estados Unidos

Import and Export prices

Prices of imported goods in the United States probably fell for a seventh consecutive month in December, going down at a monthly rate of 1.4%, according to market expectations. In November import prices were 0.4% lower from a month ago, driven by a 2.5% decline in fuel import prices and a 0.2% dip in non-fuel prices. In annual terms, prices were 9.4% lower in November, which has been the 16th consecutive month of decline. Generally, lower import prices of goods suggest lower rates of consumer inflation.

Prices of exported goods from the United States probably decreased for a seventh consecutive month in December, falling at a monthly rate of 0.5%. In November export prices were 0.6% lower from a month ago, as agricultural export prices fell 1.1%, while prices of non-agricultural goods dropped 0.3%. In annual terms, export prices slumped 6.3% in November, or for a 15th month in a row. Lower prices of exported goods generally bolster demand abroad, and as US trade accounts for 20% of international trade relations, this also tends to be dollar positive.

The Department of Labor is expected to release the official numbers at 13:30 GMT.

Initial, Continuing Jobless Claims

The number of people in the United States, who filed for unemployment assistance for the first time during the business week ended on January 8th, probably increased to 275 000, according to market expectations, from 277 000 reported in the preceding week. If expectations were met, this would be the lowest number of claims since the business week ended on December 18th, when a figure of 267 000 was reported.

The 4-week moving average, an indicator lacking seasonal effects, was 275 750, marking a decrease by 1 250 compared to the preceding week’s unrevised average.

The business week, which ended on January 1st has been the 43rd consecutive week, when jobless claims stood below the 300 000 threshold, which implied a healthy labor market.

Initial jobless claims number is a short-term indicator, reflecting lay-offs in the country. In case the number of claims met expectations or decreased further, this would have a moderate bullish effect on the US dollar.

The number of continuing jobless claims probably fell to the seasonally adjusted 2 215 000 during the business week ended on January 1st from 2 230 000 in the preceding week. The latter represented an increase by 25 000 compared to the revised up number of claims reported in the week ended on December 18th. This indicator reflects the actual number of people unemployed and currently receiving unemployment benefits, who filed for unemployment assistance at least two weeks ago.

The Department of Labor is to release the weekly report at 13:30 GMT.

Bond Yield Spread

The yield on German 2-year government bonds went as high as -0.370% on January 13th, after which it closed at -0.379% to lose 0.002 percentage point in comparison with January 12th. It has been the 13th drop in the past 21 trading days.

The yield on US 2-year government bonds climbed as high as 0.956% on January 13th, after which it closed at 0.903% to lose 2.5 basis points (0.025 percentage point) compared to January 12th. It has been the 13th drop in the past 21 trading days and also a second consecutive one.

The spread between 2-year US and 2-year German bond yields, which reflects the flow of funds in a short term, narrowed to 1.282% on January 13th from 1.305% on January 12th. The January 13th yield spread has been the lowest one since December 11th, when the difference was 1.222%.

Meanwhile, the yield on German 10-year government bonds soared as high as 0.554% on January 13th, after which it slid to 0.497% at the close to lose 3.3 basis points (0.033 percentage point) compared to January 12th. It has been the 11th drop in the past 21 trading days and also a second consecutive one.

The yield on US 10-year government bonds climbed as high as 2.151% on January 13th, after which it slipped to 2.079% at the close to lose 2.6 basis points (0.026 percentage point) compared to January 12th. It has been the 14th drop in the past 21 trading days and also a second consecutive one.

The spread between 10-year US and 10-year German bond yields expanded to 1.582% on January 13th from 1.575% on January 12th. The January 13th yield difference has been the largest one since January 11th, when the spread was 1.632%.

Daily and Weekly Pivot Levels

By employing the Camarilla calculation method, the daily pivot levels for EUR/USD are presented as follows:

R1 – 1.0893 R2 – 1.0901 R3 (range resistance) – 1.0909 R4 (range breakout) – 1.0932

S1 – 1.0877 S2 – 1.0869 S3 (range support) – 1.0861 S4 (range breakout) – 1.0838

By using the traditional method of calculation, the weekly pivot levels for EUR/USD are presented as follows:

Central Pivot Point – 1.0863 R1 – 1.1018 R2 – 1.1103 R3 – 1.1258

S1 – 1.0778 S2 – 1.0623 S3 – 1.0538

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Forex currency trading is not allowed in INDIA by RBI

Originally Posted by vijay22

Hi my all INDIAN friends I wish to inform you all that RBI doesnt allow to trade forex online trading in INDIA. Indian people cannot send money for purpose forex Trading. I have met RBI on 17th April 2009 at Bombay Fort at 5th floor. I met to an Forex MARKET Officer in RBI and enquired about forex tarding in INDIA He replied " FOREX CURRENCY TRADDING IS NOT PERMITTED IN INDIA" so we cannot send money by wire transfer for the purpose of forex trading.

So beawre all. forex trading is not allowed in INDIA officially.

Vijay from Bombay

I think you have approached a wrong official in RBI. Go to Reliance Money office near your home and open an account with them. They will do everything legally including taking you to your bank and complete the A-2 form and wire transfer legally permissible investment.

Once you get Reliance Money User ID and password. You can download their forex trading platform and everything is ready.

BINGO - you can start trading forex trading. Kindly do not stay in the dark side of information.

Originally Posted by pmg123

I think you have approached a wrong official in RBI. Go to Reliance Money office near your home and open an account with them. They will do everything legally including taking you to your bank and complete the A-2 form and wire transfer legally permissible investment.

Once you get Reliance Money User ID and password. You can download their forex trading platform and everything is ready.

BINGO - you can start trading forex trading. Kindly do not stay in the dark side of information. ----------------------------------- Vijay, the Reliance Capital is only for USD/INR and not for other currency combiantions.

Dear friend , now days allmost all brokers giving currency trading(only USD/INR)

Dear friend , now days allmost all brokers giving currency trading(only USD/INR)

That is not because FX trading is not permissible. The reason is our brokers cant compete with the international brokers in the Spot OTC forex markets as of now.

Now, even ALPARI, UK has opened an office in Mumbai and is offering Forex trading to Indian residents. GO check out there website(just google Alpari India) and contact them to see if you can trade with them.

The answer you will find will be a big fat yes.

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Xforex Reviews

XForex is a relatively well known Forex Broker, located in the British Virgin Islands. XForex was launched by a team of Forex professionals 5 years ago, who have a long running history in the Forex market, therefore understanding both the Forex side and the client side of trading.

Trading with XForex. The Advantages

Trading with XForex offers clients multiple and advantageous benefits. Beginning with their user-friendly platform, XForex turns their net based platform into a simple and effective location for placing trades. XForex offers a rare feature that many other brokers oversee: all your trading activity occurs on one page. This gives the client the upper hand, meaning he does not leave the main page for any purpose – therefore his attention is solely focused on his trades. With 3 trading zones, limit order capability and real time rates viewing, XForex delivers exactly what an advanced trader or even a novice trader needs. The XForex trading platform is simple yet stylish, modern and reliable.

XForex offers leverage of 400:1, with a minimum deposit requirement as low as $100. Their leverage indicates a sense of understanding market risks, as the higher the leverage, the more at risk your account is. The payment process is immediate as XForex works with the major credit card companies, accepting Visa, MasterCard and Diners. Also, they are extremely efficient with Bank transfers and Western Union. XForex bonus offerings are a tad higher than other Forex Brokers offer (they are offering up to 25%), allowing you to obtain a suitable bonus without feeling left behind. The withdrawal process is quick and effective, complying with regulation laws, offering a smooth withdrawal process.

Surprisingly, XForex delivers exactly what they promise – around the clock customer support. Their representatives are trained professionals, going through an extensive training course – thus guaranteeing a superb level of proficiency and discipline. Another plus is that their team of professionals speak a wide variety of languages. Clients can contact them regarding any sort of subject: Deposits, withdrawals, market events, questions relating to their account and so on.

XForex is a safe and reliable Forex Broker. They maintain a high level of security, guaranteeing the trader a secure trading environment. They follow up on documentation and are in constant contact with Banks around the globe, ensuring a protective bubble around the flow of client funds.

Not to be left behind, XForex offers a free package of webinars and workshops. These webinars cover all the important subjects of Forex (such as Technical Analysis, Non Farm Payrolls and so on). Participation is free of charge to not registered clients as well as existing clients. Also another factor with XForex is their Online Educational Course. This course is written by professionals and includes videos on how to trade, how to read graphs and charts and what to do during market volatility. The added plus with a tutorial like this one is that you can view it retroactively, allowing you to continue learning the ropes of the Forex Market.

XForex is a superb Forex broker which offers a wide range of benefits and opportunities for all traders. They have custom tailored themselves to suit all their clients, allowing each and every client to reach their maximum potential. They are confident and have established a well known name for themselves, constantly looking to improve their service and monitoring developments in the technological field. They offer attractive features and opportunities, while at the same time allowing the client to prosper on his own.

Author: Bo0mB0om | 16-03-2016, 11:58 | Views: 0

Forex Trading For Beginners English | 2016 | mp4 | H264 936x716 | AAC 2 ch | 1 hrs | 309 MB eLearning, Business, Finance | Skill level: Beginner level

A Journey Of A 1000 Miles Begins With A Single Step - Make Money Trading Forex, Learn The Basics To Get You Started

The Forex market is the largest worldwide market with over 5 trillion dollars traded each day, this course is for beginners looking to start out in Forex, If you are a beginner looking to start earning as a Forex take this course. When you take this course you will learn a simple trading strategy that you can use as a beginner to start making money trading Forex. You will also learn about Japanese candlesticks - you will learn how and when to trade using Japanese candlesticks You will learn how you can make money using candlestick Patterns You will learn 4 powerful Candlestick patterns You will learn the ABC price movement and how to identify these movements and much more Better Work Life Balance - As a Forex trader you will have more time to spend with family as you can choose your work hours Higher Quality Of Life - As a Forex trader you have the ability to enjoy a higher quality of life, you can work from anywhere in the world, you can travel the world while you work So if you're interested in being your own boss and taking charge of your finances consider a career as a Forex Trader When you take this course you will: - Understand how to trade The Forex market - Learn how to place a trade on the Forex market - Learn how you can earn money trading Forex - Understand how you can protect yourself should the trade not go your way - Understand what are Japanese Candlesticks - Learn how to identify the various types of Japanese Candlesticks - Learn how to trade Japanese Candlesticks - Learn that Japanese candlesticks often indicates potential turning points in the market - Understand what are trend lines and how to draw trend lines - Understand the significance of trend lines - Learn that trend lines act as levels of support and resisitance - Learn how to trade trend line breaks and bounces - Understand the A, B,C, D price wave movement and how to identify these movements

¿Qué son los requerimientos? - Be interested in earning money trading Forex

What am I going to get from this course? - Over 16 lectures and 1 hour of content! - You will learn a simple strategy that you can use as a beginner to start trading Forex - Understand how to trade The Forex market - Learn how to place a trade on the Forex market - Learn how you can earn money trading Forex - Understand how you can protect yourself should the trade not go your way - Understand what are Japanese Candlesticks - Learn how to identify the various types of Japanese Candlesticks - Learn how to trade Japanese Candlesticks - Learn that Japanese candlesticks often indicates potential turning points in the market - Understand what are trend lines and how to draw trend lines - Understand the significance of trend lines - Learn that trend lines act as levels of support and resisitance - Learn how to trade trend line breaks and bounces - Understand the A, B,C, D price wave movement and how to identify these movements

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Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien mano amiga. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Forex forum India − Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Random socializing on Forex forum India Our forum is a good way to have some rest from work and communicate with friends on miscellaneous topics. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, mt5.com permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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Copy FOREX trades and profit

Copy FOREX trades is a method introduced by FOREX brokers, so people who are new to FOREX trading can make profits by copying other successful traders. This allowed people to invest their money with a minimum risk and even allowed people with no clue about currency trading to profit from the FOREX market. FOREX is a lucrative market with the daily trading volume reaching 4 trillion dollars. Financial institutions and individual traders made millions out of FOREX trading. This is why many people try their hand at FOREX trading. But many who are new to trading suffer losses because they don’t understand the technical terms associated with FOREX trading. Support levels, pivot points, retrace, candle charts, stop loss are just too much to handle for most people. This article will guide you to copy FOREX trades in an efficient manner.

Finding a broker that allows people to copy FOREX trades

Esta es la parte más importante. Not every broker allows you to copy other successful FOREX traders. Although more brokers are starting to allow this it is best to choose a broker who has done this for a while. I personally use eToro as my FOREX broker. They are an award winning FOREX platform renowned for their easy to use interface. Their Openbook network makes it easier to find successful traders and they provide many resources for newcomers. If you are a newcomer I highly recommend them because their interface is so much easier to understand. Once you get understand the concept and how it works you can go looking for more advanced FOREX brokers.

Copy trades of successful FOREX traders and earn money with low risk

Finding FOREX traders to copy

This is the most important thing and a step that will decide how much money you will make. If you want to copy FOREX trades you need to find the successful traders. When finding a trader there are few things you need to consider

Success rate of the trader – success rate means the percentage of trades that ended up giving profits. Some traders have 100% trading records. These are people who invest high amounts with low leverage. You are guaranteed profits with them but the profit will be small. Any trader that has a success rate above 90% is a good trader to copy.

Frequency of trades – No point having a 100% successful record if they are trading only once a week. Look for traders who are trading frequently. This way your investment will increase steadily. Just remember you wont get rich overnight copying traders, instead use it as a process to make some money while you are still learning the trade.

Risk Level of the Trader – Risk level indicates how much risk a trader takes when doing his trades. This usually means the leverage level. If a trader uses high leverage he can earn a lot but he can lose a lot as well. It is advisable to avoid high risk traders.

The optimum solution would be to find a successful trader who trades often with low risk levels . This is a rare combination but you can find them with some careful searching.

Testing current traders and finding new traders

Copying FOREX trades and just waiting wont make you a lot of money. Lots of things can happen once you started following a trader. He might move onto another FOREX broker, stop trading for a while or reduce the number of trades etc. This is why you need to constantly check how they are performing and reinvest your money if necessary. If you see a trader is successful and trades frequently then you can invest more money towards his copies and reduce the amount spent on people who trade less frequently. All these data are available to you in your dashboards as an easy to view overview so you shouldn’t have any trouble analyzing them. Also some FOREX brokers sends out a weekly email announcing that weeks successful traders. This makes it much easier to find successful traders. If you decide to copy FOREX trades testing and reinvesting is a must do thing to increase profits.

How much to invest

Most FOREX brokers allow you to start from 50$ but it is always a good idea to invest a considerable amount. Most traders recommend you to start from 10,000$. At least invest around 1000$ so you can see a considerable return for your investment. This also helps you spread your money to copy few traders. This is especially important if you are hoping to do FOREX trading yourself. Investing more gives you the ability to trade big amounts using low leverage. Another advantage is the bonuses you get from FOREX brokers. Some FOREX brokers gives you a bonus as much 50%. So if you invest 1000$ you can get a bonus around 500$.

Learning from the best FOREX traders

Once you find few successful traders you can learn from them and get more comfortable at trading. You can check out which currency pairs they are trading, what are the times they are trading and how they manage risk by using leverage, stop losses etc. If you are interested about learning FOREX following some successful traders online will help you immensely. While following them make sure to practice trading using your practice account. They provide you with some virtual money to get started. Don’t be careless just because they are virtual money.

Can I get rich copying successful FOREX traders

The answer to that question depends on the amount you invested and the traders you decided to follow. Although you can copy FOREX trades your end goal should be to learn trading and open your own trades. However if you want a low risk way to earn money from FOREX then copying them is a good way to go about it. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments section.

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I don’t know much about Copy FOREX trades. Actually, I don’t really have a clue on how to make money in Forex I just know that it’s sort of making money by investing your own money first. I agree with you that by copying successful FOREX traders, you could earn good money from it. I know someone who does that, although he only invests a small amount each time, just in case the one he copied from had invested in a company that didn’t work out in the end.

Felicia. Actually lot of money can me made if you trade well. Important thing is create a demo account and practice it. Thanks Nishada for posting this.

Thanks for sharing me your knowledge how the forex trading work in your business. You really done a great job.

Chatty traders face criminal probe for rigging forex market

​Britain’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is investigating the alleged use of chatrooms by forex traders in a conspiracy to rig exchange rates. An estimated $5.3 trillion in currencies changes hands daily.

The SFO, an independent government department that prosecutes fraud and corruption, announced the case on Monday.

"The Director of the Serious Fraud Office has today opened a criminal investigation into allegations of fraudulent conduct in the foreign exchange market," the regulator's statement said.

Every day at 4:00pm, the benchmark price is determined, or ‘fixed’, and is then used across businesses as the price set for foreign exchange trades, and is accepted as fair. Thus, the rate has a crucial role in the entire financial sector.

"The manipulation of the 'London 4pm Fix' doesn't just affect banks and traders, but the man in the street as well, as it is our pension and insurance funds that could be swindled out of millions of pounds by this,” Mark Taylor, the dean of Warwick Business School, told the Guardian. Taylor used to trade currencies at the Bank of England, before becoming a senior economist.

"If some of the big players in the market got together and put through some very large trades - billions of dollars each - then that could affect the market, so they can charge their clients a higher rate before covering it a few minutes later to make a healthy profit. You only have to move the market a small amount for a short period, and that could be worth millions of dollars for the banks,” Taylor said.

Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, has warned that rigging of currency trades is potentially more serious than the notorious Libor scandal. which involved bankers fixing short-term interbank interest rates. In the end, banks were given more than $6 billion in fines.

The probe is on the heels of a larger world-wide investigation into benchmark manipulation in the largely unregulated foreign exchange market. Regulators in 15 countries have opened currency market rigging cases, the Guardian reports. Already dozens of individuals have been fired for manipulating currency trades.

Germany’s biggest bank, Deutsche Bank, has already dismissed currency traders over alleged wrongdoing.

The Swiss regulator has opened an investigation against Barclays, JPMorgan, Citigroup, the Royal Bank of Scotland, as well as Swiss banks UBS, Credit Suisse, Julius Baer and Zurcher Kantonalbank over rate-manipulation. Suspicions of exchange rate manipulation first surfaced in 2011 when UK authorities started to closely monitor currency transactions after a tip off.

Who are the best FOREX Traders?

Here we will look at the FOREX markets and the traders who make prices move and see why most traders lose, only a small minority win and how you, can join the elite small percentage of successful traders who make big profits consistently from the markets. By the end of this article, you will understand how the worlds top currency traders make money and be able to join them. You will learn what it takes to become a successful FOREX trader and learn, how they trade and more importantly, get an insight into how they think and discover the right trading psychology which is the key to long term success.

Winners and Losers

If you want to learn about, how successful FX traders make money while the vast majority of traders lose all their money fast, the best place to start is by looking online for stories of true trading greats and you will find info on this site about the World's Top Traders. We have covered a diverse cross section of the worlds top traders which include many which are household names such as George Soros and Jimmy Rogers and also lesser known but no less successful traders such as Bruce Kovner, Paul Tudor Jones and Bill Lipshutz.

You can expand your knowledge of these traders by getting some Essential FOREX Books and perhaps, the best couple of books you can get are Market Wizards and the New Market Wizards, both of which are edited by Jack Schwager. The concept was simple - get the best traders in the world, interview them and get them to reveal some key points on the their trading techniques for profit and also, look into the mind of how a successful trader thinks. The books have been around for a while but remain top sellers and they really are essential reading for any FOREX trader who wants to make consistent profits any financial market.

Which is the Best Trading Method of All?

When you read about the great currency traders, you will learn that they all have very diverse ways of trading to make profits. You get traders who trade the long term fundamentals and scoff at technical analysis and others who trade technically, and don't believe in the fundamentals! You will also find, they trade in different ways - you get some who trade long term trends, some who are swing traders and others, who like to trade contrary to the trend at turning points which shows, there is no one best way to trade currencies or any financial market. The fact is there are many different trading strategies with which to make money but all the great traders, agree, that to become a profitable trader, you do need some key elements in your strategy and we have listed them below.

The Key Element for Success in ANY Trading System Must Have

Money management is a boring subject after all, how many traders like to focus on losses? Not many and traders are always looking for secrets and techniques which can make money and think money management is not as important but to win - you need to make sure that you keep your equity intact.

To make profits from the markets long term, you must have a money management system which will help you preserve equity and protect the money in your account. There are a huge variety of methods and techniques which can lead you to success an make you profits but the base of any successful trading strategy is - effective money management which has correct stop loss placement. Money management is based upon managing both trades and overall money in the account.

Why is it so Hard for Traders to Follow Trading Signals?

Discipline is the ONE word you will continually hear stressed in any interview with the most successful traders - you need to follow a trading plan with discipline - so why is this so hard to do? We have looked at the reasons in other areas of this site but the main reason is uncertainty of the outcome and also due to the fact you will probably lose more trades than you win. This surprises a lot of beginners who think, they will win the majority of their trades but if you read the stories of the real pro traders you will see they don't but they really don't care their focusing on what matters which is - size of profits v the size of losses. All they care about is a profit long term and the number of trades they lose is not important.

Many novice traders are also surprised to learn that the best traders can lose for many weeks or months on end but again, this doesn't bother real pro traders - they know trading currencies is a long term business and therefore, they focus on the long term. So you can see why many people find trading currencies so hard - they have to accept losses and lots of them and trade through periods of draw down, where they will doubt their ability and want to change or stop trading the plan they started with! Of course if they have a trading strategy which has an edge over the longer term all they have to do is follow it and can win but most trades, get frustrated or won't accept, they have to endure short term pain to make a long term gain and lose. They want to see trading foreign currency as a way to get rich quick or which is more certain in its outcome and either soon lose or give up trading.

Another Key Fact You Need to Know About the Best Traders

When you read stories of the traders who have made millions or even billions of dollars in profit, you will notice that a big percentage don't have high academic training and many only have a basic education. You can conclude from this and we have stressed it throughout the site that intelligence is no help in making you successful at trading because trading foreign exchange is very simple! Anyone can learn the FOREX basics for success but very few traders can get their minds to think like the pro traders but the good news is - you can if you want to. Choosing to see the reality of trading for what it is and changing your mindset to make you successful is easy if you want to do it.

If you study the really successful FOREX traders, you will see how they make money and will understand how you can become successful to. One of the great traders Ed Seykota believes that successful FOREX traders are chosen and rather than made so he believes nature trather than nurture is the key and to a point I think he is right. Not every trader, will make millions or billions but the fact is - anyone can learn to make money and the amount of profit you can make is high in relation to the effort you have to put into your trading strategy. Not everyone who learns to trade is going to become a super trader and make billions, life simply doesn't work that way but as you will learn at the end of this article, its been proven that people can learn to trade and be successful traders.

If you have understood all the points above, you will see how you can win ( and how anyone can) and know you can make long term profits. If you want to become a successful FOREX trader from home then, its within your ability to do so. If you want proof that trading foreign exchange markets is a learned skill, check out how, a small group of people who knew nothing about financial markets, learned to trade in just 14 days and made huge profits which totalled hundreds of millions of dollars. Its a FOREX trading lesson, that will motivate and inspire you and you can read more about it HERE.

View Historical Commitments of Traders Data - View historical data in a table format. You can browse through all of the avaialbe COT reports.

The chart above can be used to view the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) commitments of traders data (or COT in short) in an easily readable format. The data is published by the CFTC every week on Friday and contains an aggregated report of the different holdings of market participants in the US futures market (where you can trade currencies, commodities and metals such as gold and silver).

The COT report provides the data broken down to 4 different types of traders:

Dealer/Intermediary - typically "sell-side" and include large banks (both US and non US) and dealers in swaps, securities and other derivatives.

Asset Manager/Institutional - typically "buy-side" and include pension funds, insurance companies etc'.

Leveraged Funds - typically "buy-side" and include hedge funds and money managers such as CTAs (registered commodity trading advisors) and CPOs (registered commodity pool operators) or unregistered funds as identified by the CFTC.

Other Reportables - typically "buy-side" and include reportable traders that that do not fit into none of the first three categories.

Open interest is the total of all futures and/or option contracts entered into and not yet offset by a transaction. The aggregate of all long open interest is equal to the aggregate of all short open interest.

Net Commercials position = Commercial long - Commercial short

Net Large Speculator position = Non-commercial long - Non-commercial short

Net Small Speculator position = Non-reportable long - Non-reportable short

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& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Our mission at FXLR is to educate and train new and seasoned traders. Most traders start trading without knowledge, discipline, lacking patience, and predictably, end up losing. Now under new ownership, FXLR gives a unique opportunity to learn and trade with professionals, acquiring the skills and experience to become a better and more successful trader.

We show and teach trading methodologies, techniques, and strategies to identify set ups for foreign exchange (Forex) trading.

Performance Based Trader Education

Have you ever thought about becoming a forex trader, but didn’t know where to start? Perhaps you’ve already looked into foreign exchange trading, but found it confusing? Maybe the weekend or day courses were too expensive and time-consuming? Looking for an alternative way?

How about all the training you need for just £497 * including a 30 minute 1-2-1 lesson?

How about performance-based monthly fees?

Read more on our performance-related fees here

* How about an intro offer. FXLR will offer you this for just £5! Yes, just £5 .

Remember, we are Forex traders. We stand by our performance – you only pay if we perform. We know of no other company that offers this.

Perfomance related monthly fees.

Our Daily Education Trades make a minimum 121 pips or at least 2% per month (trading with 1% risk), or there’s no charge (normally £121/€154).

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